By David Icke

Here are some links to "articles" about me from Will Offley, apparently a college lecturer in Canada, that were sent to me off the Net. I offer them here as a wonderful example of how blatant disinformation is used to discredit those that such writers and others wish people to hate, castigate or ignore.

In Mr. Offley's case he also uses this astonishing manipulation and selectivity to justify his efforts to prevent me from having a public platform to present information and thus deny the right of people to hear it. Mr. Offley believes in freedom, you see. I know that for a fact because that's what he tells everyone, so it must be true.

As you read the following articles, please keep in mind that:

* I am trying to defend what is left of human freedom from the very fascist dictatorship that Mr.Offley denies exists.

* That I am the one saying this is NOT a Jewish plot and that Jewish people as a whole have been victims, not perpetrators of it. see:Selected Quotes

* That I believe a woman's right to choose what happens to her own body is the most fundamental of human rights. All I am challenging are the abortions imposed upon "Third World" women by the very fascist dictatorship which, I repeat, Mr. Offley claims is merely the imagination of anti-semities. see:Anti-Choice Conspiracism

* That I have never met nor even spoken to Texe Marrs in my life, let alone become his "friend" and, contrary to the black and white world that Mr. Offley and his crowd live within, I do not believe that just because I have fundamental differences of belief with people like Mr. Marrs, that therfore nothing they say ever has merit. see: Mind Control?

* That much of what Mr.Offley quotes me as writing was actually written by someone else in the e-magazine!! see: Mind Control?

* Oh yes, and I think the "New Age" is part of the problem, not the solution, and that people need to think for themselves and not look to gurus of any kind to tell them what they should think and believe. Therefore, the last thing I can be (to anyone with significant brain cell activity) is a New Age guru. But don't let that stop you, Mr.Offley, because it never has before. see:The Politics Of Madness

Mind Control?

Anti-Choice Conspiracism

Selected Quotes

The Politics Of Madness

Mr. Offley can be contacted by e-mail via [email protected], which is the website on which these articles appear.

When you are finished above: You can find the whole story -- the rest of the story in these books below:

Children of the Matrix

The Biggest Secret

I am me; I am free

...and the truth shall set you free

Robots' Rebellion

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