Another elected dictatorship was "voted" back into power as Bilderberger
Tony Blair began a second term as the UK's puppet Prime Minister.
It was a classic Illuminati operation. When they wanted Margaret Thatcher
in office during the Thatcherism/Reaganomics era in the 1980s, they first
organised the so- called Winter of Discontent - an explosion of strikes
and industrial unrest that ensured the then Labour government would be
soundly beaten in the 1979 election that brought Thatcher to power.
To keep her in power for the desired period, they ensured that two
unelectable Labour leaders, Michael Foot and Neil Kinnock, led the
opppsition to Thatcher in the years that followed. When she became surplus
to requirements and began to resist, at least publicly, the UK's further
absorbtion into the European superstate, she was removed by her own party
while still in office - a year after the Bilderberg Group was reported to
have made that decision..
The Thatcher regime was keenly supported by the "newspapers" of Rupert
Murdoch and most of the rest of the British press - until that is it was
time for her to go. Then the Bilderberger, Tony Blair, was elected leader
of the Labour Party after the sudden death of John Smith and Murdoch's
papers then switched their support from the Conservative Party to Labour
for the first time. This is hardly surprising, given that Blair is an
Illuminati place man put in office to serve their agenda - particularly
taking the UK into the European single currency and eliminating the pound
On Thursday morning, election day, Blair was endorsed by the Murdoch
papers and usually staunch Conservative papers like the Daily Express.
Even the Daily Mail, which claims to be opposed to the European
superstate, did not support the Conservative leader, William Hague. The
Daily Mirror, the second biggest selling paper behind Murdoch's comic, the
Sun, ran a picture of Hague on the front page with the headline X Marks
the Clot.
Hague was brought to the leadership of the Conservative Party during the
first term of the Blair Government for the same reason that Foot and
Kinnock headed the Labour Party during the Thatcher governments: it
ensured that their chosen puppets would stay in office. Today, Hague has
resigned after being ridiculed by the media dedicated to another Blair
Now watch Blair begin the propaganda to manipulate and frighten public
opinion into accepting the end of the pound and taking the European single
currency. That is what he is there for. He says he will hold a referendum
when the economic conditions are right to go into the Euro. Those
conditions could not be met while the pound was at its present value.
However, this morning as I write this, the pound's value is plummeting on
the exchange markets.
Just a co-incidence, nothing to worry about.
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