The puppet leaders of the Americas have agreed to the "free trade zone"
for the whole of the continent which is designed to lead to the Americas
version of the European Union. The Pacific Union will follow and they will
together provide the second tier of global dictatorship under a world
government, central bank, and army.
Here is a news report on the decision with my comments in [brackets].
After the protesters left and a steady drizzle washed away the clouds of
tear gas, 34 leaders of the Americas scrawled their names on a sweeping
accord that would unite the Western Hemisphere in the world's most
powerful trade bloc.
The Summit of the Americas ended Sunday with President Bush and other
presidents and prime ministers agreeing to inaugurate the free-trade zone
by the end of 2005. They still have fierce differences, though, about the
details of the zone, which would unite their $13 trillion economies,
eliminate national subsidies and increase competition.
[The last thing it will do is increase competition. The idea is to destroy
competition by using pan-American centralised laws to give all the cards
to the transnational corporations, which are, ultimately, ONE massive
corporation under ONE leadership. The elimination of subsidies that
protect local business against the brutal power of the transnationals will
devastate national economies and hand them over to the Illuminati
``I'm very optimistic about what took place here,'' Bush said. ``It gives
us a great chance to expand the opportunities around our hemisphere
knowing that it'll help our own country.''
[It will, in fact, as Boy George well knows, destroy opportunities
throughout America and the hemisphere as the transnationals move to the
poorest countries and mercilessly exploit the population, who become
nothing more than slaves to the corportations on starvation wages. At the
same time, these re-locations made possible by the elimination of trade
borders throughout the Americas, will see job opportunities plummet in the
USA. This has already happened because of NAFTA, the North American Free
Trade Agreement, which involves Canada, USA, and Mexico. An expansion of
this throughout the Americas will simply increase this situation many,
many, fold.]
The leaders also agreed that the Free Trade Area of the Americas, or FTAA,
will include only democracies. Any country that veers from democracy -
with a military coup, for example - could be kicked out.
[So the USA won't be allowed in then?? What nonsense..."democracies" are
some of the world's most grotesque and effective dictatorships.]
The leaders rebuked Haiti for its flawed elections and sent the head of
the Organization of American States to help sort out the political chaos
on the impoverished island.
[Impoverished because it is covertly controlled 100% by the same
Illuminati forces controlling the United States government, and it is one
of the global centres for mind control experimentation. And what about
America's flawed election?]
Anti-globalization protesters battled with Canadian riot police for two
days, hurling bricks and bottles and tearing down parts of a wall built to
keep them from the summit, saw their fears confirmed.
[There was no way these fears would not be confirmed. It is an essential
part of the Illuminati structure for global control.]
The leaders hope the trade blueprint, linking everyone from Buenos Aires
to Boston, Valparaiso to Vancouver, will bring their countries the
prosperity that eludes most of the world's population. [ Utter baloney]
The protesters say it will deepen poverty. [true] But even some protesters
conceded that the march of free trade will be almost impossible to halt.
[This is NOT the march to "free trade", but exactly the opposite. It is
the march of cartelism, Illuminati-ism, reptilianism. And it will be
impossible to stop only while humanity continues to impersonate a
four-legged animal from which we obtain wool.]
``No one says trade is bad. There must be trade and there must be openness
in the Americas,'' Joe Gunn of the Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops
said at an alternative conference organized by summit opponents. ``But the
current model does not help us.''
[No one says trade is bad? Well I say that some trade is very bad,
actually, when the dice are so loaded for rich against poor.]
Europe has already gone further than the Americas into a deep union that
continues to grow, and members of the Association of Southeast Asian
Nations are toying with the idea of forming an Asian Union that would
bring in China, Japan and South Korea.
[This is the Pacific Union I have been predicting in my books and talks
for many years. And they are not "toying with the idea", they are toying
with the minds of the masses. It is the Illuminati agenda and the leaders
of these countries know it.]
``We have a choice to make,'' Bush said. ``We can combine in a common
market so we can compete in the long term with the Far East and Europe, or
we can go on our own. Going on our own is not the right way.''
[Not the right way for the Illuminati agenda in other words. Note the use
of fear here to tell people we must do this or else. The very same
technique used by European governments. Bush even uses the term "common
market" - a name for the European "free trade area" that became the
fascist centralised dictatorship, the European Union.]
The leaders at the summit, who were whisked from meeting to meeting amid
the acrid sting of tear gas in the air, acknowledged the protesters'
concerns and pledged to protect human rights and the environment as best
they could.
[Phew, what a relief. And what a sick, sick, joke.]
``With this agreement we are going to attach great priority to the fight
against poverty, the inclusion of each family in the country's
development, the training of human capital and carrying out an educational
and technological revolution in our countries,'' Mexican President Vicente
Fox said.
[Utter tosh. Fox is a reptilian-Illuminati stooge and bosom buddy of the
Bush family. And what the hell is "human capital"?? Human beings as
nothing more than a financial resource. The reptilian attitude to a tee.]
Because of the leaders' concessions, and the media attention to the
demonstrations, many protesters felt triumphant.
``Before Quebec, few Americans knew about George Bush's plans to create
the FTAA,'' said Robert Cox, president of the Sierra Club. ``After Quebec,
millions know that the proposed FTAA imperils safeguards for the
environment and working people in the United States and throughout the
[Why do I cringe whenever I hear the name Sierra Club?]
While tens of thousands of protesters marched through Quebec's historic
streets peacefully, thousands of others attacked police lines, taunting
officers and attacking the 2.3-mile fence ringing the summit site. In all,
more than 400 people were arrested and at least 46 police officers and 57
demonstrators were injured, none seriously.
[This was because most of the demonstrators were genuine, but others had
their own agenda as agent provocateurs to present the image through the
television pictures that all the protestors were violent thugs, thus, in
contrast, presenting the politicians, the real extremists, as moderate by
comparision. If you were one of those involved in violence who was not an
agent provocateur, that makes you a solid gold prat who spent the week
making the Illuminati's job so much easier.]
Hundreds of negotiators for the 34 countries now have four years to
complete the 458-page agreement, which consists mostly of material still
in debate. Filling in the blanks will require painful concessions for all
nations involved.
[In other words, it will mean giving up national and local decision making
to a centralised dictatorship, just as we have in Europe.]
But the thumbs-up and the smile on Bush's face as he walked away from the
podium Sunday indicated that he had gotten what he wanted.
``There is no question in my mind that we have challenges ahead,'' he
said. ``Also, there is no question that we can meet those challenges.''
[Because he knows the power behind all the thrones in the Americas is the
same one that controls him.]
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