Blair and Campbell seek to shoot the messenger
to hide the fact that the message is true

By David Icke

The BBC reporter, Andrew Gilligan, has been denounced, condemned and vilified for quoting a source as saying that the Blair 'government' (unelected dictatorship) 'sexed up' the dossier making the case for war with Iraq when what he said is quite obviously true.

The Blair-installed Hutton Inquiry, like the Blair-controlled Foreign Affairs Committee, has given Gilligan a very hard time and sought to portray him as a poor journalist who misrepresented his source, the weapons expert, Dr. David Kelly, who is later said to have committed 'suicide' amid the controversy (whipped up by the Blair 'government') that followed.

Three simple facts on the public record:

* On the say-so of Blair's unelected 'advisors', Alistair Campbell and Jonathan Powell, words were changed in the 'intelligence' dossier on Iraq and a key phrase was taken out to make it easier to 'sell' the war. The manipulation actually went much further, but if that alone is not 'sexing up' the dossier then what the hell is - putting naked people on the cover??

* Dr David Kelly told two other BBC reporters on other programmes the same basic story that he was not happy with the way the dossier was put together and that the claim that Saddam could deploy 'weapons of mass destruction' in 45 minutes against external targets was laughable. This ludicrous claim has now been accepted to be a nonsense (see under 'lie').

* The invasion of Iraq was provably planned before Bush was even not elected to power and so of course a cover story had to be concocted to 'justify' the conquest to the public. It was not a case of 'was' the dossier a catalogue of lies - it HAD to be. As former UN weapons inspector in Iraq, Scott Ritter, said before the invasion, Iraq's threat was basically 'zero'. This mean that a fake threat had to be lied into existence on both sides of the Atlantic. And it was. Asa result, no 'weapons of mass destruction' have been found after the mass murder and maiming of tens of thousands.

Thanks to Andrew Gilligan we have had all this confirmed at the Hutton inquiry - if you observe the detail and not the image of what has been said and revealed - by the very Blair/British Intelligence clique that claims they always operate at the very pinnacle of honesty. They would not know how to tell the truth if their lives depended upon it and they have told lie after lies to the inquiry. So much so that by the conclusion the lies were clearly at odds with each other (just as with 9/11). As Mark Twain said: "If you tell the truth you don't have to remember anything." The Defence Secretary, Geoff Hoon, and Alistair 'Mr. Spin' Campbell were both exposed in this regard and Hoon will no doubt be asked to fall on his sword to take the heat off Blair.

None of this would have been possible without Andrew Gilligan. The Hutton inquiry will no doubt criticise and condemn Gilligan when they should be celebrating his contribution to exposing the horrific mentality that is controlling the country. Good on you, mate, and know that there are people who appreciate your contribution to the public awareness of the manipulators who dictate their lives.


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