Autumn is coming. I can't smell it, or see it yet, but I can feel it inside. It feels familiar. I've been here before, this very spot; wearing different clothes, and views, but always here. This is the time of Making Sense. The Fruition. ![]() ![]()
For months now, stems have been stretching out from the earth, growing longer, but seemingly unchanged, so slowly that the real-time observer cannot watch it happen. What are they doing, waving in the wind? Do they wish to break free of the earth, from which they come, and fly? And if they do, won't they die? ![]() ![]()
Every autumn, I dream. These are the seeds of the following year's fruit, come forth from the fruit of the previous year's dreams. Magic is in the air. This is what I sense. This is what I feel, and it rekindles a fire in my Heart that I've let burn low. ![]() ![]()
Magic it is, miraculous that a uniform stem, stretching from the earth, could suddenly bring forth an ear of corn, or the splendour of the sunflower, each with the ability to replicate this wonder many times over. Yet, just an inch ago, there was no hint that such a momentous change was about to occur. And so it is with our dreams. ![]() ![]()
Allow yourself to think good thoughts, to hope good hopes, and to dream good dreams, because these are the seeds of your future. Let them exist and they will grow. ![]() ![]()
Jesus' parables about the sowing and growing of seeds relate to this. They tell us to nurture our dreams, for they will one day fruit. The ancient Egyptians revered the sacred lotus, a plant that grows a long, uniform, stem, topped by a magnificent flower. Out of this, another stem grows, topped again by another explosion of form, colour and form. ![]() ![]()
To use this as a metaphor for life, a thought is formed in our Heart. It then travels up through our conscious, like the stem of the lotus, before bursting forth into bloom in our mind. Once there, it becomes part of our reality. This is a natural process. It is up to us, merely, to let it grow. |