By David Icke

Of all the countries I have visited, Canada ranks as one of the most controlled I have yet experienced. I have been staggered over the years to see how far the state dictates all areas of people's lives while most Canadians go on thinking they are free.

However, there is also a rapidly emerging awakening in Canada and in many areas, particularly Vancouver, there is a strong and growing network of people exposing and challenging the fascist dictatorship of Canada masquerading as "freedom". Therefore the fascists are now seeking to discredit the people powering this network because they know that soon the situation will be beyond their control. It already is in truth.

Here are two examples, one in the national Globe and Mail and another in a publication called The People's Voice by a guy called David Lethbridge, who, ironically, only wants those he agrees with to have a "people's voice". This is an unpleasant piece of work I have come across before when he tried to stop my talks in Canada by the usual crude method of labelling me an anti-semite. Mr. Lethbridge is a man, in my experience, of very limited intelligence, but that matters not to those desperate to destroy a movement for change that threatens to expose the scam that keeps Canadians in mental and emotional servitude.

Mr. Lethbridge is another Richard Warman, the guy who tries to stop my meetings anywhere in the world. On a national television documentary on the UK's Channel Four recently, Richard Warman of the Canadian Green Party and his group of sad juveniles were made to look ridiculous, unbelevably arrogant, goons who used the methods and approach of fascists as they tried - unsuccessfully - to stop my talk in Vancouver last year. In Richard Warman's case, the general reaction I have received from viewers of the programme has been that, not only does he act like a child, there is something extremely dark about his whole personality. My only regret was that David Lethbridge did not appear on the film because the viewers would have realised that Warman and his nursery kids are no exception among those who seek to deny free speech and freedom of choice.

Mr Lethbridge is a "left winger" who clearly supports the fascism of the transnational drug corporations and is vehemently against the right of free expression, unless it is his own. His methods, like those of Richard Warman, are simply to hurl as much abuse and unsubstantiated bile as possible hoping that some of it will stick.

Here is a wonderful example in a Canadian national newspaper. But, we should not forget, articles like this are not published in national newspapers unless those behind the scenes are aware that their game and their aim is under challenge.

What these guys don't comprehend is the difference between agreeing with what someone says and supporting their right to say it.

David Icke

Here are two examples of the propaganda...first from the Globe and Mail and then the People's Voice:

The Globe and Mail, Monday, May 7, 2001

Anti-Semite to Lecture in B.C. Town

By Krista Foss

A notorious hate-monger and unapologetic anti-Semite is scheduled to appear at a New Age festival in British Columbia this summer, despite a controversy that saw him barred from a Toronto health show in the spring. Eustace Mullins, 78, a man the Canadian Jewish Congress calls "one of the most vitriolic anti-Semites in North America if not the world," will be a guest speaker at the Festival of the Ages, to be held in Salmon Arm in August. The event is billed as a "festival dedicated to solutions" and "an outstanding four-day retreat, with fabulous food and good fellowship" featuring "revolutionary new products," fun and even yoga classes. A controversy erupted in February over Mr. Mullins, who is based in Staunton, Va., when it was learned he was to speak on medical monopolies at Total Health 2001, a popular trade show aimed at the growing numbers of Canadians interested in natural products and holistic health.

The show lost sponsors, and other speakers threatened to cancel their presentations if Mr. Mullins participated. His writings have characterized Jews as parasites, baby killers and blood drinkers, and blacks as satanic. The show cancelled his engagement. Despite this, the Salmon Arm-based Preferred Network, a business which sells "alternative" books and videos and organizes the festival, is making no secret of the fact that Mr. Mullins will share the speaker lineup. Others in the lineup will be espousing views on everything from Canadians' rights to unregulated herbal remedies to international oil cartels.

"I can only imagine if these people know what happened in Toronto . . . if they have knowledge of his hate-mongering and his anti-Semitism, then these people must subscribe to his views," said Bernie Farber, executive director of the Canadian Jewish Congress, Ontario region. A woman identifying herself only as Irene answered the Preferred Network's phones last week to say that president Wes Mann is out of town. But she did confirm that Mr. Mullins is booked for a return engagement at the festival -- he also spoke there, without incident, last year -- which is dedicated to the theme of "alternative energy." When asked if she had heard about the Toronto controversy over Mr. Mullins, she replied: "Whatever he says in his books, he can prove. It's all true.

"It just gets taken out of context."

According to David Lethbridge, director of the Bethune Institute for Anti-Fascist Studies in Salmon Arm, the cross-pollination between hate-mongering and alternative health is a new and disturbing trend. "It became obvious four years ago that traditional groupings of neo-Nazis, the Ku Klux Klan and Christian Identity, while they still existed, were no longer found in their pure forms," he said recently. "We began to see crossovers with three distinct groups: those into New Age, alternative health and tax refusal."

Mr. Lethbridge said hate groups view alternative health and New Age devotees as potential recruits because they are often cynical and suspicious of the status quo and mainstream political process. "They become easy victims of any kind of conspiracy thinking." The 25-year-old Consumer Health Organization, which produces the Total Health shows, was selling the books of Mr. Mullins and other controversial conspiracy theorists from its Web site even as the trouble over their show erupted this spring.

Prescription For Fascism: Alternative Medicine and Right-Wing Politics

By David Lethbridge

Increasing numbers of Canadians have begun to embrace a variety of alternative medicines, and are spending more and more of their dollars in health food stores.

Often enough, these medicines and health food supplements have little actual medicinal or nutritional value, but the vendors of these products appear to have tapped into a widespread and dangerous anti-science tendency. Propaganda advising parents to refuse vaccinations for their children appear in many health food stores, along with pamphlets advising that the fluoridation of water causes insanity, or that the pharmaceutical industry is deliberately producing drugs that kill patients in significant numbers.

The irrationality of much of this propaganda appears to be leading some health food enthusiasts into the embrace of organizations which, on the one hand, are large-scale purveyors of alternative medicine products while, on the other hand, are simultaneously promoting extreme-right, even fascist politics.

A case in point is the Consumer Health Organization of Canada's (CHOC) Total Health Convention, held in Toronto, on 17-18 March 2001. Scheduled speakers, alongside the usual alternative medicine hucksters, were Eustace Mullins and Bob Baker. Mullins has a fifty year history of advocating the most vicious neo-Nazi, antisemitic, and white racist ideology. Baker is associated with Lyndon LaRouche's extreme right organizations.

Is CHOC's combination of alternative medicine and right wing politics at the Total Health Convention simply a mistake, or some sort of anomaly, or are there deeper and more pervasive connections between the two movements?

Consider the remarks of Libby Gardon, the president of CHOC, when confronted with the nature of Mullins' work. Gardon said she "was unaware of Mr. Mullins' early writings in which he challenged the authenticity of Holocaust reports and made several unfounded anti-Semitic slurs."

Now this is a very interesting and half-hearted disavowal, to say the least. Gardon has reportedly known Mullins for fifteen years. Her organization openly sold Mullins' hate propaganda, along with material by New Age conspiracy peddler David Icke, and tax-refusal advocate David Butterfield, until this was exposed last month. But in using the term "early writings" she seems to suggest that Mullins' viciously anti-Jewish writing is a work of the long ago past, and something that Mullins himself has transcended. Nothing is further from the truth. "The Curse of Canaan," and "The World Order," to name but two of his books which are condemned as prohibited hate propaganda by Customs and Excise, are of quite recent vintage, and Mullins continues to actively sell them. Also, to say that Mullins writing "challenged" the Holocaust is hardly accurate; in fact, he openly denies the Holocaust and claims it is a deliberate fiction of "Satanic Jews." Furthermore, what Mullins has said and has written goes well beyond anti-Semitic "slurs." He has written that Jewish priests drink the blood of little white boys, that Jews are "furry scavengers who have found their way through the sewers into ever civilized place," and that "the Christian peoples totter on the verge of worldwide annihilation by the Jewish master scheme."

Nor is CHOC alone in promoting extreme-right and fascist conspiracies. Citizens' Voice for Health Rights (CVHR), run by Debbie Anderson, actively distributes tapes by Edward Griffin of the "Reality Zone." One such tape outlines an alleged conspiracy behind the US Federal Reserve System. There is nothing on the tape having anything to do with "health rights." But the tape advises listeners to join Griffin's group and announces his Internet site. True enough, the Griffin site sells a variety of alternative health books. But side-by-side with this material are other books claiming that contemporary immigration policies are a product of a socialist conspiracy to destroy the nation by deliberately pitting one ethnic group against the other; that the Civil Rights struggle of the 1960s was a Communist plot; and that the Soviet Union never really collapsed a decade ago, but only pretended to do so in order to lull the West in preparation for an invasion!

Furthermore, CVHR's own website, in a section called "Our Alliances," links directly to Wes Mann's Preferred Network, in central BC. PN itself carries numerous alternative medicine books, as well as a full list of Eustace Mullins material and other extreme-right propaganda. Indeed, Ms. Anderson spoke at a PN conference in August 2000, on the same platform with Mullins.

Anderson's connections to the far right are anything but accidental or transitory. In late March, Anderson was scheduled to speak at the so-called "Freedom Fest 2001," in Port Coquitlam, BC, along with hate-propagandist Wes Mann, and Eldon Warman and Fred Kyburz, proponents of the right-wing Sovereign Citizen movement. Warman has had overtly antisemitic material on his website, as well as links to racist Christian Identity sites, and to the extremist Lyndon LaRouche network. Kyburz has posted numerous antisemitic rants as well as a text by Nazi propagandist William Pierce on his website. Anti-racist pressure forced conference organizers to change venue at the last moment, and to drop Warman and Kyburz from the speaker's list.

Further investigation reveals that Anderson is also a member of the National Executive, as well as BC Chair, of the Progressive Group for Independent Business (PGIB), whose motto is "Unite the Right to Unite the Country."

PGIB has, since the mid-1990s, held three "Roots of Change" conferences. At the third conference, held in December 1999, Anderson spoke in her capacity as head of CVHR. Speaking with her were Mark Mix of the union-busting National Right to Work Committee, based in Springfield, Virginia, and Mark Montini of the ultra-conservative Leadership Institute, of Arlington, Virginia.

Speakers at the 1998 conference included Ron Leitch, of the right-wing Association for the Preservation of English in Canada (APEC), and long time associate of Ron Gostick, leader of the antisemitic Canadian League of Rights; Jocelyn Dumais, of the Quebec-based ADAT, an anti-union "right to work" group; Robert Metz, of the extreme reactionary Freedom Party of Ontario; John Thompson, executive director of the MacKenzie Institute, a right-wing think tank based in Ottawa; Progressive Conservative MP Scott Brison; Michael Coren of the Financial Post; and Steve Jalsevic of the anti-choice, anti-abortion, Campaign Life Coalition.

Speakers at the 1997 conference included Link Byfield, editor of the "Alberta Report," which frequently carries advertisements for Paul Fromm's and Doug Christie's fascist organizations; and Stockwell Day, leader of the ultra-right Alliance Party.

Nor are CHOC, CVHR, and PN alone in this strange and dangerous coalition of right-wing politics and alternative medicine. Repeatedly, the connections emerge and criss-cross. For yet another example, among many, Canadian Wholesale Direct, a relatively well respected health-food distributor, lists Anderson's CVHR first under its heading "Health Freedom."

Wherever we find tendencies to irrationalism and conspiracy-mongering, there we find fertile ground in which fascism can grow, or a movement which fascism can exploit. These tendencies are rife within the ever-expanding and overlapping alternative medicine, New Age, and tax refusal circles. While the class basis for these tendencies is essentially petit-bourgeois, it is by no means restricted to this class; certainly, sectors of the working class are being strongly influenced by these same forces. It would be foolish to dismiss fascism's entry into these areas which are often considered purely marginal or simply bizarre. On the contrary, much political and agitational work needs to be done on this front, as on so many others, where fascism has found a new foothold.

[The real facism has found a new foothold
in Mr. Lethbridge's mind, it seems to me].
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