Documents with detailed designs for missiles, bombs and nuclear
weapons were
found in Kabul safe houses used by Osama bin Laden's al-Qaida
network, it was
reported today.
The partly-burnt papers were found by The Times in a hastily
abandoned house
in the Karta Parwan quarter of the city, the newspaper reported.
There are descriptions of how the detonation of TNT compresses
plutonium into
a critical mass, sparking a chain reaction, and ultimately a
reaction, it said.
Documents were found in two of four al Qaida houses which has
been used by
Arabs and Pakistanis and even reportedly by bin Laden himself,
the newspaper
They included studies into the development of a kinetic energy
capable of firing chemical or nuclear warheads, external
propulsion missiles,
preliminary research on the creation of a thermonuclear device,
and many
instructions for making smaller bombs.
The discovery of the detailed instructions, written in Arabic,
German, Urdu
and English, confirms the West's worst fears of an attack far
worse than the
September 11 atrocities, the newspaper noted.
Nuclear experts say the design suggests bin Laden may be working
on a fission
device similar to Fat Man, the bomb dropped on Nagasaki, but
they emphasise
it is extremely difficult to build a viable warhead, it added.
The houses were abandoned on Monday night as Taliban units and
their allies
fled the city as the Northern Alliance advanced.
Liberal Democrat foreign affairs spokesman Menzies Campbell
said: "We cannot
be sure that Osama bin Laden does not have nuclear weapons, but
the events of
September 11 tell us that he is unlikely to show any scruples
about using, or
threatening to use, such weapons.
"No-one should be in any doubt that, in bin Laden and al Qaida,
we are
dealing with the most unscrupulous enemy that modern democracy
has seen."