Turquoise, sounds, and chakras

Dear David,

As a metaphysician myself, I found your reference to the colour turquoise to be most gratifying. As you say, science is only now beginning to catch up to the knowledge that has been right in front of our faces all along. After all, a close look at our pagan heritage shows that these folk figured out massively-complex concepts of universal construction and law without the benefit of those Ivory Tower intelligentsia-types, or scriptures to mis-translate and mis-read.

Last week I heard on a national news broadcast here in Canada that science is now beginning to trace the connections between our emotions and dis-ease in the body. No shit. I've been teaching these principles for many years, and backing it up with Einstein's Unified Field theory and relevant particle physics... and I never went to university to study science.

Louise Hay provides an extensive list of illnesses and their emotional causes in her book "Heal Your Body", and expanding on the list is easy once you know the ropes. But 'They' are supposed to know more than I do, or others like me. Ha. Like colour therapy is anything new. I cured my male cat of debilitating feline urological syndrome with turquoise, the colour of the 5th chakra, and the centre of communication energies.

They told me he'd be in hospital twice a year the rest of his life. That was 5 years ago. He hasn't had an attack since. I noted that he had become withdrawn after a near miss with a large dog, and realized that for a cat, urination is a form of communication marking territory.

The syndrome blocks the flow of urine with crystals in the bladder. Bingo-bango, I had the solution... and that cat, well, suffice to say I now wish sometimes he'd shut up.... It may be interesting here to note that when you speak of Turquoise, you are also speaking of the vibrational value of that colour. Tesla discovered that the earth vibrates at a level of 6-8 Hz cycles, and HAARP, which is stolen Tesla technology turned to war purposes, aims to alter the vibrational levels and thereby control our moods. If this is the case, then we will be massively exposed to radio frequencies which will alter our feelings, and thus our behaviour.

I am also concerned that attempting this form of control could ultimately split the earth into pieces, as in Tesla's experiment with the tiny vibrator held to the beams of a skyscraper, where he nearly caused the thing to fall down. I would think that combating the control factor could well be achieved through the practice of chanting or playing music/tones which are centred around that 8 Hz level, which, I believe, is a low B-flat tone.

I dunno... it just makes perfect sense to me. ( Like you, sometimes I don't know why... I just know.) Since both colour and sound therapies are common in the alternative healing world, those of us who have such awareness, and are not still snoring, should be encouraged to fine-tune that work and share it as broadly as possible.

Information on the chakra system is critical to knowledge for self-healing, since as our energy condenses to the physical level, densified by the focus of our thoughts (literally), it is through these energy vortices that our illnesses manifest; illness appears whenever a vortex is blocked or clogged.

The movement of energy in our bodies is unimpeded and free-flowing, until our own heads get involved.

Of course this is the basis for 'Creative Visualization" which they teach to cancer victims; when they teach it, it's progressive medicine, but when I teach it, it's some sort of fol-de-rol connected with witchcraft. So, David, I'm hauling out my beautiful silk satin turquoise shirt. But I sure would like to see more on this website telling people what they can do to protect themselves from outside influences insofar as is possible.

There is chakra music out there, other than that which the Pentagon has hired Jeff "Skunk" Baxter (guitar player for the Doobie Brothers, no less) to consult on, providing music to alter minds with.

In fact, last I heard, Patrick Moraz of the Moody Blues was writing chakra music... but just the opposite sort. Links to that sort of healing stuff which could be downloaded would provide at least a bit of a Band-Aid against what is coming.

The rest is up to us, and how much we can share with others. God bless your efforts, David. Father does indeed love a truth-teller, even if most of the world now does not.

In Love & Light,
D---, Psychotherapist/Metaphysician

Louise Hay's book was referenced
by David Icke in "...and the truth shall set you free"
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