Turquoise is a very significant colour, it is now officially proclaimed. Indeed, says an "expert", it is the very base colour of the universe.

So reports of my madness, as they say, were greatly exaggerated. Not that I give a bugger either way.

If a scientist from John Hopkins University says it, he's credible. If an ex-television presenter says it eleven years earlier, he's crazy. Way of the world, I'm afraid.

Don't think for yourself, let those with fancy titles and letters after their names do it for you. Go back to sleep, your experts know best. Zzzzzzz.

Back in 1991, when my life and perceptions were changing with the speed of light, there were many things amid that fog of transformation that I knew to be true, even though I couldn't tell you why at the time.

One was the power of turquoise, a colour held sacred by Native Americans and other native peoples for thousands of years. In 1998 when I met my great friend, Credo Mutwa, the most famous shaman in Africa and the official historian to the Zulu nation, he greeted me bedecked from neck to toe in a brilliant shade of turquoise. He knew the truth too.

These "new revelations" about the significance of turquoise are merely an example of the stunning limitations of "modern" science catching up, just a little, with the knowledge known by the ancients since before the dawn of history.

The arrogance of official "science" and the public's unquestioning awe for its pay-rolled promoters is the greatest block we have on human understanding.

I was interested to see that the scientist involved, Karl Glazebrook, talks of a colour being a wavelength. This is precisely the point I was making in 1991 to a media doubled over in laughter.

Everything is a wavelength, a frequency. Look at anything under a microscope, no matter how apparently "solid" it may appear, and you will see it is vibrating energy.

The slower it vibrates the denser and more solid the object looks (see House of Commons for confirmation). The faster it vibrates the less dense it appears until it is vibrating so quickly that our physical senses can no longer see it and it "disappears".

This is what happens when ice becomes water then steam then invisible. Heat raises the vibration of a substance and therefore changes its form.

And, incidentally, because the vibration of Planet Earth is currently rising, so is the temperature of our atmosphere (wrongly blamed on "global warming").

All this makes the colours we wear very important because every shade of colour represents a frequency and frequencies attract each other, like tuning a radio dial to the station you want. So if you wear red that will attract to you the vibration represented by red.

This is why when people wear certain colours they look radiant, healthy, and glowing. Yet when they wear other colours they can look (and often feel) anything, but radiant.

The difference is how that vibration (colour) stimulates or depresses your particular energy make-up. What stimulates one might depress another.

"That colour makes you look great" is really "that vibration makes you look great."

So if a shade of turquoise is the base colour of the universe, wearing turquoise will help to "tune" you to the universe and all the knowledge, wisdom, and intuitive "knowing" that exists there. It will help you connect vibrationally to the Great Infinity of existence by tuning you to its wavelength.

"Nonsense" the scientific establishment will scream, just as their predecessors did when someone had the audacity to say the Earth was round.

If we wait for "science" to solve the so-called mysteries of life and existence we will wait forever. Open-minded intelligence is not dependent on a fancy title. Truth does not become truth because a scientist publishes a paper. Truth just is.

As Gandhi said: "Even if you are in a minority of one, the truth is still the truth."

Yet ironically, like so many throughout human history, when you speak it they call you dotty or dangerous. What they really mean is "different".

As I saw on a car sticker once: "You laugh at me because I'm different. I laugh at you because you are all the same."

Now, where did I put that turquoise shirt?

David Icke

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