"I hear some people say that the global conspiracy is simply a
Jewish plot against the world. I say those people are profoundly
wrong in this view. The mass of the Jewish people are pawns in
the global game, just like the mass of the Islamic people,
those of Asia and China, the so-called "West", and every other
region of this planet.
What we need to understand - and urgently - is that the
Illuminati place their operatives in positions of power over all
countries, cultures, and faiths and these heirachies manipulate
them to a common end. It is on the leadership of these peoples
that we need to focus and not condemn an entire population for
the actions and attitudes of the few at the top, who are placed
there to work to a common end.
It's not "the Jews" anymore than it's "the Americans" or "the
British" or "the Muslims". It's the network that manipulates and
divides and rules all peoples and just as Jewish people were
grotesquely exploited by the Illuminati in Nazi Germany, so they
will be again in the current stage of the global agenda.
We need to seek common cause between all exploited and
manipulated peoples, of whatever faith or genetic origin. All
shall be free or none shall be free. It is time to wake up and
grow up - fast.
- David Icke
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