The Sinclair Bloodline
A prominent economic and financial analyst has been predicting for several months that the U.S. dollar will collapse in early November 2009. James Sinclair is the Chairman and CEO of Tanzania Royalty Exploration Corp. which procures royalty interests in gold production in Tanzania in central East Africa. Jim Sinclair is also the son of Bertram Seligman whose family started Goldman Sachs, Solomon Brothers, Lehman Brothers and other major investment banking firms.
"...I know how things end in the market even before they begin. I am the son of one of the world's greatest traders, Bertram J. Seligman, who like, Jesse Livermore, always knew what was over the horizon. I do not pretend to have all the talent of those market giants but just some of it. Goldman Sachs, Solomon Brothers, Lehman Brothers, and Bache were a few of the firms started by my family. All this appears in a book called 'Our Crowd.'" (Jim Sinclair, GATA)
Our Crowd: The Great Jewish Families of New York by Stephen Birmingham relates details of the powerful New York banking alliance in which the House of Seligman—the ancestors of Jim Sinclair and his father, Bertram Seligman—became partners with the House of Rothschild and the House of Morgan:
" the autumn of 1874, Baron Rothschild summoned Isaac Seligman to his office to give him a piece of news. Some $55 million worth of United States bonds were to be offered for sale, and, the Baron suggested, the issue might be backed by a combination of three houses — the House of Rothschild, the House of Morgan, and the House of Seligman. For the first time, August Belmont would act as agent for both the Rothschilds and J. & W. Seligman & Company... The Seligmans were now participating in the most powerful financial combination in the history of banking.
"At last they were able to consider themselves the Rothschild's peers. The Seligman–Belmont–Morgan–Rothschild alliance, furthermore, was so successful that by the end of the decade there were complaints on Wall Street that 'London—and Germany—based bankers' had a monopoly on the sale of United States bonds in Europe—which they virtually did. The Seligmans were now being called 'the American Rothschilds'..." (Our Crowd: The Great Jewish Families of New York, Stephen Birmingham, pp. 138-139)
The family of Bertram Seligman also started the Bache Group which loaned money to Herbert William Hunt and his brother Nelson Bunker Hunt after they declared bankruptcy in 1981, having reportedly lost billions of dollars trying to corner the silver market. Jim Sinclair advised the Hunt brothers:
“From 1981 to 1984, Mr. Sinclair served as a Precious Metals Advisor to Hunt Oil and the Hunt family for the liquidation of their silver position as a prerequisite for the $1 billion loan arranged by the Chairman of the Federal Reserve, Paul Volker.” (Jim Sinclair’s Mindset)
(See also: The Synarchy: Part 3)
Does this scenario sound familiar?
"Many Government officials feared that if the Hunts were unable to meet their debts, some large Wall Street brokerage firms and banks might collapse. To save the situation, a consortium of US banks provided a $1.1 billion line of credit to the brothers which allowed them to pay Bache which, in turn, survived the ordeal. The U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) later launched an investigation into the Hunt brothers, who had failed to disclose that they in fact held a 6.5% stake in Bache." (Wikipedia)
Jim Sinclair, who received his mother's maiden name, belongs to the high ranking Merovingian Sinclair/Saint-Clair bloodline.
"Although Bertram Seligman was my father, James Sinclair (from my mother) has been my name since birth. If it had been possible, I would have changed my surname back to my father's prior to entering my career." (GATA)
The Sinclair surname is the Scottish variant of the French Saint-Clair.
"The Scottish Sinclair family, which includes the Earls of Caithness, originally held the Norman barony of Saint-Clair. Sir William Saint-Clair (1240 - 1303), was a leader of a rebellion against Edward 1 of England; his son, Sir Henry Sinclair, fought for Bruce at Bannockburn, and Sir Henry Sinclair was created Prince of Orkney in 1379." (Internet Surname Database)
The Merovingian Sinclair/Saint-Clair bloodline, which claims to be the lineage of Christ, is really the bloodline of the false Christ:
"The modern Priory of Sion...must nurture and protect the bloodline of Christ – those few members of the royal Merovingian bloodline who have survived into modern times… Only two direct lines of Merovingians remain. Their family names are Plantard and Saint-Clair." (The Da Vinci Code, pp. 279-280)
(See: The Merovingian Dynasty)
"The knowledge of Wall Street runs in my blood, my heart, and my soul." In his commentaries below, Mr. Sinclair is quite certain of a November dollar collapse.
Posted: Jun 29 2009 By: Jim Sinclair
Yes, that is right. You have a little more than 130 DAYS before MOPE (management of perspective economics) falls into the abyss of loss of confidence in the US dollar.
The event will be the birth of hyperinflation in the US and elsewhere to the horror of the spin media. Crude has been trying to explain this to the public, but so far they have not gotten a clue. Crude strength is being called a hedge against the dollar as fundamental energy analysts are hard pressed to explain a rise from $30 into the $70s with NO pick up in US economic activity and NO massive draw down on supplies. The oil price is an example of the arcane and exoteric mechanism of hyperinflation soon to take gold to $1224, $1650 and then on to Alf and Armstrong’s numbers. This phenomenon is something that the murderous Children of the Corn that run the hedge funds will not accept until it happens.
Happen it will.
130 days is no time at all. Are you prepared?
The next day, June 30, Jim Sinclair wrote from China: "Dear Friends, It has been a busy day here. China is not just talking, but preparing for what we know is coming in 127 days." (Update from China)
Mr. Sinclair spent one week in Beijing meeting with business and government people. His company, Tanzania Royalty Exploration Corp., is part of the China Africa Business Council (CABC) which is headquartered in Beijing, Peoples Republic of China. Beijing is 12 hours ahead of U.S. EST, so 127 days from July 1 would be November 5, 2009, which is the announcement day for the November 9 Treasury Auction.
Sinclair's countdown from August 14, 2009 pinpoints Saturday, November 7, 2009 as the beginning of the end for the U.S. dollar.
The Motivation Behind The Countdown
Posted By Jim Sinclair On August 14, 2009 @ 12:34 am
Dear Friends,
85 days to go!
…what is the motivation behind a countdown of days for the USDX…
The primary reason for this “out on the limb statement” is that the recent China/US financial Summit meeting in Washington which was requested by China, was not significantly pre-planned.
As I understand it there are two things wanted and one thing disapproved of.
The US financial leadership wants, but more so needs, Chinese buying of US Treasury offerings to remain at these levels but more so to increase to offset the wholly unavoidable increase in offering of US Federal Debt.
The Chinese wish to see the USA support the creation of a Super Sovereign Currency as an offset to dependence on the dollar for international settlements and national reserves.
The Chinese rightly feel that the greatest risk to their present dollar position’s valuation is quantitative easing. or simply put, the monetization of one’s own debt by the electronic creation of money for funding yourself.
I am informed that Chinese interests want to see both in 2009.
You will note that the QE program was extended until October, particularly the end of October…
Quantitative easing cannot be curtailed in 2009 or 2010. To curtail QE as the US Federal Deficit explodes would be to release interest rates to the marketplace that could easily take them to late 1979 early 1980s levels due to a currency event.
The USA cannot support a Super Sovereign Currency. To do so would be to disavow the US dollar as the universal reserve currency which the financial leadership of the USA still adheres to, seeing this period as only an aberration in the constant.
The USA, due to market considerations, cannot yield to Asia and China as spokesperson for the BRIC on the two criteria required to remain as purchasers of the US Treasury instruments, which is the only real support the dollar presently has…
Tools of timing, some I have not shared with you, indicate a major potential turning point that could easily see a break below .7600 or .7200 coming in the final quarter of this year.
Add this all together and you get a November bull’s eye for a loss of confidence in the US dollar internally as well as externally…
Van Mises, Ricardo and Adam Smith have not been laid to rest by market manipulation. The wind is in the face of business now as a long—term trend. We are returning to basics and moving away from the fancy, complex and fraudulent.
All of this could have been fixed prior to the event of Lehman declaring bankruptcy. Now there are no PRACTICAL SOLUTIONS and NO PRACTICAL EXITS FROM CONSTANT QE.
Pandora’s Box is open, only to be closed by markets as the downward spiral goes to its practical end, a return to commodity money.
We, here, will be proven correct in time and in price.
Respectfully yours,
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Submitted by pandora on Tue, 2010-05-18 22:27
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