I have been forwarded the following e-mail which appears to be circulating to supporters of the British National Party, a political grouping of the "Far Right" which I personally find appalling and a pawn in a game these guys simply do not understand. They are being played like a violin while believing they are involved in some kind of British nationalistic revolution and the anger and fury which drives them continues to blind them to this fact.
Final Proof that John Bull is now bound and gagged...
Attached to the email:
However, I found it so typical that while those claiming to be of the "Left" try to brand me "Far Right", here are the "Far Right" claiming I am a "New Age Lefty" and a "liberal maniac". You've got to laugh really. These are the very people the "Left" say support me!!! Richard Warman of the Canadian Green Party and puppets like Bernie Farber of the Canadian Jewish Congress have urged venues to ban my events because of my association with these people - the very people who here dub me a "Lefty" and a "Liberal maniac". Unbelievable.
What both "sides" have missed is that I am neither one nor the other because I reject the ludicrous, juvenile, Left-Right prision of the mind, which the Illuminati have manipulated to create polarisation, division, and conflict. I also reject such labels because at their extremes those of the Left and Right are the very same mentality and attitudes with a different name on the lapel badge. They are mirrors of each other, both using the same methods and "justifying" the same suppression of free speech for those who have a different view. Hitler and Stalin, for example, were said to have been opposites when they used precisely the same methods to impose their will on the people. They just gave their viscious dictatorships a different name, that's all, and the same continues today.
Anyway, here's the e-mail:
Date: 04/08/01 05:31:40 GMT Daylight Time
From: (Patriot Fourteen) To: bnp
Friday, August 3, 2001
Greetings Patriot 14 List Recipients,
If there was any remaining doubt in your minds that freedom of speech has now been officially abolished in "Great" Britain, then read the following article, which appeared on July 29, 2001 on the English news web site below.
The author, David Icke, is normally kind of a wacko, who is known to make his own ritual attacks on "racists," "Fascists," and "reptiles." (Everyone Icke does not like he usually calls a "Fascist," whether it be George Bush, Tony Blair, the Bilderbergers, Henry Kissinger, N.A.T.O., or the Queen...no kidding, folks).
Still, it is noteworthy that even New Age Lefty, ex-Green Party Deputy David Icke has finally found the wit to draw the line somewhere....denouncing the "anti-racism" virus now sweeping Britain.
Thus, belatedly, it now seems that even some Green-type goofballs dislike the imported Maoist Cultural Revolution now raging in Albion. If the Puritans were alive today, one can imagine they would again flee and come here.
Perhaps there is still hope. After all, if liberal maniacs like Icke can start to wake up, why not "John Bull" too?
One must nevertheless ask, "Where will all this madness end?" (Perhaps Combat 18 has some views on the matter.)
Patriot 14
By David Icke
A UK baker has been ordered by police to remove a window poster which claims his bread sticks are better than "that French rubbish". Police took the action after a complaint that it is racially offensive!!!!!!!!!!
On that basis the football chants by the crowds at England v France games, or indeed between any countries, are against the law. Where will this lunacy end??
Barke's Craft Bakery in Wickford, Essex, has been displaying the sign for two years for the amusement of customers and have received not a single complaint. Then three officers arrived at the shop to order its removal on racial grounds, said 25-year-old Darell Barke.
On the A3 hand-written sign the word French has been replaced with English Sticks, with the words: "None of that French rubbish here."
Mr Barke said: "It all started two years ago when we went on a day trip to Calais and bought some bread back and it wasn't that good.
"Our bread was a lot better so we changed the sign. It was all tongue-in-cheek and we never had any complaints until Wednesday. "You don't see it half the time as the queue covers it up."
Mr Barke added: "The officers came in and were really nice about it and were embarrassed and said they did not want to be here, but said they were duty-bound to follow up the complaint.
"They have given us the chance to take it down and then there will be not be any bother."
He said: "I thought it was a wind-up first of all because we do get local officers in for their lunch."
Mr Barke said he will now remove the sign: "We do not want to offend people and obviously this has offended someone."
An Essex Police spokeswoman said that under the terms of the Race Relations Act police have to investigate such complaints and reach a conclusion. "We can confirm we have received a complaint from a member of the public regarding the sign and we are obliged to look into the matter.
"We have asked the bakery to remove the sign and at this stage inquiries are continuing."
This whole story is utterly ludicrous to any rational, intelligent person, British or French, but it is an example of the way the noose is being tightened on freedom of speech to the point where people are having to watch their every word. That's the big picture psychological conditioning that political correctness is designed to impose.
This is an apparently small incident and yet it is a very powerful example of just how far this agenda has now gone and we have seen nothing yet.