Society in the wind.

By Jared H.

We are doing all we can to stop what we can
to help what we live on ,
but time is near and very little time left,
but the Illuminatis time is running late,
now its time for the truth,
no more hate,
and no more lies

we have lived our lives in this
society of politicians and fear ,
its too late for them
because we will awake,
from this horrible nightmare they had to create.

What else can you ask for
than the trees, birds, animals and earth,
who is to say its not worth,
we have given nothing for
what we will destroy ,
money, power, and all in the end
it will just collapse to one point in time
no matter how long it is for us,
for ever remains these rhymes.

We control our own destiny,
we are the makers of miracles
not god nor gods,
it is us who will control and judge
what and how this planet will be
not a god nor any high being.

Just all of us,
and we have to work together
to rid this horrible weather,
before history comes again in the wind
and blows us all away, with nothing else
but the same sick things to this very day.

No matter how much hate,
no matter how much fear,
it is for us to judge what happens this time,
on this planet we have to share.

I'm with you
to the end of this
horrible weather

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