Welcome to the “World Lending Library”

[DIR]Parent Directory -
[DIR]'Final Solution' used in Previous Jewish Articles/ -
[DIR]1. CAMP PICS (from vid)/ -
[DIR]1. Fantastic Holocaust Stories - Historiography Project/ -
[DIR]6 Million in previous claims/ -
[DIR]Aerial Photos of Concentration Camps (Singly)/ -
[DIR]Allies believed Germans were helping inmates, not murdering them_files/ -
[DIR]Almanac - World Jewish Population Figures/ -
[DIR]Blue Zyklon B stains on disinfestation rooms at Auschwitz, Majdanek & Stutthof/ -
[DIR]Concentration Camps Facts +++++_files/ -
[DIR]For 60th Year, Germany Honors Duty to Pay Holocaust Victims - NYT_files/ -
[DIR]HOLOCO$T SCAMS (mostly photographic) +++++/ -
[DIR]Hitler On The Big Lie_files/ -
[DIR]IHR (Mostly unread)/ -
[DIR]Mauthausen/ -
[DIR]Nazi medal commemorating Zionist collaboration with Hitler_files/ -
[DIR]Nonsense about the Holocaust (211 articles)/ -
[DIR]No real evidence for the gas chambers, experts admit +++++_files/ -
[DIR]Nuremberg - Trials of German Major War Criminals - Judicial-Inc +++++_files/ -
[DIR]Photos of Cyanide & CO poisoning/ -
[DIR]THERESIENSTADT - The 'Never Mentioned' (luxury) Camp +++/ -
[DIR]The 'Holocaust' Lie--Made in America - Adelaide Institute +++++_files/ -
[DIR]The Liberation of the Camps, Facts vs. Lies - Theodore O'Keefe (A++++)_files/ -
[DIR]The Robinson Case (Photos Comparing Israelis to Nazis) +++++/ -
[DIR]Theater in the camps_files/ -
[DIR]Typhus the Killer in the Camps +++++/ -
[DIR]ZIONIST--NAZI COLLABORATION....Israel's dirty little secret/ -
[DIR]holocaustdenialvideos.com/ -
[   ]Desktop.ini 78
[   ]1. HOLOCAUST BOOKS.lnk556
[TXT]Theater in the camps.htm597
[TXT]Allies believed Germans were helping inmates, not murdering them.htm705
[   ]Reason for the Nuremberg Laws - Judicial-Inc +++.lnk831
[   ]Rudolf, Germar - LECTURES ON THE HOLOCAUST (with photos) +++++.lnk1.0K
[TXT]More still living former Jewish slave laborers than in 1945 +++.txt3.6K
[TXT]6 Million - Why The 6 Million Figure Is So Sacred +++++.txt3.9K
[TXT]2006 02 20 - U_S_-German Flare-Up Over Vast Nazi Camp Archives - New York Times ++++.txt4.5K
[TXT]The Haavara Agreement.htm5.1K
[TXT]Hitler On The Big Lie.htm6.1K
[TXT]DDT Alleviated The Typhus Epidemic in WW2 Italy.htm6.2K
[TXT]Central Database of Shoah Victims' Names.htm8.1K
[IMG]Door into homicidal gas chamber at Dachau, May 2001.jpg8.4K
[TXT]A jury awarded Mr. Levin $50,000, in damages for his writing of Anne Frank's Diary.htm 11K
[IMG]CO coloring IntTextbookMaritMed_10-15_Fig_02.jpg 11K
[TXT]Holocaust Huckster billing at $700 an hour - Norman G_ Finkelstein.htm 12K
[DOC]6 Million - Why The 6 Million Figure Is So Sacred +++++.docx 12K
[IMG]Dr. Fredrick Töben.jpg 16K
[TXT]Is The Holocaust A New 'Religion' with 10 Commandments.htm 17K
[TXT]German Patriots Turn Selves In For 'Holocaust Doubting'.htm 17K
[TXT]German Court Sentences Australian Holocaust Skeptic Toben in 1999.htm 18K
[   ]1948 the official German newsreel revealed 'nearly 300,000 (incl Jews) died in Auschwitz'.mht 19K
[IMG]1,800,000 jews saved by evacuation to Russia in 1943.jpg 20K
[   ]When Did The World Learn About The Holocaust - D B Smith ++++.mht 20K
[DOC]Simon Wiesenthal--Liar extraordinaire - Michael Hoffman +++++.docx 20K
[DOC]Holocaust lawyer jailed for fraud ++++.doc 20K
[TXT]First Britons to be convicted of inciting racial (anti-Jewish) hatred online.htm 20K
[DOC]How World War II Came About - Kenneth McKilliam +++++.docx 21K
[TXT]6 Million - History & Scriptural Origin of the Six Million Number ++++++.htm 21K
[TXT]THE HOLOCAUST EXPLAINED - Eustace Mullins +++++.htm 23K
[IMG]Front page- British newspaper, The People, 17th October 1943.jpg 23K
[TXT]Nuremberg - Trials of German Major War Criminals - Judicial-Inc +++++.htm 25K
[DOC]Where did the Jews of Eastern Europe go +++++.doc 26K
[DOC]The Anne Frank Diary Fraud +++++.docx 26K
[DOC]6 Million - Birdman Corresponds With Michael K on the History & Scriptural Origin of the Six Million Number +++.doc 27K
[IMG]Prisoners_RifleProduction_Dachau_1943-1944.jpg 28K
[PDF]2006_historical_6_mil - JBR Yant.pdf 31K
[TXT]Biro Invented The Ballpoint Pen - mass-produced 1943 in Argentina.htm 31K
[TXT]One third of Holocaust - Film-maker's blog..several links +++++.htm 31K
[TXT]The Myth Of German Culpability.htm 32K
[TXT]Trashing Robert Wolfe's Holocaust Exhibit - Carlos Porter +++.htm 32K
[TXT]1933-1940 approx. 5,500 German Jewish refugees - since 1940 only little immigration.htm 33K
[TXT]Elie Wiesel New Documents prove he's lying - Carlo Mattogno +++++.htm 35K
[IMG]Swastika-Star of David commemorative coin.gif 36K
[TXT]Himmler relative marries Israeli - Ynet.htm 37K
[TXT]Concentration Camps Facts +++++.htm 38K
[TXT]Eye-witness testimony frequently proven wrong - Steve Chapman ++++.htm 38K
[TXT]Thomas Mann’s War-time Radio Speeches and the Genesis of the Mass Gassing Allegations ++++.htm 40K
[DOC]Holocaust Remembrance--What's Behind the Campaign - Mark Weber, IHR ++++.doc 42K
[TXT]What is 'Holocaust Denial' - Barbara Kulaszka, IHR ++++.htm 43K
[IMG]Poster in the Museum of Mauthausen Camp - Armaments found hidden in Camp after War.jpg 44K
[IMG]Westerbork - 1943 production in Westerbork Camp Theatre.jpg 46K
[IMG]Mauthausen survivors cheer the U.S. Army 1 day after their actual liberation.jpg 47K
[PDF]6 Million Jews Facing Extermination in Russia -- July 20, 1921 edition of The New York Times.pdf 47K
[TXT]JewishGen's Holocaust Database.htm 47K
[TXT]RED CROSS - 129 000 Jews died in all of Germany's Concentration Camps +++++.htm 51K
[DOC]THE HOLOCAUST CONTROVERSY (A short introduction) +++++.doc 54K
[TXT]For 60th Year, Germany Honors Duty to Pay Holocaust Victims - NYT.htm 55K
[DOC]The Holocaust Let's Hear Both Sides - Mark Weber +++++.doc 59K
[IMG]Buchenwald - 'Wiesel' is 7th from left, middle row.jpg 61K
[TXT]2007 11 18 - Israel wants German compensation for 200,000 Russian Holocaust survivors - Haaretz ++++.htm 62K
[DOC]Wilhelm Höttl and the Elusive 'Six Million' - Mark Weber +++++.doc 64K
[TXT]'Jewish Soap' - Mark Weber, IHR +++++.htm 66K
[TXT]The Liberation of the Camps, Facts vs. Lies - Theodore O'Keefe (A++++).htm 67K
[TXT]Jewish Persecution by Jackie Patru Section 11 +++++.htm 67K
[IMG]Anne Frank's handwriting change.jpg 68K
[TXT]The man who smuggled himself into Auschwitz - More BBC bullshit.htm 69K
[IMG]gaschmbr_dees.jpg 71K
[IMG]6 Million Jews Facing Extermination - New York Times, 20 July 1921.jpg 71K
[TXT]Diesel Gas Chamber Myth--An exhaustive rebuttal - F P Berg +++++.htm 73K
[TXT]The 'Holocaust' Lie--Made in America - Adelaide Institute +++++.htm 73K
[TXT]Jewish Criminal Underworld in Poland before WW2 -- Anecdotes + Papal Quotes.htm 76K
[DOC]Friedrich, Otto (Time Magazine) - The Kingdom of Auschwitz [pro Holocaust but admits orchestra, hospital, library, brothel].docx 76K
[TXT]Jewish Persecution by Jackie Patru Section 10 +++++.htm 80K
[TXT]Bergen-Belsen Camp--the Suppressed Story - Weber ++++++.htm 81K
[TXT]Nazi medal commemorating Zionist collaboration with Hitler.htm 82K
[IMG]Red Cross Doc 1979 - Total Camp Deaths only 271,301 ++++++.jpg 96K
[   ]Gas Chambers David Cole's 46 Questions About the Gas Chambers - David Cole +++++.mht 99K
[TXT]Why I believe the Jews are lying about the Holocaust.htm 99K
[   ]Nuremberg - Trials of German Major War Criminals Volume 7 - Nizkor.mht102K
[PDF]A Brief History of Holocaust Revisionism - Willia Carto.pdf103K
[TXT]Dachau_concentration_camp - Wikipedia.htm104K
[IMG]Uncle Sham.jpg106K
[   ]2007 03 09 - Nations Move to Open Nazi Archives - Guardian Unlimited.mht119K
[   ]The Straight Dope Did the Nazis make lampshades out of human skin.mht119K
[TXT]No real evidence for the gas chambers, experts admit +++++.htm120K
[TXT]F P Berg's 1998 Forum postings refuting Diesel-engine Gassings +++++.htm121K
[IMG]Red Cross Doc 1984 - Total Camp Deaths only 282,077 ++++++.jpg122K
[   ]Churchill And Eisenhower On The Holocaust - Judicial-Inc +++++.mht125K
[   ]Gas Chamber Doors -- A Comparison in Photos.mht128K
[DOC]Holocaust 'Expert', Rudolf Vrba, Invented Gassings (Zundel trial) - Toronto Sun 1985 +++++.doc135K
[TXT]The Myth of the Extermination of the Jews - Part II.htm137K
[TXT]Exposing the Holocaust™ Hoax Archive - LINKS +++++.htm137K
[   ]Holocaust Survivor Finds Mother After Sixty Years - Judicial-Inc +++.mht140K
[   ]Holocaust Revisionism in One Easy Lesson - JBR Yant +++++.mht142K
[   ]Stop the Nazi Cover-up of the Camps- Hufschmid +++++.mht142K
[   ]Bad Arolsen Holocaust Files - Jewish Light Online.mht143K
[   ]wintersonnenwende - Concentration Camp Money 'Lagergeld' used to Pay Prisoners for Their Work_ Jennifer White.mht144K
[IMG]Andersonville prisoner during the American Civil War.bmp145K
[   ]Bishop fined €12,000 for denying Holocaust.mht154K
[   ]Holocaust Myth's Pornographic Roots +++.mht167K
[TXT]The Hateful Hoax ++++++.html188K
[   ]Red Cross Excerpt from D6MRD - with Forum comments +++.mht192K
[IMG]Adolph Eichmann in prison, Jerusalem, April 15, 1961.bmp198K
[PDF]David Irving and the 'Aktion Reinhardt Camps' - Jürgen Graf +++++.PDF199K
[TXT]What Does Holocaust Denial Really Mean.htm203K
[TXT]Michael James Challenges Jewish Establishment Following Arrest of Dr. Toben.htm206K
[   ]Interview with Robert Faurisson, Jan 2009.mht210K
[   ]Neo-Nazis Burned A Copy Of Anne Frank's Diary & get 9mth Suspended Sentence.mht210K
[IMG]Encyclopaedia Britannica 1963 claims 2 million deaths at Mauthausen.jpg213K
[   ]Mass-murder denials--U S Archival letters - Judicial-Inc ++++.mht224K
[   ]savethemales_ca - Auschwitz Survivor Claims Elie Wiesel is an Impostor.mht224K
[   ]Holocaust Denial Videos - Webpage.mht225K
[IMG]Blue Walls 1.jpg226K
[   ]Why Free Speech on the Holocaust - David Duke replies to a letter +++++.mht232K
[   ]The Role of Zionism in the Holocaust - Rabbi Gedalya Liebermann.mht240K
[   ]Holocaust according to Gorbachev documents.mht241K
[DOC]HOLOHOAX +++++.doc244K
[   ]Why I believe the Jews are lying about the Holocaust - ziopedia.org ++++++  .mht261K
[IMG]Blue Walls 2.jpg270K
[IMG]'Death trains' (photo 5).bmp285K
[IMG]Adolph Eichmann at his trial in Israel in 1961.bmp292K
[   ]The Auschwitz mortuary registries let’s demand their publication - Robert Faurisson.mht295K
[PDF]Real History - the Codebreakers and the Holocaust - Irving.pdf295K
[IMG]'Death trains' (photo 3).bmp299K
[PDF]Irma Grese and the Holocaust.pdf301K
[IMG]'Death trains' (photo 1).bmp310K
[IMG]'Death trains' (photo 4).bmp311K
[IMG]'Death trains' (photo 2).bmp314K
[TXT]RED CROSS--A Factual Appraisal of the Holocaust - (A long discussion) - Libery Forum ++++.htm330K
[   ]40,000 second-generation Holocaust survivors want compensation - Judicial-Inc ++++.mht342K
[DOC]JEWS DECLARE WAR ON GERMANY--27 Quotes +++++.doc354K
[PDF]Decalogue of Inconvenient Facts about the Holocaust.pdf355K
[   ]Secrets of Nazi camp brothels emerge - Reuters (Clever bias).mht372K
[   ]Nazis and Zionists collabaration ++++.mht373K
[IMG]Liberation of Dachau, 29 April 1945.png391K
[   ]Zyklon-B and the German Delousing Chambers - F P Berg.mht399K
[PDF]Herzl wrote about the 'Solution of the Jewisch Question' in 1896.pdf444K
[IMG]Dachau - Jews in Factories.bmp446K
[   ]Imprinting The Holocaust Fairy Tale On Our Young Children.mht483K
[IMG]Post-war typhus victims.bmp486K
[   ]Holocaust Revisionist Put Under Pressure by Church, Courts Europe Deutsche Welle 10_02_2009.mht488K
[   ]Armaments found hidden in Mauthausen Camp after War.mht491K
[DOC]The Secret Holocaust - Eustace Mullins.docx501K
[DOC]Raul Hilberg recants - Montreal Gazette, 18th Jan 1985.docx507K
[   ]Holocaust Trains.mht510K
[   ]David Cohen--Dutch Jews collaborating with Nazis +++.mht511K
[   ]Typhus and the Jews - F P Berg +++++.mht523K
[   ]DDT used in WW2 to kill lice.mht555K
[   ]The Pope At Auschwitz - Judicial-Inc ++++.mht561K
[DOC]6 Million - 'You shall return minus 6 million' +++++.docx589K
[   ]Holocaust Sex Genre - Judicial-Inc ++++.mht590K
[IMG]NYTimes 1943 - 580,000 Jews admitted to USA 1933-1943 +++++.jpg608K
[   ]Eisenhower was a Jew - Judicial-Inc.mht613K
[   ]How Zev Kedem Survived The Holocaust - Judicial-Inc ++++.mht633K
[   ]The Horrifying American Roots of Nazi Eugenics.mht654K
[IMG]Birkenau camp layout in 15th August 1942 (Pressac 1994).png743K
[IMG]6 000 000 'Slaves' liberated by Americans - NYT 20th May 1945.jpg858K
[   ]Do Documentary Photographs Prove Persecution of Jews +++++.mht945K
[   ]Why would any writer make up stories about the Holocaust - Features, Books - The Independent.mht945K
[   ]Thy Weapon of War Dachau - The fraudulent stories of extermination and homicidal gas chambers +++++.mht963K
[IMG]Liberated Polish concentration camp - no emaciation.bmp968K
[IMG]projected installation of short wave delousing constructions.png1.0M
[IMG]Jews declare war on Germany (Newspaper Headline) +++++.bmp1.1M
[IMG]German Reparations - Nahum Goldmann, president of the World Jewish Congress.jpg1.7M
[   ]III 3 - Well-fed, Released Inmates (photos), Swimming-pool, Dachau oven - C W Porter--MIR ++++.mht1.7M
[DOC]Map showing the 6 claimed Death Camps.doc1.9M
[PDF]The Holocaust Never Happened - Castle Hill Publishers.pdf2.0M
[   ]Air Photo Evidence Contradicts Concentration-Camp Mass Graves - John Clive Ball +++++.mht2.1M
[   ]Holocaust tables accounting for 6 million from non-gas causes - Michael Palomino ++++++.mht2.1M
[   ]Nazi Shrunken Heads & Tatooed Skin Lampshades ++++++.mht3.1M
[PDF]Diesel Exhaust Toxicity Experiment, 1957 (3-4hrs to die) - British Journal of Indus.Medicine +++++.pdf3.2M
[DOC]Holoco$t camp photos, Jews against Zionism - Hufschmid +++++.doc4.7M
[   ]Maps showing the persecution of the Jews 1939-1945.mht5.6M
[   ]Photos of Auschwitz Buildings - Gorbatshev documents.mht6.3M
[PDF]Treblinka - Extermination Camp or Transit Camp.pdf 13M
[SND]1990 12 17 - Mark Weber & Ted O'Keefe Discussing Revisionism (115min) ++++.mp3 26M