One of the scenes imprinted in my psyche was when the prison van
left the
court in Liverpool with the two young boys accused, and later
convicted, of
the murder of the toddler, James Bulger.
In the wake of this terrible event, those who condemned the two
boys for
their violent actions proceeded to attack the prison van and
screamed that
they wanted to kill the kids inside. The mentality that can
condemn murder
and violence while seeking retribution by the same means must
tread the very
depths of hypocrisy and self-delusion.
So it is with the oh so predictable attacks on innocent Muslims
in America
and Britain, people who are no more responsible for what
happened in New York
and Washington than those who are now seeking to cause them harm
for the
crime of being a Muslim in a country where the Illuminati
government has
launched a coldly calculated, pre-arranged, propaganda campaign
to demonise
the Arab world for its own sick and despicable ends.
The same happened after the Oklahoma bombing in 1995 when
rumours that an
Arabic group were responsible began to circulate and the
confusion is such that Arab people are now pointing out that it
was an
American, Timothy McVeigh, who turned out to be responsible for
that. So here
we have Americans believing that Arabs were behind the horrors
of this week
while Arabs are saying that people should remember that an
right-wing fanatic was behind the Oklahoma bomb. But BOTH have
manipulated to believe a falsehood. Bin Laden was not the man
behind the
events of this week and McVeigh was not the man who destroyed
the Murrah
building. The same force was behind both atrocities and bin
Laden and McVeigh
are just the fall guys to hide that fact.
The child-like mentality that is now causing suffering for
Arabic people in
the U.S. and elsewhere has clearly given up any pretence at
rational thought.
Terrible violence has been perpetrated on the occupants of the
Pentagon and
the World Trade Center (some of whom will have been Arabic
themselves no
doubt) and so these silly people believe that they must be
violent and
hostile to anyone who happens to be of the same genetic stream
as those the
government is WRONGLY accusing. Beam me up Scotty, it's mad down
This is a classic example of how the human race is divided and
ruled. The
manipulated masses of one country are played off against the
masses of another country or countries. What we all need to
understand is
that it is those who RULE the people within all countries,
races, and
religions, that we need to focus on because THESE RULERS ARE
The Arab peoples are manipulated and herded by their Illuminati
rulers just
the same as Israeli people or Americans, Australians, and
elsewhere. It is
we, the manipulated people who need to unite and recognise our
common desires
and interests.
Instead, like these ridiculous people who are attacking those of
origin, we allow ourselves to fight among each other and
therefore play the
very game the Illuminati (those REALLY responsible for the U.S.
want us to.