Special Thoughts
Freedom in Crisis Times

Before that explosive revelation of “Your husband has leukemia” I knew nothing of worth, nothing of value in these incredible friends I have, in this remarkable community I live in. I invested in my plans and wasted the reality of friends, family and community. Before leukemia I expected and rarely received. After [leukemia], I didn’t even know the questions to ask or the expectations to have, yet we received and continue to receive an endless flow of the very best humans are capable of expressing, of doing, of being.

Before leukemia I did not know the miracles, the updates, the St.Patrick's Day prayer and all of the healing it has brought. Before leukemia I did not know the capacity of divinity to move within humans.

Before leukemia I had not experienced the the very center of the flow myself, much less with so many other people.

Before leukemia was some hazy dream reflecting moments of gold, seconds of clarity, almost nothing of the sacredness of life. After leukemia there is a brilliant reflection of one perfect moment after another. . .

Leukemia brought the keys to freedom. Freedom to live. Freedom to express love. Freedom to fail. Freedom to change your mind. Freedom to embrace, to fully experience the good and the bad because you can. ~~~ Just because you can.

So is utopia then or now? The funny part is, I think it’s both. Now could never be without then, and then without now. Both are required elements in the formula. And if I close my eyes in this perspective and send my thoughts toward what the future might be? Oh well, that is too precious for words. That is a reality that I suspect, given the past and the present will be too deep for words. And somehow, in this new life, the prospect of the future enhances, enlightens every nanosecond of today - all that is.

~ ~ Cindy Cason ~ ~

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