"Governments could create their own interest-free money and remove instantly the need to pay fantastic sums of interest to the private banks. Isn't that simple common sense? Then why does no government or major opposition party ever suggest it?"
David Icke --- Children of the Matrix
We are experiencing some Email difficulties during the configuration of the two servers
If at first you don't succeed, Try, Try again.
Today around 5AM CST www.davidicke.com and www.davidicke.net
were hit with 'denial of service attacks'
This disabled the sites and email operations temporarily
The April Issue of the David Icke E~Magazine will feature
the online book ~ The Last Circle by Carol Marshall
Understanding the Reptilian Mind by James Bartley
The Shape-Shifting Myth and Mystery by William Mott
Chemtrails Explained: Putting the Pieces Together by Peter Farley
30,000 Years Ago from Yesterday by Jim Bowles
The Great Mr. Lincoln's Fraud by Richard C. Green
The Hollow Earth by Priscilla
and much more! Don't Miss These! ~ Subscribe Now
DavidIcke.Net is now on server 2
Today at 12 noon CST www.davidicke.com and www.davidicke.net
on two different servers were hit with 'denial of service attacks'
along with other servers at the New York facility
As yet we don't know if these were aimed at our sites or another person
The backbone provider is furious and may be seeking FCC investigations
We are currently in the process of moving some of the sites over to the new server.
This should relieve the slow downs on the site by doubling bandwidth capability.
Note to those that have sent in symbolism pieces. All have been saved to go on the
site. We were waiting until this moving things around is complete.
The site has grown beyond the capability of one server. You may experience temporary outages or 'file not found' as
we begin to grow into our new server, making 2 online. The number of hits to this site, along with hits to Illuminati News and Mason Watch is phenominal. Number of page views at this site last week 229,000.. Many times the server is so busy we cannot even upload new files when completed.
We don't need to restore the American Dream;
we need to wake up from it.
F. Tupper Saussy - author of Miracle on Main Street - BookEnds
I started reading the Biggest Secret a couple of days ago and haven't done
a stoke of work since. Just can't put the book down. Is David part of a
behind-the-scenes Brotherhood Agenda to get me the sack? ~ D ~ The Biggest Secret
246,000 Pages viewed on David Icke Sites - Last Week!
March 11, 2001
"The structure is now in place to press the button on the next stage of the plan.
...Africa, Australia, New Zealand and, their biggest prize of all.
David Icke - The Biggest Secret
New Site in Resources - ONLY the BEST!
UFO Investigator, Researcher,Lecturer
Dennis Balthaser
Some of the Features in this Issue
Would You Mind If We Fingerprint Your Brain?
Pertaining to the Flesh of the Lizard
America Under A Bush
Orange promoting "mark of the beast"?
IT/Ginger & the Hollow Earth
Why Iraq Was Recently Bombed & A Blast from the Past
Chemtrails and the Return of Spartacus
The Curious Case of the Spooky Professor:
CIA Cover-up Meister Gets
Princeton Job
Searching for the Truth
We have temporarily closed the form mail options under the ContactUs page
Spam attacks, slam attacks, and hate mail to innocent parties
have forced us to seek other options. These were primarily attempts 'through' the server
and not directed to anyone at DavidIcke.com
"David Icke will be presenting in the Bay Area on May 26th and 27th
at the First Annual Conspiracy Con along with 7 of the most controversial
speakers in the world. For more information click this banner..."
"All truth passes
through 3 stages.
First, it is ridiculed.
Second, it is violently opposed.
Third, it is accepted as being self-evident." -- Arthur Schopenhauer