President George Bush, Are You Fit To Rule?

Horrifying prisoner abuses do nothing to enhance the already fragile US image. It doesn't matter whether you saw these pictures prior to publication or were shown alarming prison reports. Historically, the US has an appalling record of treatment of war prisoners and we wonder: what have you learned since the days of Nazi Germany?
The focus of the 911 commission has been on whether this disaster could have been prevented. It misses the real point much like slipping on banana peel and asking why you didn't see it. The real question is why did 911 happen in the first place? While you might smugly suggest envy of America, hatred is more likely the answer. It comes from a history of international meddling in places like Vietnam, Indonesia, Cuba and Central America, just to name a few. Noam Chomsky noted that the US is the only country condemned by the World Court for international terrorism for the unlawful use of force 1. While all this may not have happened during your Presidency, still it is your legacy.
Envy for the great country of America can be expected, right? But do you still believe its envy of the American dream or your style of "democracy" that sparks hatred world-wide? Do you really think that the rest of the world wants to jog along in silly Nike shorts or enjoy the luxury of dining at McDonalds? No doubt many would love a slice of the "American pie" but have you noticed what many Americans now realize:
We live in a time of towering men and depleting characters, enormous profits and meaningless relationships. We have more experts and less solution, more knowledge but we make less sense. We are faced with lies, corruption, greed and irresponsibility everyday.
How can you be at the top of the food-chain, yet manage to pick so many bad apples? You unilaterally went to war against Iraq even though Iraq did not present an immediate threat. You gave a number of reasons as to why, but heavily relied on WMD to make your point to the United Nations. Even though not everyone in the UN bought your concept you still went ahead thinking that some guys at the UN were just not "clued-in". Now that many Iraqis have been abused instead of liberated, you have to ask yourself whether this war was worth undermining the UN decision? Or are you going to pick at other countries to look for WMD or invade them to hunt down terrorists of "no fixed address". Remember, you singled out Iraq as the den of banditos. Did you really think you would find terrorists hanging-out with Saddam. Maybe if you turn your interrogation team loose on the entire Iraqi population you will find some kind of link.
You are spending mighty dollars in Iraq and war is a business, right? The real question is what is the rate of return in Iraq, Mr. President. I noticed your treasury is slipping further into deficit. But not to worry, the American taxpayers will pay, not you!
Repeatedly, you emphasize that America is a great country of freedom and democracy. You constantly remind the world of America's values. The world knows what almost all Americans stand for: freedom, democracy, world peace, morality, integrity, an unpolluted environment, responsibility and, more than anything, love for humankind. Well, even though you "run the show", you are not America and it is you we worry about. There you are at the top of food chain with nobody having to eat his words but you. You may try to pass the buck, but in the end you are accountable. In the meanwhile we are not sure if you are heading for peace or the next world war.
Terrorism worldwide has most of us on the edge of our seats. We know that no matter how many wars you start or how much you beef-up security nothing can leave us safe from terrorists. You will never be able to eradicate terrorism until you deal with the root of this problem. Martin Luther King Jr. said that love is the only force capable of transforming an enemy into a friend! Maybe his wisdom is premature in light of your insensitive let's go and fight attitude.
Mr. President here is the deeper question for you: Are You Fit To Rule? Or more to the point: Are You Fit To Love the people of the country under your administration? Whatever happened to truth, ethics, integrity and reverence for humanity? At the heart of being fit to love are three principles: mutual respect, moral responsibility and authenticity. These three universal principles apply to all relationships be they personal, national or international. You do not apply these principles! Instead your decisions and actions have spelled disaster for those at home and abroad. You said you would stay the course in Iraq. I wish you well, my friend! This war better be good for something, Mr. President! You claim to be a Christian, right? Well, are you authentic? Are you "walking the talk"? Maybe you should review the Ten Commandments, so help you God!
May 12, 2004
© Allie Ochs, Relationship Expert, Speaker and Author of:
"Are You Fit To Love?"
1. Noam Chomsky, 9 -11, p 84, Seven Stories Press, New York, 2001. (see below)
Allie is a relationship expert, coach, speaker and author of 'Are You Fit To Love?' She knows that relationships make or break us. When it comes to relationships, Allie has been through the "school of hard knocks" personally and then vicariously as a coach for the largest relationship agency in the world. This background followed by studies in psychology and sociology and 5 years of relationship research afford Allie a refreshing mix of savvy and empathy. Her vision definitely has the potential to transform every relationship.