What They Say
And What They Are

The American Dream says we are free, while The Amerikkkan Scream proves contradictory.

The Constitution of The United States would indeed be a noble aspiration, contributing to humanity worldwide, if it was kept from being perversely raped by The Capitalist Machine.

Wretchedly, the innovative ideas formed by The Continental Congress on the issues of "true freedom" have been transmogrified to the point that the only people benefiting from this freedom are The Puritanical Christian Capitalists or anyone willing to dishonor their ancestors by disregarding their heritage and adopting the ideals of The Puritan Capitalist.

When was the last time The President of the United States lifted his Medicine Pipe to the Winds?

How many lawyers have danced around a Council Fire to ask their ancestors for wisdom?

Which Governor prays to Mecca openly?

Do any attorney generals know the power of a Fu Dog?

How many police chiefs revere "bums" as honorable people?

An illiterate hood-rat will know the answers are all negative.

The Amerikkkan Scream teaches, by example, the intolerance of diversity in Amerikkkan society. We are taught that any difference in a person's appearance will result in negative attention and a thorough reluctance of The Amerikkkan to interact with the foreign look. It is more than apparent that one must be clean-shaven and adorn a suit and tie in order to become a respected member in any of Amerikkka's large circles. This generalized perspective reinforces the obvious hypocrisy languished onto all of us that stand in small circles.

The American Dream teaches us that everyone is equal. The philosophy lays a foundation that could hypothetically support a great nation where no one goes without. The values created by the respect for one another instilled by The American Dream would overwhelm any differences that occur when two cultures mix. This great nation of equality would be the desire of all people.

As noble and honorable as The American Dream is, it remains a myth and has been from the beginning. At the same time America's founders were drafting the outline of their dream, a race of people were being hunted and killed with the same tenacity as scientists trying to find a cure for polio.

When The American Dream gives us the responsibility of replacing a tyrannous government by any means necessary.

The Amerikkkan Scream takes away that responsibility by denying American people the weaponry necessary to defeat the Amerikkkan Military, which is the intent of the Second Amendment of The Constitution of the United States.

The American Dream teaches us that all people are equal.

The Amerikkkan Scream teaches us not to be of African decent by letting us hear the song of Ku Klux Klan.

The American Dream gives us freedom.

The Amerikkkan Scream gives us landowners with guns and no trespassing signs, rent, rush hour, pollution, racial profiling, riots, beatings, death, inconsideration of anything impersonal, and the most horrible monster of all, arrogance.

Do not believe what is said.

Believe what is.

That is all.


September 18, 2001

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