This item in the UK satirical magazine, Private Eye, is another example of
the Illuminati agenda weaving its way through daily events. Everything
must be done to stop foot and mouth, we are told, but not when it gets in
the way of the game
Footpaths, bridleways, downland, and fells are shut off to walkers,
bikers, and riders. Archaeologists have had to down tools on excavation
sites, school field trips have been axed. Foot and mouth has placed the
countryside out of bounds to all ---er, except those involved in GM
[genetically modified] crop trials.
David Icke
Friends of the Earth have discovered that only those farms where the
disease is confirmed will be closed to GM scientists. But even in infected
areas, biotech staff, who monitor both crop and wildlife on GM sites, will
be able to travel between the ever-growing number of farms involved in the
trial - now up to 115 - springing up all over the country.
Why the government is insisting on helping the biotech industries and has
not called a halt to further trials during the current crisis remains a
mystery, given that the public has little more regard for GM food than
they do for foot and mouth.
[The answer, of course, is that it is no mystery. Genetically modified
food is part of the Illuminati agenda and so nothing gets in its way. -
David Icke.]