My experience as a being
on this planet:


Learned how fun it was to kill animals.
Learned that my self worth was based on physical appearance.
Learned that I was born as a sinner.
Learned to get lost in the world of T.V.


Suffered a broken mind - manic depression and severe neurosis.
Suffered diseases such as chronic constipation, candida, hay fever.
Suffered at the hands of bullies.
Suffered from suicidal thoughts.


Discovered that we were all molested by our daddy.
Discovered that I am an addict.
Discovered Marilyn Manson and anger.
Discovered drinking and driving is fun.
Discovered my mother suffers from multiple personality disorder.
Discovered drinking and driving is not fun.


Realized that killing animals for fun is murder.
Realized that there is no such thing as self worth, only love.
Realized that there is no such thing as a sin.
Realized that a broken mind happens when there is no grounding with one's roots of one's humanity.
Realized disease is cured or caused by what we eat, state of mind, and environment.
Realized that it is a choice to continue to suffer because of others actions or attitudes.
Realized that feeling sorry for one's self is the ultimate defeat of self.
Realized that doing something creative is finding joy.
Realized that I can choose to live not as a victim of child abuse, but as a person of love.
Realized that I can't be labeled as anything - I can be everything or nothing at all.
Realized that love is the only truth, everything else is illusion.
Realized that people can't live as a label around me because I don't acknowledge their self inflicted false identity.
Realized that I am an eternal being and that there are experiences beyond the physical.
Realized that I was a squaty little green skinned (no cliche intended) featherless owl looking creature with eyes that moved like a gecko and waddled like a penguin with a sentient consciousness that really jived to its planet and lived life as a party.

Damn it, why did I come to Earth?

Hold up! I'm not there yet!

Conclusion as a being on this planet: anything but dull.

Aeryn Phoenix Iund

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