by Carol Adler

      There are no weekends or
      weekdays anymore;
      only rubble - office drawers coffee
      cups adding machines without
      keys or function to count anything
      except death.

      Was it only yesterday that stocks
      went up - and down - like the broken
      elevator in the Millennium

      Only yesterday that you or I
      may have checked in at the desk
      where the monitor is frozen
      with the word FIRE and nobody is left
      to re-boot the computer?

      Renoir has painted the deserted coffee shoppe
      in colors of plaster and dust: even
      croissants bagels pancakes and eggs are as white
      as the gowns of priests rabbis mullahs.

      As emails pour through the Internet; as
      our Citizens wave flags and buy Bonds; as
      state persons wipe their eyes at countless press
      conferences and the religious weep for the
      chaos their God may or may not have wrought.

      As husbands wives fathers cousins aunts the neighbor
      who lived across the street are
      declared lost;

      As the hotel guests still seated in the empty
      lobby read screaming headlines and wait for their
      taxis, lovers, meetings --

      As the Mid-Westerner pauses in the plaster-filled
      gift shop to buy tee shirts and souvenirs of the
      Twin Towers

      the black-screened television blares
      out a deeper truth that we dare not believe.

      "This is Information Extra," repeats the
      elevator stopping at Floor Zero with a loud


      Did we really think we could win out against
      such obvious redundancies?

Carol Adler, MFA
President, Dandelion Books

Our sincere condolences and sympathies to all those suffering personal losses and tragedies at the hands of this anti-human evil.

David Icke, Royal Adams, &

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