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David Icke in Stoke on Trent, England
Saturday - August 10, 2002

David Icke Talks in London, England
November 30 & December 1, 2002

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Freedom Quote

The fire of war destroys
The fire of love restores
~~ Kenneth G. Mills
Please do not expect answers to general questions at this time
We are currently receiving over 100 emails per hour
There is no way to answer questions at this time.


"Our lives begin to end,
the day we become silent,
about things that matter"
~~Martin Luther King

"The news and truth are not the same thing."
~~Walter Lippmann, American journalist, 1889-1974

June 30, 2002

June 13, 2002

NOTICE: We are presently uploading to the new servers. It will take the remainder of this week to finish uploading. Some nameservers are currently mis-directing traffic to the new servers in error. The new servers should be fully online and operating by Friday of next week.


Are YOU Legally Insane?

Bush Really is a Puppet!
Pull His Strings


Like Father, Like Son, Like Stepford wife Laura

Enron's Prize

Update on Compassionate Conservatism

How The Media Serves The Election Process

Hi David,
Included in the scipt of 'Emerdale' a popular British soap last night. It went something like this:-(youv'e been reading those books again, no such thing as new world order or lizard people.) That's what they would like us to believe, still someone's taking notice. ~~ J.

June 8, 2002

Medical Angel
Disease Deities on Capitol Hill


U.S. Senate Takes Aim At Your Free Internet Access

Conyers Criticizes President's Homeland Security Proposal

Will Bush Build an East German Stasi?
NO! He will build a Jack-Booted Thug U.S. STASI

Cabinet reordering created in secrecy
Few officials were aware of planning

The Whitewash Conspiracy

The Drums of War:

"Beware the leader who bangs the drums of war in order to whip the citizenry into a patriotic fervor, for patriotism is indeed a double-edged sword. It both emboldens the blood, just as it narrows the mind.

And when the drums of war have reached a fever pitch and the blood boils with hate and the mind has closed, the leader will have no need in seizing the rights of the citizenry. Rather, the citizenry, infused with fear and blinded by patriotism, will offer up all of their rights unto the leader and gladly so. How do I know? For this is what I have done. And I am Caesar."

-- Julius Caesar

Horror house of dark secrets

Jehovah Witness Woman on Trial for Killing Infant


He Knew 9/11 Was Coming?

"I will not wait on events, while dangers gather. I will not stand by, as peril draws closer and closer."— G. W. Bush (Source: The Whitehouse)

Bush Respects Cardinal Law "I know Cardinal Law to be a man of integrity; I respect him a lot." — G. W. Bush (Source: The White House)

War is Peace? "I do believe Ariel Sharon is a man of peace." — G. W. Bush (Source: The White House)

Investigations Into What? "There'll be plenty of investigations." — G. W. Bush (Source: The Houston Chronicle)

Ari "Goebbels" Fleischer? "...we have arrested or detained over 1,000 people here in America, to determine— to find out what they know." — G. W. Bush (Source: The White House)

Cheney Found Out? "There ought to be limits to freedom." — G. W. Bush (Source: - MP3)

Bush & Powell Leaving A Summit Meeting? "This is still a dangerous world. It's a world of madmen and uncertainty and potential mental losses." — G. W. Bush (Source: Slate)

Bush & Powell Salute Their Supporters "If this were a dictatorship, it would be a heck of a lot easier, just so long as I'm the dictator." — G. W. Bush (Source: CNN)

June 4/5/6, 2002

You have probably noticed that postings have been sporadic, and will continue to be so for the next two weeks. We are upgrading to larger and faster servers - 2000 mhz. This is taking up a lot of time but we will try to be posting during this changeover. You may experience temporary outages of some services from time to time as this upgrade continues.

Enron News

Dummy Bush's Financiers Gave MILLIONS
To Bin Laden and the Taliban
Wonder about that White House COVERUP?
Wonder about the Bush OIL pipeline?

Enron's Shadow Government

Enron's Pawns
How Public Institutions Bankrolled
Enron's Globalization Game

Blind Faith:
How Deregulation and Enron’s Influence Over Government
Looted Billions from Americans

Liquid Assets:
Enron's Dip into Water Business
Highlights Pitfalls of Privatization

Electric Utility Deregulation
and the Myths of the Energy Crisis

Got Juice?
Bush’s Refusal to End California
Electricity Price Gouging Enriches
Texas Friends and Big Contributors

The Incredible Shrinking Résumé of Thomas White

What Did Cheney Know?

How Much for That GOP in the Window?

Bush Did Try to Save Enron

Enron Used Bribes Abroad

Enron/Bush Puppet Sentaor Phil Gramm
continues to bat for Enron

Bush on Global Warming: 'Get Used to It'
GOP Bottles up Enron-Inspired Reforms

Andersen & Cheney Cooked Halliburton's Books
Merrill Lynch Too Big To Jail?

Menage a' Trois of Deceit
Global, Enron, Reliant Energy

Enron: What Did The Administration Know?
SEC Commissioner Pitt in (more) Hot Water
Enron: What Did Bush Know & When Did He Know It?

Egypt Warned U.S. of a Qaeda Plot

Bush's Selective Distaste For Dictators

The Long, Strange Trip Into Beit Jalla
A Jewish Man's Experience While Delivering
Humanitarian Aid to Palestinians

Bush's Wag-the-Dog Policy on Iraq

Top-Secret Prisoners in the USA

Border Crossings: All Jokes Will Be Taken Seriously

Homeland Security May be Coming to Your Neighborhood
A new breed of "terrorist" offenses could include
picketing and boycotting corporate interests
I Wonder about STRIKES?!

The Eternal Drug War
It is a truism in U.S. political economy that
whenever a government agency fails miserably,
Congress invariably will reward it with
more money, power, and discretion.

Bypassing a Drug-Law Boondoggle
For many US college students, a minor drug conviction
could mean an end to their educational dreams.
Unless, of course, they're enrolled at Yale.

A Prescription for Disaster
How many kids will die before drug companies
take steps to ensure their safety?

Smoke a Joint and Your Future is McDonalds

"After a teenager in Covington, Washington,
turned his father in for growing marijuana,
local TV news reporters and daily newspapers
fell all over themselves calling him a hero.
Was I the only pot-smoking parent who was horrified?"

No Reprieve:
Texas Still Executing
the Mentally Ill

Dirty or Duped?
Fake Drug Busts Rock Dallas

Out of Joint

An Air Force officer has been relieved
from duties at the Presidio of Monterey after publication
of his letter to the editor accusing
President George W. Bush of having advance knowledge
of the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks.

June 3, 2002

Notice: Effective June 3, 2002
Due to Rising Costs in Printing and Freight Prices for
The Biggest Secret, Children of the Matrix, &
I am me; I am free

have been increased due to these
circumstances beyond our control

Now Back in Print!
At least for one more time

The Squeeze On Gold - Worldwide Scandal About To Break

Catholic Child Abuser Exported from Ireland to the U.S.

Hot off the Press

click for the big picture

Secretive Bilderberg Meeting Begins Near DC

Elitist leaders plan summit for Dublin

U.S. Owes Sadam Hussein $25 million dollars
for capture of 1993 bombing supsect of NYC Trade Towers

Al-Qaeda warns of more attacks against U.S. & Jews
I Guess Bush did not scare them?

Big Tough Soldiers
Target Children

President Dummy defended his designation of
Iran, Iraq and North Korea as the "axis of evil"
While threatening to 'bomb at will'
more innocent people
Iran, Iraq and North Korea have not threatened the U.S. or its people.
So where is the REAL axis of evil?

Dear Mr Icke.
Attached is a scan of a letter from Mr David Kidney 2000, mentioning the existence of an all party parliamentary group that discusses a one world governement. ~ from P

Click Header above for full letter

MEP 'Puppets' Vote for Big Brother

As David Icke Has Pointed Out to Us Repeatedly
Over the past few years -
Mainstream Media is just now figuring it out
World leaders use terror card to watch all of us.

European Parliament poised to cave in on Internet privacy?
Sounds Like Bush Policy Drives the EU 2?

9-11 Memogate

The USA PATRIOT Act Was Planned Before 9/11

Leaked gov't report exposes Israeli spy ring

Is Dubya up to his Grandfather's Pastime?
or a
Present for the Queen on her Jubilee?

Racist and STUPID Remark by Dubya
'Do You Have Blacks, Too?'
Bush Asks Brazil President

Obviously about the Bush Clan

May 30/31, 2002

911 Top 500 Questions

If you don't understand the reasons behind 911
The War on Terrorism
and why NOT to trust the CIA, SS, NSA, FBI ---
Rent and watch the movie 'Memorial Day'

FBI gets more domestic spy power
Removing 'unnecessary bureaucratic obstacles'
The changes allow the FBI to gather information on individuals
even if they are not under criminal investigation.
The techniques would include monitoring Internet sites,
as well as libraries and religious institutions.

Go Back to Sleep America
Your Government is in CONTROL!

Danger For The Dollar.. Nothing Works Any More

State of the Union:

OK, George, make with the friendly bombs

Terrorists in Africa

Human Experimentation:
US tested nerve gas on its sailors

I wonder when Britain will come clean and publish its covert testing on our unsuspecting citizens. It is no wonder that there has been a big increase in cancers, asthma and T.B. which I think are attributable to testing. One thing I am really sure about is that it is the USA, Britain and Israel who have amassed destructive and damaging chemical, biological weapons of mass destruction and not Iraq!!


Astronomical Enigma
The Solar System is deliberately ordered.
This information is known to most of the
world's academic community, but they will not publish.
Regards Eric

Texas Executes Man Who Killed at Age 17
Victims Family Had Ties to U.S. Supreme Court Justices

Would you Vote to Remove Bush from Office??? Bush Cheated to get to the White House and 4 million people have lost their jobs in Bush's 1st year! Is it time for the Man who stole the White House to be plucked from office?????

US War God 'Dummy' Around the World

Tell us, Mr Bush

Arafat hastens reforms

US evangelical Christians to 'Stand for Israel'
and Turn their backs on Christian Palestinians

American Mainstream Media:
Institutionalized Subjectivity

Israel stages raids and pullouts as envoys seek peace

Allah Sharpens Plows for War against Shiva/Bhudda

15% VAT
This is what the EU is really all about

God save the queen she aint no human being, there is no future
in England's dreaming. Don't be told what you want, don't be
told what you need......our figurehead is not what she seems.
Really John, HM not human?

King Anarchie Rat - PBB

May 28/29, 2002

La Fraternite encouragera le crime, le stimulant

The Brotherhood will be encouraging crime, even stimulating it

The USA PATRIOT Act Was Planned Before 9/11

Why Dick Cheney's Secrecy Scheme For
Pre-9/11 Information Makes No Sense

In my opinion, there is something very foul smelling

Man Files Lawsuit Against Bush
For 9/11 Intelligence Failures


Transcript of President Bush's comments regarding the day
of the attacks on the World Trade Towers


This article from December 2001 is eye-opening!
The U.S. authorities HAD warnings from
Philippine investigators about hijacked kamikaze planes!

(Wag The Dog)

May 25/27, 2002

Website Help Takes an Extended Holiday Weekend

May 24, 2002

Denver Judge Rules Constitution Null, Void, of No Effect.

May 23, 2002

The Long Awaited Reptilian Agenda
is back in production
Should be Shipping Next Week!
New Improved THREE TAPE Set
NTSC VHS - U.S. Canada Format

May 19/20, 2002

David Icke to be a Guest on
The Power - XM 169 - Radio
with Bernie McCain ~ Washington DC area
MONDAY May 20th at 3pm EST
Station Website

12th Planet - INBOUND!
by Mark Hazelwood

Hitler: His Irish Connections

The U.S. Hit List at the United Nations

First Challenger To Arafat Steps Forward

The U.S. Role in the Breakdown of the
Israeli-Palestinian Peace Process

American Mainstream Media:
Institutionalized Subjectivity

Just about the most abhorrent thing to my mind
is a Human Chameleon

The rising tide of Israeli extremism
Ah yes, "purification"

“Terrorism”: The Word Itself Is Dangerous
The greatest threat to world peace today is clearly “terrorism”
-not the behavior to which the word is applied,
but the word itself.

US/UK Controlled Puppet Regimes are expected to sign a tripartite agreement on May 30 to construct trans-Afghanistan oil and gas pipelines.
War on Terrorism Sure Pays Off For US/UK Oil Interests
Just a Coincidence? Right?

Tragedy and terrorism

Still unprepared to meet terror
Dirty profits from the Holocaust capital
Why the US opposes the court
US rewrites rules of engagement

In the name of the mother

I just waned to express my gratitude
for allowing information from my web
site HiddenMeanings.Com to be
exhibited on your wonderful site.

I thank you very much
Bill Donahue

May 17/18, 2002

David Icke to be a Guest on
with Clyde Lewis.
SATURDAY MAY 18TH FROM 10:30pm - 1:00am PST.
Listen Live Here

Ground Zero - Clyde Lewis

MIT Can Put Words in Our Mouths

Bush Lied

May 16, 2002



The Strange $20 Dollar Bill




FBI Director to Propose 'SS' for Terror

Afghanistan plans gas pipeline - BBC
This after they claimed it was nonsense

"So the idea that oil is now driving this war is totally
unrealistic. It would be more sensible to be considering a
pipeline on the moon."

70000 euros reward for finding Phillip Cairns's body!
Update on the Phillip Cairns case

Paying by Fingerprints

An Open Letter To America

A History of Secret
Human Experimentation

Imported from Nepal!

Dear David,

There are so many of us. And our children are suffering. We are trying to bring this to the light but the press here in Vancouver refuses to publish our story. The press in South Africa published these articles with photographs to show the abuse. Then "they" sent an advocate over here to tell us to stop contacting the press in South Africa. I am a Mother trying to take care of my little girl. They are treating me like the worst terrorist. I do not have legal representation and they are going to prosecute me for abduction. I don't know who to contact in the press but we have to bring this to the public's attention. They are locking mothers up here in Vancouver because they are trying to prevent abusive ex-husbands from gaining access. I was threatened with incarceration in July 2001 and again in February 2002 when I refused to allow access because my daughter had returned from access with obvious physical and emotional signs of abuse and neglect.

Take care, Lisa

Mum faces jail in custody drama
Sonderup custody row to conclude in Canada
SA couple suffer shocking conditions in Canada
PE couple’s desperate plea to president’s office
Groundswell of support for brave PE mother


This is not Pedophilia.
This is Religious Tradition.
(updated page)

It originated in the seat of our social and religious culture,
Greece and Rome. It set the stage for the religious degrading of
women, and it endorsed fully , religious sexual activity with
children as a God given gift.


The force's commander, Lieutenant Colonel Pat Storgan, said: "Bin Laden did fight at Tora Bora and very little has been seen of him since."

Well, if he's in a grave in Tora Bora, I'm amazed that even a "very little" of him has been seen since!!


New! The Arabian Connection
A Conspiracy Against Humanity

Mike Ruppert is speaking in Canada:
Calgary - June 6
Edmonton - June 8
Vancouver - June 11

Speaking on the 911 attacks.
His website is

Info on lectures:
Calgary - Nicholas : 403-215-4410 [email protected]
Edm/Vanc - Wes : 780-930-1982 [email protected]

The Alternative Answer to Chemtrails?

Since seeing on your site the photos of Bush and others making the 'devil-horns' sign with their fingers, I have kept an eye out for it. Today watching CBC news at around 3pm I saw Yasser Arafat making a speech on reform and during it he distinctly made this sign twice !! I was surprised until later I read that he is Masonic or has such affiliations. I thought this might be interesting to you. I am sure this is no surprise to you but maybe you can put info that you know in regards to this connection on your site? Like does the sign mean that he has changed sides or was he always on the side of Bush and Sharon?


(PS -- always on the same side - same masters!)

Ipsa scientia potestas est
"knowledge itself is power" (Sir. Francis Bacon)

May 15, 2002

Tickets Now Available FOR:
David Icke in Stoke on Trent, England
Saturday - August 10, 2002

We are preparing for a change over to a faster server!

May 12, 2002

Reminder: Today is Mother's Day

May 9/10, 2002

September 11, 1990 & the Chronology of the New World Order

Dubya's Kinder, Gentler, Compassionate Conservatism

August 30-31 and September 1st 2002
Vancouver Canada becomes home to
"The Worlds First International Aboriginal, Indigenous, Tribal, Indian, Native Festival"

As plant and animal species disappear so do human societies. The loss of this cultural, variety is incalculable. At risk is a vast archive of knowledge, wisdom, and expertise, a catalogue of human imagination, oral and written literature composed of memories of countless elders, healers, warriors, farmers, fishermen, midwifes, poets, artists and saints.

In short the artistic, intellectual and spiritual expression of the full complexity and diversity of human experience.

Wade Davis: Canadian Writer, Antropologist, Ethnobotanist National Geograhic Magazine

Doctor Says He Has Cloned 3 Humans

May 6/7, 2002

Courage to be Yourself

Ancient Shamanic Brew & DMT

What the Hell am I Doing Here Anyway?
Just Released - New Book by Dr. Lanctot

Author of The Medical Mafia

Is it the end of trust in America?

Why Have 11 Experts in Bio-Warfare Died Mysteriously Since 9/11?

Was this story in any U.S. paper? Nope - it comes from Canada's "Globe and Mail" where, apparently, they still take investigative journalism seriously: "It's a tale only the best conspiracy theorist could dream up. Eleven microbiologists mysteriously dead over the span of just five months. Some of them world leaders in developing weapons-grade biological plagues. Others the best in figuring out how to stop millions from dying because of biological weapons. Still others, experts in the theory of bioterrorism." Could there possibly be any connection between the delay in revealing the anthrax terrorist - already known to the FBI - and the "elimination" of these experts/potential witnesses?"

Bush Clone Rejects

May 3, 2002

Former Afghan President Doubts Osama Behind 9-11

I See Dead People

A Message to Remember


Did the United States Lose the Cold War?

Here they come...

Federal Court Okays Forcible Administration of
Mind-Altering Drugs
Hmmm - to Guarantee a plea of GUILTY!?

Bill would push driver's license with chip
When did driving become a felony?

A pyramid now dominates the sky line of New York
It is known as 3 World Financial Center
or the American Express building

Illuminati Symbols

Enforced "AIDS" treatment so a child can be killed
to perpetuate the AIDS lie.

The "authorities" say the child is dying because she has HIV. I expect that once they give her the drugs, then she'll die and they'll charge the father with neglect!

Funny how the child has been in Australia for three years in perfect health - but now that the authorities have become aware of her - she's suddenly "dying."

The father - an alternative therapist with strong views on HIV treatments - is now defying doctors who claim the child is dying and want to start treating her with powerful antiretroviral drugs.

Girl suspended for stick-figure doodle
MOUNT LEBANON, Pennsylvania (AP) -- A Pennsylvania school suspended an 11-year-old girl for drawing two teachers with arrows through their heads, saying the stick figures were more death threat than doodle.
This is major CNN news---
while the victims of minister rape get no justice

Inhaltsverzeichnis - Prozess gegen Psychiatrie

True facts about psychiatry

Remote-control rats raise ethical issues for humans

Interesting Poll... More people believe the New World Order and even the White House had more to do with 9-11 than Osama bin Laden.....

May 2, 2002

Finally, At Last
The 30th Edition of Freedom Road
The David Icke Interactive E~Magazine


Beheaded Girl in Kansas Might Not be the
Missing Over a Year Girl (but reported this year)
in Bushland Florida
Do you smell something suspicious?

Two Little Girls Missing in the U.S.
Along with the Missing Children in Australia, Ireland, England, etc...
What's this world coming to?

A Satellite Baby-Sitting Service
Complete with Implanted Chips
For GPS Location
In record media time - 24 hours

May 1, 2002

COME and JOIN US for a UNIQUE SEMINAR featuring

David Icke
For the 1st time in France
Author of the Best-Seller
The Biggest Secret
With Guilaine Lanctot
author of The Medical Mafia
In LYON (France)
on May 4-5 2002
Contact: [email protected]

Catholic Church Under Siege

The Truth Behind the Pretzel Affair

The Next BUSH President

Bush and Casper

What Bush did to the 1st Amendment

Watchtower's Valley of the Grotesque

Robert Bryant - another JW Murderer!
Hundreds mourn a little-known family

New! - Master the Matrix

April 30, 2002

Catholic Cardinal Blames 6 year old boy
for Catholic Cardinal's Rape of 6 year old boy
In Legal Documents Filed in Court
Zeus Rapes Ganymede


Jury Rules Against MTBE and Oil Liars

Shigellosis Outbreak at North Carolina Kindercare

'Worst ever' GM Crop Invasion
The world's worst case of
pollution by genetically-engineered crops
has taken place in southern Mexico


The the top brass of the corporate class are more incestuous than you could ever believe. shows how buddy buddy these Fortune 100 companies really are.

For example, Coke and Pepsi rulers sit side-by-side at Bristol Myers Squibb meetings. Big banks govern drug and health companies with the same board members.

Monsanto Up To Its Old Dirty Tricks Again

Queen to Enter Beauty Contest?

Word Tricks And Propaganda

The 'Kosher Nostra Scam'

Texas Should be Freed!
Lincoln's Spectacular Lie

Catholic Cardinal Mahony and the archdiocese were sued for racketeering, negligence and fraud by sexually abused men who claim that the church amounted to a criminal enterprise that protected priests who preyed on young people.

Israeli troops backed by tanks and helicopter gunships rolled into Al-khalil, the West Bank's most populous city of 120,000 Palestinians, and created another tragedy, similar to the one in Jenin.

ABC Report on Skull and Bones

Bushzilla - Don't Fear the Reaper

Pretzel Boy Bush

HomeLand Security Forces

If the Prez only had a brain


While suturing a laceration on the hand of a 70-year-old Texas rancher(whose hand had caught in a gate while working cattle), a doctor and the old man were talking about George W. Bush being in the White House. The old Texan said, "Well, ya know, Bush is a 'post turtle'."

Not knowing what the old man meant, the doctor asked him what a post turtle was. The old man said, "When you're driving down a country road, and you come across a fence post with a turtle balanced on top, that's a post turtle. The old man saw a puzzled look on the doctor's face, so he continued to explain, "You know he didn't get there by himself, he doesn't belong there, he can't get anything done while he's up there, and you just want to knock the poor dumb thing down."

April 29, 2002

George W. in the Garden of Gethsemane

State of Emergency Post-911

Terrorist Attacks Israeli Defense Forces at Jenin

The Queeen's a reptile;
David Icke says so,
So maybe the Pistols got it right;
Maybe they were fighting the good fight?
~ Bard of Ely ~

Frat Boys Rule The Earth
It's an angry, violent, warmongering world out there right now.
You just live in it

What Israel Has Done

Massacro di Jenin
or What the REAL anti-Semites do

Sharon and Bush
Get Another Terrorist

BATF/Treasury Dept/Secretary of the Treasury/FBI/Janet Reno at Waco
Israeli Defense/Isreali Army/Ariel Sharon/US Foreign Policy at JENIN

It Would Seem that Israeli Jack Booted Thugs take Lessons
from the BATF/FBI Jack Booted Thugs? or vice versa?
No solution in sight for Bethlehem church siege
Israel denies food and medical supplies to Christians
The Gods at War

The Israeli army says it was responding to a series of attacks
it believed to have originated from the Hebron area
What the statement REALLY says!
The Israeli army does not KNOW that any attacks originated from Hebron
and decided to kill people anyway.

German student killer linked to Satanic groups ,latest!
Satanic murders or human sacrifice cases

In December 2000, a young girl disappeared from Milton Keynes. Her body was discovered in the grounds of Woburn Abbey, the ancestral home of The Dukes of Tavistock - MK and Tavistock, yes?. Her face was bashed in, the coroner says after she was killed. Her boyfriend and his mate have been jailed for it, even though no satisfactory evidence exists to say they did it.

At the same time an elite ceremony was going on in Dublin. An alignment exists through St Paul's Walden (birth place of the QM), through Woburn (where Rachel's body was discovered) and through to Dublin (where the foundation stone was being layed for a new university building.

According to everyone, it seems, who knew the boyfriend, this was totally out of character.

Oh, and this was over a Full Moon.


The Enron Nine

The Bush Administration and Enron

Reverse magnetic field emanating from *South Africa*

When North Goes South

A Study by Computer Simulation of the Generation
and Evolution of the Earth's Magnetic Field

177 Priests Removed In 28 States
For Molesting Children

What Makes You So Special?
or The Holocaust Reenacted - in Palestine

Cover-up of Atrocities in Progress
Israel Will NOT Allow U.N. Inspection
The U.S. Should Bomb Israel?
The U.S. did the same for less to Iraq

The Good, The Bad And The Israelis
Blatant hypocrisy of the Zionists
and their Anglo American allies

Sharon's Plan Is To Drive
All Palestinians Across The Jordan

EPA Coverup Of Ground Zero WTC Toxics Alleged
September 11th Environmental Hypocrisy

Ashcroft is Guilty of Constitutional Treason
assuming the Constitution was an operative document

The Gods at War (again)

More God Wars

Oat fiber may cut need for blood pressure medicines

Wireless Data Blaster
Radio's oldest technology is providing a new way
for portable electronics to transmit large quantities
of data rapidly without wires

April 27, 2002

al-Qaida and other Terrorist Groups
Safe Harboured in Canada!
Warning! Canadians Run for Cover
The Bush War is Coming Your Way
By the way Canada - Where's the oil?
Where there's Bush and War

Here is where the oil is in Canada.
This way Bush

There is also oil in Columbia.
This way Bush
(oh you are already there!)

The Beast from Bentonville

"Next the statesmen will invent cheap lies, putting the blame upon the nation that is attacked, and every man will be glad of those conscience-soothing falsities, and will diligently study them, and refuse to examine any refutations of them; and thus he will by and by convince himself that the war is just, and will thank God for the better sleep he enjoys after this process of grotesque self-deception."
--- Mark Twain

Irish paedophiles force children
to have sex with animals!

The Nova Scotia Government Condones Child Abuse

AOL posts biggest quarterly loss in U.S. history
They Must Have Bought!???

Cloned calves could duplicate best steaks, burgers
Why not? It worked for the US Presidency!
except for the quality part

Dozens of humans have been cloned in China!
Poppy Bush did spend a lot of time and money over there!

The Human Cloning Foundation

Strange times are these in which we live when old and young are taught in falsehoods school. And the one man that dares to tell the truth is called at once a lunatic and fool" (Plato)

"Great act buddy, everybody's buyin' it,

keep it up, the General will give the signal."
ROME CONQUERS JUDEA - Click Here for more

Pope and Churches Continue to Support
2000 Year Old Christian Practice

Have trouble with the headline above?
St. Augustine Supported it too!

Largest Supporters of George Busch
or Who put the Ding in Ding-a-Ling - Ding-Dong

50 Lawyers Arrested In Pakistan
In the US that Would Be a Blessing

Klez Email Worm
In Olde English - Wyrm is a Serpent or Dragon

The Dragon is singing,

"Fee Fi Fo Fumm...Yum, yumm!"

Dreaming of a New World Order and a Brighter Day

Repentant Swaggart Returns to the Pulpit

Greeting the Terrorists

A.M.A. Achieves Success


In the Year 2525

My Country Tis of Thee
The Crawford White House

Mainstream Media Gets Close to a Truth

A Real Blueblood

Anti-Defamation League Found Guilty Of Spying By California Court

Wal-Mart And The Red Chinese Secret Police

Solidiers with a Moral Conscience Jailed
As morally as you wage war
you cannot wage a moral war.

"What happened to the Fourth Amendment?
We're living in a police state."
Does the name Dubya ring a bell?

God-El vs. God-Al
and 9th grade boys are MURDERED

Christianity's Traditions
Perpetuation of Ganymede's Ordeals by Jove (J'ov'a)?

~ BIll Donahue ~

...the governments of the world are either in battle or preparing for battle ~ ~ the obvious alternative is to turn away from Presidents and politics, and Bibles and bullets to a voice of reason, calm, and salvation, out of the clutches of the violent systems of the world...

Headlines April 2002

Headlines March 2002

Past Headlines

Headlines Mirror & UnBlock Page

Current Running Features - Research - Study

"All truth passes through 3 stages.
First, it is ridiculed.
Second, it is violently opposed.
Third, it is accepted as being self-evident."
-- Arthur Schopenhauer

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