Mother Earth
By Christine

Dear David,

I am sending you something I wrote a few months ago which I feel reflects the awakening that we are seeing on our planet. The most powerful spiritual awakening for me came about when I was exposed to your writings. It took a week for me to recover mentally from reading "The Biggest Secret" as my sense of reality was totally shattered. The gift that resulted from this was the sense of freedom that I than experienced. Now I view the world through different eyes.

I am no longer living in fear which made me a puppet for manipulation. My freedom has enabled me to view the world with love, thus I am no longer playing the games of the illuminati.

Though it seems like the world has gone totally insane, I feel that what we are witnessing is the collapse of structures (governments, present form of medicine, education just to name a few) that can not survive the increased energies entering this wonderful planet. We must make way for a new way of being - one that is based on love. As you express so beautifully in the "The Biggest Secret", this is truly a most amazing time to be alive.


Mother Earth

I hesitate as I put pen to paper for how can I, locked in the belief of my inability to be creative, hope to even begin to express what you mean to me. Tears fill my eyes and my heart aches at the thought of you. How many life times have I been lost to your gentleness, to your indescribable beauty?

You are the Mother, giver of life. Our temples, through which our souls are able to express, are made from your precious body. Yet, we shun your unconditional love. We rape your body with hatred in our hearts. Greed is our motivator, anger our fuel. But now, the time has come to lovingly show us that we can no longer continue to abuse you. You are now gasping for breath.

We are killing you because we have turned our backs to you. But consciousness is changing. We are now looking over our shoulders, acknowledging your presence. Many have stopped their insane journey away from you and are now facing you once again. One hesitant step after another we are reawakening to the love we see in your eyes. Your smile ignites memories of long ago. We see the forgiveness in your heart and once acknowledged, we run back towards you, our feet cannot carry us to you fast enough. Our bodies lighten as love now fills our heart.

Selflessness is our motivator,

Truth is our fuel.

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