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Tuesday 20-22hrs CET 2-4pm EDT CII with guests Dr. Thring & Rafeeq CII with guest Ognir (TiU) CII with guest Andrew Carrington Hitchcock
CII Jenny Lake CII With guest Muhammad Rafeeq With guest Muhammad RafeeqDr. Day gives her overview of the Zionist Conspiracy TFC/TiU Daryl and Ognir InterviewAudio Part 1 (7.6MB) TFC guest Rafeeq"WE MUST GET THEM OUT OF OUR LIVES!" Audio Part 1 "Full scale war must be declared against Zionist JudeoNazis" Audio Part 2 TFC/TiU Daryl and Ognir InterviewWith guest Muhammad RafeeqPart 1 (5.9MB) With guest Bishop of Jerusalem Riah Hanna Abu El-AssalSunday 4th Jan 09 With guest Muhammad RafeeqPart 1 (9.3MB) CII with guest David PidcockCII with guest Muhammad RafeeqPart 1 (8.53MB) Wednesday 17th December CII with guest Muhammad RafeeqCII with guest Andrew Carrington HitchcockCII with guest Muhammad RafeeqCII with guest Somerville ProjectCII with guest Muhammad RafeeqCII with guest Gerald Celente ( 1, Part 2 (13 mb)CII with guest Ralph NaderAudio File (7 mb)CII with guest Texe MarrsDaryl as a guest on 'Intellectual Challenge' with Inayet WadeePart 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4 (25 mb) CII with guest OgnirCII with guest Jenifer DixonJenifer Dixon is a writer and former activist who lives in the Washington, DC area. She has published in the Washington Post, Voices of Women, WomenWise, Rainbow Visions, the Palestine Chronicle and Arab-American News. The website GlobalSpin was her contribution to the Net for three years. She was also a contributing writer to the book Challenge to Genocide: Let Iraq Live. The Holy LandUnveiled is her first book. Jim Willie Rantmp3 file (7 mb) TFC with guest Jennifer LakeCII with guest James DickieCII with guest Muhammad RafeeqCII - Daryl RantDaryl on Cii with listers call-insTFC with guest Lady Michèle Renouf on free speechTFC with guest Muhammad RafeeqCII with guest Inayet WadeeCii with call-insDaryl discussing the current financial mess Part 1 (6.8mb) Part 2 (8.5 mb) CII with guest Mike PiperDaryl interviewed by Ognir (TiU Radio) - Survival
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