Karma for the Collective
By Jake


My name is Jake. I live in the United States. I recently discovered your site and have made seen some connections between Mr Icke and Myself. I am 22 years old. I have been seeing psychiatrists and theraprists since for 8 years now. I have been ridiculed and laughed at and talked about and trashed ad nauseum. I no longer have interest in others opinions about me. I follow my heart and my joy and most importantly, my intuition. I am excited to peruse the site and thank Mr Icke for doing what he is doing. It is very important. I am not saying I agree or disagree, but neither would take away from the inherent importance. Thanks.

Oh yeah, here's a little Dennis Miller style rant I came up with, You may get a chuckle out of it, or maybe not. How should I know. I wrote it to Mr. Bill O'Reilly, the news guy, on T.V. Lots of influence. I am a dreamer. Well, here it is.


Karma for the Collective

You�ve heard of Karma, No?

Well, What about Collective Karma?

The Karma of Humanity.

What do you mean, Karma of Humanity?

Well, Let me tell a little story.

There was this family living happily, and because they lacked foresight, they naively thought they were going to continue to live happily, you know like the 'ever after' sort of happily. They didn�t really bother others except when they were threatened or if they got hungry. You know, Survival stuff. Understandable right?

Well one day along comes an 'Advanced' Lifeform which arbitrarily decides that this nice happy family is expendable. Do these advanced lifeforms have no morals? You ask. Well, It�s tricky, and somewhat political,(wait there�s a difference?) because the so-called advanced lifeforms believe that they do have morals. Only their morals are shortsighted and unevolved. They think themselves so advanced that their morals apply only to dealings with other very advanced and superior lifeforms. So the happy family loses out. And this continues until all the relatives of the happy family are gone and forgotten. And this lineage isn�t the only one to suffer, most other families, who the advanced ones don�t find aesthetically pleasing or particularly useful are routed from their homes and either scared away or quarantined and Ultimately suffer miserably aver after.

Well, my friends, I am not talking about aliens form another planet. And the happy family is not you, or maybe it is in a way. These advanced life-forms are Western Cultures finest. Advanced civilization is just a euphemism for Very successful hedonism.

Oh yeah, That poor little family. Them. They are Native Americans. They are a myriad of species in the former Rainforests and even those in Virgin forests that once Made America so Majestic. Now her Majesty is Hollywood and Dollar signs and Her Wonderful Opportunity and The rights every one of her citizens gets. Well, It looks and sounds good on that box that sits in your living rooms, but the truth is this Commercial Driven, Consume, Consume Consume mentality is The pinnacle of hedonism and let me tell you, if you believe in Karma, You�d better hope it ain�t collective.

And if you think Jesus will bail you out, You better think again. If you�re just sitting and watching it all happen like the kid in the schoolyard who sees a bully beating the **** out of a nearly defenseless or unexpecting smaller or 'less advanced' kid and you�re not doing anything about it, You think Jesus is gonna take your side? He is forgiving, but to an extent, I think. But hey, that�s just my opinion, I could be wrong.

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