By David Icke

I have just returned from another "interesting" trip to speak in eastern Canada, stronghold of the Bronfman family, where the disasterous duo, Richard Warman of the Ontario Green Party and Bernie Farber of the Bronfman controlled Canadian Jewish Congress, once again failed miserably to prevent me speaking - much as they tried.

When I spoke in Montreal I was handed notes on the stage three times saying that I should be prepared to leave at any moment because of protests outside which were threatening to become violent. My reply was that I would be leaving the building only when I was finished and I would be leaving by the front door, which I did.

The intellectual pygmies who try to deny my freedom of speech still have not summoned the brain cell activity to realise that I won't be intimidated by anyone and the more they try the more determined I become. The manager of the hotel cancelled the meeting under pressure from the pygmies and their threats of violent protests (they are anti-fascists!!), but then changed his mind. For his trouble, he was apparently given a verbal blast by the Marriot corporate headquarters in New York for allowing me to speak.

Note: Those who dismiss and ridicule the reptilian connection, and those "researchers" who take so much trouble to attack me for communicating such information, might care to ponder on why the attempts to silence me have increased dramatically since I introduced the theme of the reptilian bloodlines.

Richard Warman, the pygmy gofer who is obsessed with stopping my public events, the guy who made himself look such a prat on national UK television recently, was in the audience at Montreal. But he sat there in silence with his eyes almost permanently fixed to the floor when I asked him relevant questions from the stage. Questions like: In view if the fact that you try so hard to stop me speaking under the guise that I am "anti-Semitic", when was the last time you and rent-a-mob protested outside the Rockefeller headquarters over their funding of Ernst Rudin, Hitler's race purity expert, who occupied a whole floor of a German university paid for by the Rockefeller family?

The silence was deafening.

Warman refused to answer the question (the answer of course is never), just as he and Bernie Farber refuse every opportunity to debate with me. What is that they say about all bullies - they are cowards underneath.

The original venue in Toronto was cancelled because of these people, but another was found at a Unitarian Church on the corner of St. Clair Avenue West and Avenue Road. We had an incident-free meeting on the first night and I was due to complete my talk there the following evening. However, at lunchtime the next day, the church informed the organisers that they were cancelling that meeting and refused to give a reason. I understand that Bernie Farber, this Bronfman clone, was trying to contact every possible venue in the city telling them to watch for a group called Sumari Seminars and to refuse their booking.

The reaction of the Unitarian Church, one of the more "open minded" churches so they claim, just confirms my long-held view that if there was a Jesus and he did come back, the Christian Church would be the first to condemn and crucify him.

Sumari managed to secure another venue, the Hungarian hall at 840 St. Clair Avenue West, but some 20 minutes after the deal was agreed they also cancelled after receiving the Farber-Bronfman treatment. Obviously, the number of backbones produced at the jelly factory are extremely widespread.

But the Sumari duo are nothing if not persistent and at just five minutes past five on the day of the talk, they managed to find yet another venue - a perfect one as it turned out - and with people stationed at the original venue to redirect the public, we had a packed and excellent event.

Hilariously, rent-a-mob, or rent-a-mind, turned up at the Unitarian Church the second night to find it empty. You have got to laugh, really. So, final score after my latest visit to Canada:


There was another interesting development also as a man who claims to be a supporter of those exposing the global conspiracy showed a very different face. I will post more about that when I have further details.

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