Love will once again

Dearest brothers and sisters in Iraq

I am writing this because I have to let you know that the world is not ignoring your plight. The people on this beautiful planet are banding together in love and compassion to stop the illegal government of the United States from going ahead with the mass murder of innocent people. Please feel the prayers that are being sent to your country. Your cries are being heard. People are waking up to the realization that the government IS NOT there for the people. The government is there for its own agenda and this is being made obvious more and more each day. People are raising their voices for peace and that will be Bush's downfall. Love will be victorious. I give this poem to you as a gift of love.

In the beginning, we remembered our magnificence. Our connection to source was pure and all encompassing. Love filled our beings, and as our hearts overflowed, we shared the ecstasy with all who crossed our paths. And, since we knew we were One, all were deserving to receive.

But at one point in our existence, we lost our connection and started to hoard that which we once gave freely. We became selective as to what or who was deserving to receive. Lifetime after lifetime, this belief of Separation was reinforced until we reached a point where our hearts became dried and withered. We had stopped the life flow which nourished our beings. Now, with parched and aching hearts, we are seeing the foolishness of this self-imposed illusion.

What began as a trickle soon became a stream. As we absorbed the life giving force, the craving for more became our focus as cracks appeared in the illusion. The stream is now becoming a rushing river with the strength to shatter further the prison we have build around ourselves. Soon, the river will become an ocean and the cleansing will be complete. Love will once again flow in unlimited abundance as we heal ourselves through forgiveness and take our rightful place with All That Is.

I love you all
Your loving sister


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