all traveling in the Space Ship Earth
Dear David Icke and Webmaster Savage:
I thank you again for your great effort and courage in bringing us the alternate news and viewpoints. I don't always agree with you and do question, but, please do continue, for you are very much appreciated.
I've been observing the goings on from afar for a little while now, and it seems to me that because of your messages and persistence, a lot of people are waking up, looking around and seeing something wrong with the American, English and French paradigm, not to mention the Israelis. I have been feeling badly, having doubts about my own stance, that is, to paraphrase David Icke, "You do not war for peace, you peace for peace." SO I've been wondering whether I'm out of step, because I've heard a different drummer, and the people around me have refused to hear dissenting voices, that are against the American/British Government policy. When 9/11 happened, how bitterly disappointed and disillusioned I was when J.Z. Knight, of the Ramtha School, in her website - and thus all the students - made her mission statement on the side of the War. Her's is supposed to be a spiritual- independent, sovereign ideal. I've since learned that everybody has free will, my path need not be theirs.
This last weekend, I was listening to a special MLK tribute from a church in New York- brought by CNN, of all places. The majority of speakers were Black Americans (so they called themselves, not Afro-Americans, any longer) - it was beautiful so see such courage in presenting their voices of dissent against the war, and the continuation of it, and insisted that the U.S. stop underwriting the Israeli war against Palestinians. Speakers of all ages, including young people. THe program was stupendous and beautiful.
One of the points they brought out was that Martin Luther King was campaigning for Civil Rights, and he was allowed to go on. But he got to the point where he began to castigate the American Government, the Powers That Be, for interfering in foreign governments, saying the U.S. was the largest exporter of Terrorism above all others. THe point was made that when MLK began to campaign for not only Civil RIghts, but economic equality here, and worldwide, THAT was when he was taken out! In this weeks, presentation, Speaker after Speaker, asserted, with conviction that the CIA/FBI was responsible for MLK's assassination. And so their courage has renewed my conviction against the "America Strikes Back" policy.
I will continue to speak out, for the people here, and Technological countries, forget that they're all traveling in the Space Ship Earth, and what is done to the soil - i.e. cluster bombs, low-level radioactive bombs ( yes, that's the little mushroom clouds we were shown over and over- an insult to our intelligence- did they think we didn't know what we were seeing?)- what is done to one part, effects another part. As an aside, and coming from a Latin Country, I say that the people in so called "developed countries" really insult us, when they call us "third World" countries- it is another way of saying, "them" and "us," and this is a thing whose time has passed. You know why, because all the wealth here in the U.S. - all the abundance, the luxuries are the very same things that are brought here from other countries. I am of the grassroots, my granddad was a poor country farmer, self-educated, and from my origins, I will say in a simple way, that all the "goodies" here and the top of the cream that has been taken away from those there. To have these, somebody has got to be left without, our natural resources taken to keep up American economy. This you know as a fact, and I mention it not with any sort of emotion.
Also, it's funny, how we in "third world" - countries, don't think of ourselves as such, just simply as ourselves, just being us- living life as best as we can. And how arrogant for Americans to keep saying "Third World."
But forgive me, I got side tracked. I really meant to bring an observation forward. I wonder whether it was that Dubya really fell off the sofa. It seems to be that his injuries point to the fact that somebody decked him. There's the split lip, the badly grazed cheekbone and bridge of the nose- to the raw. Is is possible to have these from just falling off a sofa?
And the questions is, who would dare to fisticuff DA PREZ? But suppose the creature is under a handler, and controlled? Suppose it is really a clone, that did something, or said something that is a no no? Evidence points to this being a clone when D.Icke reminds us that there is something lacking in the behavior and speech of Dubya, rather clownish at moments, not in keeping with what one imagines a leader of the "greatest" country of the world- AT THE MOMENT.
I say it's not so much Peace on Earth that we need- for this may be repressive Peace under the NWO- but Love and Compassion on Earth. And would not this cover all?
Allat - feminine energy returning to balance the male energy
