If anyone needs confirmation of the fascist nature of the European Union they should consider the reaction to the vote in Ireland this week to reject the Treaty of Nice, which allows for the enlargement of the EU into Eastern Europe.
The people are told that Europe is a "free" and "democratic" union and, in accordance with that, the Irish vote should spell the end of the expansion plans. The Treaty of Nice has to be ratified by all member states for it to become law and the Irish have now said no.
Instead, the European Union has agreed today that the Irish should vote again on the same issue, having just done so, because the people did not produce the required result. This has already happened in national referendums in Denmark relating to the EU when a second referendum was quickly organised to overturn the result of the first one. We are seeing the same technique in Quebec, Canada, where they will keep having referendums on withdrawing from the Canadian federal union until the Illuminati get the vote they want.
The arrogance of European bureaucrats like Chris Patten and politicians like Britain's Jack Straw beggars belief. They say the Irish peoples' vote doesn't matter and they will just have to be persuaded to "see sense". Their sense, their agenda.
President George W. Bush is currently in Europe where he has attended the European Union summit in Gothenburg, Sweden, close to the venue of the recent Bilderberg meeting. Boy George has called for EU expansion (of course) and is now in Poland calling for an expansion of NATO (of course). As I said at the turn of the year, the election of Boy George would see a rapid escalation of the Illuminati agenda. We have already seen an agreement to expand the NAFTA "free trade" agreement to the whole of the Americas by 2005 as the European Union of the Americas is formed in the same way as it was in Europe.
As usual these days, "protestors" have been out in numbers in Gothenburg. The minority have been throwing bricks and sticks at police and smashing windows, as in Seattle and elsewhere. Given the evidence that they were led by agent provocateurs in the past, why should we think it would be any different this time? The idea is to contrast in the public mind via the TV screens the "statesmanlike", "rational" behaviour of the EU politicians and officials inside the building with the "violent anarchists" outside.