Our Power Was Almost Taken Away
I first found out about David about a year ago, however, I have
not researched the articles provided on his site until now. I had to
replace my printer cartridge.
I'm glad I am finding out about our existence and it all makes sense. I
was not ready to find out a year ago, since then I went through a lot of
As a First Nation (Native) individual, I can see now why the Canadian
Natives went through so much trauma and abuse (Residential Schools by the
Catholic, Anglican and Protestant churches). In these churches, they
abused us, Spiritually, Physically, Emotionally, Mentally and Sexually.
They done this to children, innocent children. They targeted our Nations
and crippled us through our children. The children are at the center
circle which comprise of four circles within our Nations. This happened
because it is our belief that we are caretakers of this land and it is our
responsibility to protect Mother Earth. Once they disempowered us, they
have the land and could treat it like an object and do with it what they
They led us to believe that we were worthless, our Native Spirituality was
devil worship, we were pagans and they taught us to be ashamed of who we
are, who our parents are and who our ancestors are.
Our power was almost totally taken away from us however, there is a
resurgence of many Native Peoples (Spiritual) and we believe in the
Creator of all things, the only Creator, the most powerful. I believe
that He will save us and will not allow the Earth to be totally destroyed,
He will intervene by Divine Intervention.
That's why I agree that all humans must wake up and develop our selves
Spiritually from within (Passion).
Thank you for being here David, you're an inspiration to me and I want to
share this information with others.
May the Creator bless you, watch over you and take care of you and all
that you Love!