By Anji

In our world of duality stories of the battle between good and evil have inspired many.

A recent version is the movie Lord of the Rings. Its enormous success is a combination of a good script, fantastic visual effects, and the fact that the story resonates with what in reality is taking place.

Many people feel that the earth is brought in an upward energetical spiral.

They pay more attention to a spiritual life, eat lighter, clutter out emotional garbage, develop inner senses, acknowledge subtle realities, experience time moving faster, and put more interest in the environment and relationships with fellowmen. They try to get out of their box and claim control over their lives.

At the same time there is a heavy force, dominating others, fighting wars and committing numerous crimes against humanity, fueled by an endless desire for power. Of course this force opposes any attempt for self-mastery since that weakens their dominion, and they try to get the others back in their box.

We are about to move from the Age of Pisces with its divide-and-rule mentality between the haves and the have-nots onto the Age of Aquarius of inspiration, fast communication, brotherhood and equality. We can make an significant jump in consciousness, but we will certainly not smoothly glide into the New Age, as many hope.

Aquarius symbolizes self-expression and living out one�s uniqueness, meanwhile joining other like-minded souls based on equality.

While Pisces was about sacrificing the individuality for the sake of the group, and turning outwards for guidance in a hierarchical society.

Aquarius insists on letting the own personality blossom, regards every human being of equal importance, and turns inwards for teachings through intuitive insights and soul communication.

This is an enormous change in energies. In the Age of Pisces common man was expected to be a spiritual child, listening to a parent or guru, but the Age of Aquarius requires spiritual adults!

Moving through the fear onto love is what brings us in the higher frequencies and connect us with other realities. There are no space-ships or Ascended Masters waiting to lift you up; you will have to do this yourself.

I think it is an (understandable) pitfall to approach the New spiritual Age with the mentality of the old Pisces Age. An outer teacher can no longer supply you with the answers.

The big challenge is to find your own powers inside; in your own mind, your will, and in the peace and loving openness of your own heart. In communication with and love for the Self emerges a balance between ratio and emotio through the heart. This brings about the New Man in attunement with Divinity. This New Man lifts himself up to the Ascended Masters.

In The Lord of the Rings a small group of children represents the light, and enormous armies of monstrous and powerful beings depict the darkness. But the purity and innocence of the children finally wins.

It is interesting that in real life many psychic children are now being born, whom will act as mirrors for our inner teacher. They show us that we must learn to believe in possibilities again instead of declaring things impossible; as one small child said: �There are only Yesses, yes, yes and yes!�

We should become like the children and pretend or strongly imagine another world, filled with love, color and compassion. They are all telepathically connected and we can tune into their energetic network if we choose to abide in the energy of love.

The powers that be do not agree with such spiritual evolution. If you can rule and educate yourself, they don�t have power over you. And so these forces have come up with a different interpretation of the energies of equality and information that Aquarius brings: they have an interest in eradicating the individuality part of it. In their world view the New Man has One Mind.

I do admit that these powers have developed a very clever idea.

How do you keep persons from spiritual development? By making sure that they do not find the inner stillness in which insights and new energy arise, so you keep them busy with work, shows, worries, fear, terror and insecurities.

By suppressing nature-based therapies and drugging them with chemical medicines, by putting poisons in the air and water, by suppressing the spiritual qualities of sex, and by imprinting them that they are no good if they behave outside of the norm. And when they are sufficiently stressed and ill and thrown off balance to think for themselves, you offer them a solution to �help them�.

The ultimate solution is the micro-chip they soon wish to implant in the world�s population. It is not intented for your freedom, security, convenience, or for finding back your lost child as is pathetically claimed.

It is designed to keep you in the box forever.

There is a lot of technology that is not commonly known, and that�s why this writing may sound outlandish or paranoid. The sad truth is that it�s at your frontdoor.

So what�s the big deal once you have an identifying chip in your body? The chip will through satellites be connected with super computers. Every thought, emotion or disease has its own frequency, which will be read by the computer, altered by the computer, or added by the computer.

Thoughts and hallucinations can be induced, your dreams and sleeping patterns influenced, you could hear voices in your head, be stimulated to behaviour that is not yours, your sexuality may artificially be aroused or suppressed, and if you rebel a disease or severe cramps could be the answer through the computer.

And of course they always know where you are.

Welcome to the machine!

No more babies born out of love and spontaneity, but population growth controlled by the computer through modification of your sexuality.

Partner choice through the machine instead of finding your own mate.

No more inner peace through meditation or yoga; as soon as your brains switch to theta the machine will interfere.

No more genius, no more originality, no more dedication, passion, choice�

No more individuality � One Mind.

Perfectly mindcontrolled zombies that cannot escape the ones in power and will form a nice working force of average beings.

It really is with deep grief that I write this piece, but I feel you should know certain ones intend ultimate slavery for humanity instead of wholeness and divinity.

The children in The Lord of the Rings succeeded because they never gave up their dream despite adversity. We all have such a child inside, and then there are the psychic children that are born as promise for the future, lightbearers to remember us being lightbearers ourselves. Our individuality will be put to the test.

The ones in control in essence are propelled by fear, and the only way we can give them energy is by allowing ourselves to be fear too.

This slows down our frequency to a level with which they can resonate and on which they can operate.

When we move back onto our own essence, we are expressing the strong force of celebrating life, honoring our own existence and joyfully paying services to others, what we call love.

Then we no longer feed the fear.

In the truth of love we can refuse what the controllers present as being their Faust-like truth. We are no empty vessels that should be filled with a reality forced upon us. We are perfectly capable of taking our own fill of love.


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