Legal Disclaimer and Notice by David Icke
I don’t usually react to attacks on me because there are so
many and what people think of me is none of my business!
But let us at least get the facts right. An organization, whose agent is guy I have met three
or four times in England, runs a
small magazine called "The Truth Campaign," is writing
some vicious garbage about me as a person and The Biggest
Secret. That’s OK..feel free. However, an agent of the "Truth Campaign" appears to be
indicating that this agent somehow had a significant input into the
book. That is utter nonsense. The truth is this:
When I had completed The Biggest Secret with its
astonishing information about the British Royal Family, I
obviously could not employ a professional reader I did not
know because I had no idea if the information would be
leaked ahead of publication. So I thought of the "Truth Campaign,"
who, as a publisher of a newsletter/magazine, should be able to proof-read copy and pick out spelling
errors, etc. So I paid that organizaton and/or their agent, to do that on the understanding
that total silence would be mandated and their agent would keep silent about the content until publication.
The "Truth Campaign's" agent did such an appalling job on the reading that I
employed another reader to do the job. The "Truth Campaign's agent
offered two small pieces of information..very, very
minor...which are included in the thousands and thousands
of facts in the book. That is the TOTAL extent of the "Truth Campaign's" and/or their agent's
involvement in The Biggest Secret.
Now for the "Truth Campaign" and/or it's agents to attack me and, more important, some of the
genuine sources for the book, people who have had the guts
to speak out despite enormous pressure not to do so, is
beyond belief. And for them to bring my private life into this,
as the did in an article recently, reveals the level at which he
is operating.
If that is what you call a "Truth Campaign," I would
hate to meet a group who was dealing in misinformation.
Watch this space for an article by Brian Desborough
demolishing the inaccuracies in the "Truth Campaign's" claims and
watch also for two fantastic new videos out soon which will
reveal how ludicrous it is for the "Truth Campaign" to claim that there
is no such thing as shapeshifting reptilians.
David Icke