Letter to the Norwich Evening News letters section:

Dear Sirs,

What we fight we inevitably become and so it is with the "Anti-Nazi" League and their blatantly Nazi behaviour.

I remember talking to a police officer who used to police the marches in London of the pathetic National Front and the, equally pathetic, "Anti-Nazi" League. He said he was stunned to see that, in terms of behaviour and attitude, he could not tell the difference between the two. I know exactly what he means.

Now we have the latest example of this in the "campaign" of outright lies and innuendo that led to my talk at a Norwich bookshop being cancelled. The reason for the cancellation was not because I am "anti-Semitic", but simply because the staff at the store made the decision that they could not cope with the threat of an ongoing protest by these anti-nazi Nazis and continue to do their daily work efficiently.

I wonder if anyone in Norwich has considered the simple implications of all this? That their city, which most would consider to be free, can so easily be controlled by the mindless mob. They only have to threaten, let alone act. It is the fascist mentality that seeks to impose its will on everyone else and that is what the "Anti Nazi" League has done to the people of Norwich.

It has dictated to the entire population what it will and will not be allowed to hear in this case and yet there has been not a squeak of protest from this newspaper or anyone else, aside from those who have read my books and know that what is being claimed about me is staggering nonsense.

When that deeply evil Nazi regime was coming to power in Germany (supported by Wall Street and the City of London) they broke up and prevented public meetings of those who were warning the German people of the real agenda of Hitler and his fascists. The very same mentality is displayed today by the "Anti-Nazi" League.

Ironically, I am warning in my books and talks that after the war the fascists simply swapped their swastikas and jackboots for business suits and briefcases and that this same force controls the world today at the top of politics, banking, and transnational business.

But what do I get for such a detailed and sourced expose in three substantial books, one of which was funded by a Jewish friend? I am prevented from speaking because of threatened protests from the "Anti-Nazi" League for being "anti-Semitic". If it were not so tragic for our basic freedoms it would be hilarious.

When such protests have been mounted at some of my events around the world, friends, some of them Jewish or married into Jewish families, have asked the protestors why they were there. The conversation always takes the same course:

"Why are you protesting against David Icke?"

"Because he's an anti-Semitic fascist".

"Have you ever read his books?"


"Have you ever heard him speak?"


"Are you going to come in and listen now then?"



"Because he's a fascist."

Such a mentality is so devoid of logic and reason that any sensible dialog is impossible. Yet this same concrete mindset is capable, with the minimum of effort, of stopping me speaking in public. Can there be a more profound confirmation that our freedoms are an illusion? And, people of Norwich, when my freedom of speech is denied by such fascism, so, by implication, is yours.

At the same time, the Norwich Evening News felt it was fair and reasonable to report the comments of the "Anti Nazi" League while making no effort worth the name to contact me for a reply. And, more than that, the reporter quoted me as calling for the teaching of the holocaust to be given less prominence in schools.

Oh really? When I asked this newspaper when or where I ever made that statement I was informed that the reporter had made a "mistake" and was, in fact, quoting someone else and not me. How comforting to know that the people of Norwich are being so well informed every evening.

When similar protests were mounted in Brighton I appeared on a radio station with a member of the "Anti-Nazi" League. He said that the protests would only stop when I condemned the Nazi regime and their treatment of Jews. As I have done so many times in my books, and believe that passionately, I had no problem saying what he asked for. What happened? The protests continued and the event was cancelled. Never let the facts spoil a good protest.

So let me make it clear yet again. The global conspiracy I am exposing is NOT, repeat NOT, a Jewish plot. The treatment of Jews, gypsies, and communists, etc, in the Nazi concentration camps was a scar on the face of humanity, as was the genocide in Rwanda, Cambodia, and so many other mass atrocities.

Could I possibly be clearer where I stand? But will it make any difference to the clones at rent-a-mob, sorry the "Anti-Nazi" League? No. Not a jot.

Yours faithfully,
David Icke

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