Showing more posts with label Tales of the Holohoax. Show older posts
Showing more posts with label Tales of the Holohoax. Show older posts

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Jewish Soviet Psych Warfare Propagandist Vasily Grossman: "The Hell of Treblinka" - 3 milion exterminated, Jews roasted on giant outdoor hibachis

A Must read. This belongs in the Holohoax Tales Hall of Fame, featured exhibit. This article was actually presented as evidence at Nuremberg too.

Vasily Grossman with the Red Army in Schwerin, Germany (1945) [1]

Jewish author Vasily Grossman wrote fiction novels in Soviet Russia prior to the war, keening the imaginative faculties of his mind. During WWII he was a "reporter" for the Soviet Army. His article "The Hell of Treblinka" (1944) was disseminated at the Nuremberg War Crimes Tribunal as evidence for the prosecution. Grossman was considered a "war hero" by the Soviets for his writings. [1]

Among other things, Vasily claims "3 million" people were exterminated in the "death factory" of Treblinka over the course of 13 months, "engine gas" and "steam chambers" were used as a means of extermination, that giant machines were used to excavate large pits at Treblinka for the disposal of the bodies, and that Himmler visited Treblinka in 1943 and ordered that the bodies in the pits be dug up and burned to destroy the evidence of extermination.

So "several million" corpses were dug up from the giant pits and burned on specially designed giant outdoor ovens. There were 3 ovens, each over 250 yards long that could burn around 4000 bodies at a time. Vasily claims "eyewitnesses" reported that the flames leaping off the giant hibachis reached 25-30 feet into the air, and that the flames could be seen "30 to 40 miles" from the camp. Then the ashes were disposed by spreading in fields and roads.

Also included in Vasily's fable are the stories of sending jew hair to Germany to make ropes for submarines and to stuff mattresses, dead bodies "writhing" in the fires, the bellies of dead pregnant women bursting in the fires, and of "monstrous" Germans "leisurely entertaining" themselves by burning children.

What could have possibly inspired a tale of this sort? Perhaps Vasily toured the very real destruction and mass murder his jewish brothers and partners in crime, the Bolsheviks, had unleashed on the Russians, Ukranians, and others.

The article also describes an uprising by the prisoners in which a rag tag group of half-starved inmates with axes, knives, and batons defeated several hundred SS guards and the camp was burned down. Then the Germans - with the Red Army advancing towards Germany - supposedly devoted manpower to totally destroy the camp, blowing up the buildings, etc in order to cover up the evidence. Convenient cover story for the Soviets...don't bother looking for the evidence to substantiate the claims of Vasily or the other "eyewitnesses."

The article reads like war propaganda from tabloid writers. The Germans are sophomorically demonized as "monsters" and "sub-humans", while Comrade Stalin and the "Holy Soviet Army" is fighting for freedom against the "Hellish Germans."

Full article "The Hell of Treblinka" in French:

Notable excerpts from the article (using Google translate):

The Hell of Treblinka

by Vasily Grossman, unabridged French version

The headings are not Vasily Grossman; they have been added for better navigation in the text.


Today the men spoke, stones and earth have borne witness. And we, in the eyes of humanity and to the conscience of the world, go one after the other circles of hell Treblinka, which pales to the hell of Dante. Everything you read, I have reconstructed from the stories of living witnesses, statements of men who worked at Treblinka since its inception until August 2, 1943, the day that death row inmates revolted, burned the camp and fled into the woods. The prisoners confirmed word for word the statements of witnesses and sometimes supplemented. All these men I saw with my own eyes I have talked at length, have before me their written statements. Such testimony, however, different sources, are perfectly aligned, whether Bari, head of the dog camp, or the technique of mass murder, the organization murder in the chain. Therefore we commit in the successive circles of Hell of Treblinka.


The women's hair

In the women's barracks, there was a "salon" where they are going to the mower, the old one removed their wigs. Strange psychological moment: the testimony of hairdressers, by being stripped of their hair, women were convinced they were going to the bath. Sometimes one of them stroking its head said: "Here a little shorter, please ... Equalizing ...Almost all came out reassured with a piece of soap and a towel, but young people regretted their beautiful tresses. Why do we cut their hair for women? Was it to deceive?... No, it was for use as raw material ...I asked many people what the Germans did all the hair of those who would die. They said that huge pile of curls and braids black or golden blonde, were disinfected, pressed in bags and shipped to Germany. Eyewitnesses confirmed that the bags were in fact German addresses. But there, that was one of those hair? Nobody could answer me. A Kon, in his written statement, said they were in the Department of the Navy, they used to stuff mattresses, plaiting ropes for submarines, etc..


The gas chamber

Before them stood a handsome stone building with wooden ornaments and was thinking of an ancient temple. Concreted Five steps led to the low doors, but very large, massive and beautiful work. Flowers grew outside the entrance that large decorated vases. 'But all around was chaos: they were everywhere from the mountains of freshly turned earth; his claws of steel, a great excavator projected grating in tons of yellow sand and dust was made as a curtain dimming the sun. The roar of the gigantic machine that all day digging huge graves mingled the furious barking of dozens of dogs-wolves.


Attempt to assess the number of victims

Each room of the new building was eight meters long and seven wide, that is to say fifty-six meters square area. Their total area was then five hundred yards square, counting seventy-five square meters of the three rooms at the beginning, Treblinka had an industrial area of death of six hundred thirty-five meters square. We piled in one room of four hundred to five hundred people. Therefore, when the ten rooms were operating at full, they annihilated at a time about four thousand five hundred people. On average, Chambers of Hell of Treblinka were filled two or three times a day (but sometimes up to five times). That is to say, it perished, that nothing in the new rooms, assuming what not were filled twice daily that is to say reducing the numbers, about ten thousand people per day three hundred thousand per month. For thirteen months, Treblinka worked all day. Even if we assume ninety days off for repairs or because there were no trains, there are still ten months. At the rate of three hundred thousand victims per month on average, we get for ten months, the appalling figure of three million, he confirms. our conjectures early: three million, we said, basing our calculations on the number - in fact deliberately reduced convoys arrived. I summarize:

Firstly, witnesses say, Treblinka worked every day in spite of their habits, the Germans were resting or Sunday or even on holidays such as Christmas, Easter or New Year.

Secondly, the number of cargo room - which had Treblinka most notorious of all the factories of death - was higher than we gave. It happened because we entassât in each seven hundred to eight hundred and even people. Usually they threw children and low over the heads of adults literally pressed against each other.

Third: I added that this happened twice a day when everything suggests that the average time was three. So even in greatly reducing all figures - whether convoys arriving at Treblinka or the number of killed per room - we get the fabulous figure, the monstrous figure of three million exterminated in thirteen month!

The death in gas chambers

The death occurred after ten to twenty minutes. The first time, when new rooms were "put into operation" and that the executioners, having not yet developed their system, were engaged in experiments to assay the Victims subjected to horrific suffering did not die until two or three hours. At first the crowds and suction equipment malfunctioning, death occurs after eight to ten hours of torment. Different methods were tested. The first was the repression of gas engine exhaust of a heavy tank towards the needs of the Treblinka station. The gas containing 2 to 3% carbon monoxide, which has the property to set the blood hemoglobin to give a durable combination.


There was a third method, less used, but used it anyway. It was to remove the air chambers through the steam. The principle does not change: it was to deprive the body of oxygen.


After twenty minutes

After twenty to twenty-five minutes, the acolytes of Schmidt threw a glance through the peephole. The time had come to open the doors that opened onto the quays. Detainees, in combination, closely followed by the SS, proceeded to "clean". As the floor was bowing to the dock, many corpses rolled from there themselves. Those who worked in "clean" room told me that the faces of the dead were frankly yellow and 70% had blood on the mouth and nose. For physiologists to explain it. The SS, while chatting, examined the bodies. If someone was still alive, moaning or moving, we finished a shot. Then teams armed with dental forceps tore the dead their teeth with gold or platinum. These were sorted and shipped to Germany in crates. If it had been better or more convenient to pull teeth to live the SS would not hesitate to do so, but it was easier and simpler to operate on cadavers.


The great excavators worked ceaselessly, day and night digging pits new long several hundred meters, which we did not see the bottom. The pits were open, waiting, but not for long.



The minister of death

In the late winter of 1943, Himmler arrived by plane at Treblinka, along with a large following officials of the Gestapo. The group landed near the camp where he went on two cars through the main entrance. Most new arrivals were in uniform, but some may be experts, were civilians in coat and hat. Himmler inspected the camp, and one of those who have seen tells us that the minister's death came a huge pit and gazed in silence, while those who accompanied him were held back at some distance from this monumental tomb already half full of corpses: Treblinka was the company's largest Konzern Himmler. The Reichsführer SS said the plane that day, but after giving the command of the camp an order which perplexed and Hauptsturmführer Baron von Pfein, Korol and his deputy, and Captain Franz had to proceed without delay to the excavation of corpses, burning them all to the last, and spread the ashes in the fields and roads. There were already several million in land, the task was therefore more difficult. In addition, we would never bury the dead they had to burn.

But why travel Himmler's orders and these categories? It's simple: the Red Army had conquered Stalingrad. It was a terrible blow for the Germans, and for the first time Berlin began to consider the liabilities incurred, punishment, expiation. This explains the arrival at Treblinka Himmler himself and he gave the order to remove at the earliest traces of the crimes perpetrated at sixty kilometers from Warsaw. Yes, this was the result of the Russian victory in the Battle of the Volga.

The decision to build crematoria

Himmler said: "Incinerate all dead. ""

But the bodies burned badly (those women, it is true, were consumed more than others), and it took a lot of fuel and plenty of oil. The company was expensive. In sum, there was an impasse. But a specialist arrived from Germany, a burly SS that bordered the fifties. The Hitler regime has produced specialists! And of all kinds for the murder of small children, strangulation, for the construction of gas chambers and destruction, scientifically organized, large cities within a day. There was one also for the exhumation and burning fast millions of corpses.

He came to Treblinka and directed the construction of furnaces. Furnaces of a particular type, as neither the crematorium in Lublin, or any other, had been able to burn at a time so short that amount of body. An excavator dug a long pit of two hundred fifty three hundred yards, wide from twenty to twenty-five meters, five meters deep. Three rows of small equidistant columns of reinforced concrete, high hundred to one hundred twenty centimeters, were built at the bottom and served to support steel beams that are arranged along the length of the pit. On these girders, and transversely, was installed rails, Cinq-seven centimeters from each other. We thus had the gates of a giant cyclopean oven. A new narrow gauge line of graves led to the first oven, which he would soon added a second and a third of the same dimensions. Each could receive both of three thousand five hundred to four thousand corpses.

Thick columns of smoke

They sent a second "Bagger" - giant excavator - then another. We worked night and day. Those who were engaged for the incineration of corpses say that the ovens were thinking of amazing volcanoes, the heat they gave off a terrible burnt faces; they vomited flame reached eight to ten meters; columns of black smoke dense and oily, rose into the sky and displayed in a heavy curtain move. Thirty or forty miles around, the villagers saw the flames rising in the night above the fir forest surrounding the camp. The smell of burned flesh was everywhere. When the wind blew towards the Polish camp, located three kilometers away, the air was stifling. The incineration of corpses occupied eight hundred prisoners, many more than that of workers employed in the blast furnace or hearth of any large metallurgical plant. For eight months, this monstrous company worked night and day, but without arriving to remove all the bodies buried there. It is true that new quotas on death row still arriving. Hence, for furnaces, extra work.

The horror

They came from Bulgaria, and that SS sentry waited impatiently. For deceived by the Germans and the fascist Bulgarian government then, these people ignorant of the fate that awaited them, brought with them many objects of value, excellent food, white bread. They came from Grodno and Bialystok, Warsaw Ghetto, which had raised, he had also other points of Poland were soldiers, workers and peasants Polish insurgents. A contingent of gypsies came from Bessarabia: about two hundred and eight hundred men, women and children. They had made the journey on foot, followed by their trailers, they had been deceived, too, and that they were escorted by two guards who were unaware that these people were going to die. It is reported that the Bohemians clapped their hands in admiration at the beautiful building of gas chambers, without guessing until the last moment the fate that awaited them, and that greatly amused the Germans. The SS cruelly raged against the rebels of the Warsaw ghetto. They put aside women and children, they led not to the gas chambers, but where the burned corpses. They forced the mad mothers with horror to drive their children from the ovens where thousands of bodies writhing in the flames and smoke, where the corpses, such as living agitated and contracted, where the bellies of dead pregnant burst under the effect of heat where children killed before birth, burning in the gaping womb of their mothers. This vision that would withstand the punishment due to man's most hardened would have a hundred times more terrible about these women who tried to cover their hands in front of their terrified children, "Mommy, what's that we'll we do? Are we going to burn us? "They shouted, pressing against them ... Dante in his Inferno, had seen anything so awful. After leisurely entertained by the spectacle, the Germans burned children.

Why write this?

One feels in reading all this a sense of unbearable horror. But the reader can believe me, writing is no less painful. You may say perhaps: "But yes what you require? Why portray these monstrous pictures? ""

Because even when it is terrible, the writer must tell the truth, and the reader must know it. Turn away, ignore, ignore, is an insult to the memory of those who perished. Who knows the truth, the whole truth will never be known with any enemy, what with our big monster, our Holy Red Army had started a fight to death.

Hymn of Treblinka

The "hospital", too, was refurbished. The first time they brought the sick in space delimited by the branches. After being greeted by a fake "doctor", they were killed and their bodies placed on stretchers were taken to the grave. Then they dug a large circular pit. All around, the seats were arranged very low, but so close to the board that there was one sitting on top of the pit where the bodies burning. It led to the "hospital" sick and decrepit old men, the "nurses" made them sit on seats when they saw the bodies writhing in the fire, then these sadistic fired at close range in the necks and gray arched backs, and poor body swooped down in flames.

We knew all the weight of German humor, which we never had a very high opinion. But how could we have imagined what was in Treblinka humor, entertainment, jokes SS?
They organized football matches between those sentenced to death, they forced them to play hide and seek, they organized choirs and dances which these unfortunates were to take part. Near German barracks, there was a menagerie of beasts relatively harmless, wolves and foxes, were locked in cages, while the wild beasts the most hideous and dangerous that the world has ever brought to and fro in freedom, and listening to music sitting on benches birch. A hymn called Treblinka had been made for death row:
Für uns heute nur giebt Treblinka
Das ist unser Schicksal
(Nothing that Treblinka
It is our destiny. )

They forced the men to bloody repeat chorus a few minutes before their death, silly songs, sentimental
... Ich brach das Blümelein
schenkt und es dem schönsten
Geliebten Madlein ...
(I picked the little flower
And I offered my beautiful ... )

One day the commander had withdrawn a batch of new arrivals a few children whose parents were killed, he ordered them to dress in nice clothes, feed them sweets, and he played with them. But this fad passed him after a few days, after which he was killed.

One of the main entertainment of the SS, was to suffer the worst violence to women young and pretty as we begin to share each new arrival and that their torturers themselves pushing the next morning, the gas chamber. So fun to Treblinka those support the Hitler regime, the pride of Nazi Germany.


The deportees who worked at the incineration

Summer 1943 was exceptionally warm. Not a drop of rain, not a cloud, not a breath of wind for weeks. The incineration of corpses continued; six months already since the furnaces were operating day and night, but only just over half the dead were burned.
Inmates who worked in the incineration of corpses could not long resist the horrible moral and physical torments they endured, were recorded from fifteen to twenty suicides per day, and many were killed in deliberate breaching disciplinary rules.
"Receiving a ball was a luxury," said Kossow a guy who escaped from the camp. And they told me that being sentenced to life in Treblinka was a thousand times more horrible than to die.


It carried the ashes out of the enclosure. Villagers Wolke, mobilized by the Germans loaded them into cars and spreaders on the road, along the side of death, led to the disciplinary camp of Polish, and extended the children held regularly on this road using shovels. They were sometimes of gold coins, gold teeth melted. 'Children of the dark road, "they said in speaking of them. Indeed, it was black and ash like a ribbon of mourning. The wheel of cars there was a sound 'very special, and when I followed, I thought I ever heard a rustle plaintive and deaf as a timid moan.
This black ribbon, through woods and fields, was the death camp in the Polish camp, was a symbol of the terrible fate that united the people under the ax of Hitler's Germany.

The peasants carried the ash from spring 1943 to summer 1944. Every day, twenty cars were going to work and each carried six or eight times a load of one hundred twenty-five to one hundred and thirty pounds.


The end of Treblinka

Treblinka had ceased to exist. The Germans incinérèrent the corpses still remained, demolished buildings of brick, removed the barbed wire, burned what remained of the wooden huts. They blew up or carried facilities, did disappear ovens, retired excavators, filled the innumerable ditches. Nothing remained of the station building. Finally they dismantled the track, removed the tie. They sowed the lupine on the location of the camp, and some Streben it built a small house. Today it is more: it was also burned.

What was the purpose of the Germans? Hide the footsteps of millions of murders in the hell of Treblinka? But they thought it was really possible? They hoped to close the mouth for thousands of witnesses who saw the doomed trains, from all parts of Europe, moving towards the factory of death? Obscure the macabre heavy flame, smoke during eight months climbed into the sky and saw that night and day the residents of dozens of towns and villages? Remove thirteen months of horrible cries pushed by women and children, and that farmers have Wolke still hear? To silence the peasants for a year were transported human ashes from the camp on nearby roads? Forcing to silence those who have seen and which provide precise and consistent evidence on each SS, each sentry, who can not rebuild step, hour by hour, the newspaper of Treblinka? To them no one will cry over "Mützen ab! "Nobody crammed into gas chambers. Himmler has more power over his followers who, head down and pulling their fingers trembling on the edge of their jackets, trace a voice dull and monotonous history of their crimes they believe caused by the folly or delirium. A Soviet officer who carries the green ribbon of the Medal of Stalingrad records the confession of the assassins. The tight-lipped guard who stands at the door, too, the Medal of Stalingrad, his thin face, tanned by the winds, is serious and severe. This is the very face of the people's justice. The symbol is not striking? It is a victorious army at Stalingrad who came to Treblinka, near Warsaw. If Heinrich Himmler was moved in February 1943, he came by plane to Treblinka, he gave orders to build kilns to burn the corpses, to remove the traces, it was not without reason. But it was fruitless. Defenders of Stalingrad arrived at Treblinka: the road from the Volga to the Vistula was short. Today, the soil of Treblinka refuses to be complicit in the crimes perpetrated by these monsters: he vomits bones, objects that belonged to the dead and that Hitler had wanted to hide.

Treblinka, September 1944

We arrived at the Treblinka camp in early September, thirteen months after the uprising. The death factory operated thirteen months and thirteen months the Germans have been working to erase the traces.

Everything is quiet. Just when one hears the rustle of pine summit, along the railway. These pines, sand, the old stock, millions of eyes have looked at cars that were advancing slowly toward the dock. Means crunching softly ash, slag powder on the dark road, lined with carefully, like German, stones painted white. We enter the camp, we tread the soil of Treblinka. The lupine pods crack as they are touched with a slight tingling and millions of seeds are spread on the ground. The noise they are falling and the pods are opening that are based in a sad, sweet melody, as if we came from the depths of the earth - far, wide and melancholy - the death knell of small bells. The land undulates beneath the feet, soft and greasy as if it had been sprinkled with flaxseed oil - earth bottomless Treblinka, surging like a sea That wilderness surrounded with barbed wire has engulfed more human lives than all oceans and seas all over the globe since the human race exists.

Land rejects bone fragments, teeth, various articles and papers. She will not be complicit.

Things escape from the ground splits, its wounds still gaping shirts half consumed, panties, shoes, cigar-greenish, wheels of watches, pocket knives, shaving brushes, candles, slippers for children Red pompoms, serviettes of Ukraine, lace, scissors, thimbles, corsets, bandages. Further heaps utensils: drums, aluminum cups, pots, pans, pots, jars, cans, canteens, cups child Ebonite ... Still further, a hand appears to have derived from the land of bloated Soviet passports, half charred, and log books in Bulgarian, photographs of children from Warsaw and Vienna, childish letters, poems written on the yellow sheet of a book of hours, ration cards in Germany ... And everywhere, perfume bottles, green, blue or pink ... A horrible odor of decomposition prevails in these places, which nothing could overcome neither the heat nor sun, nor rain, nor snow, nor wind. And these things have become prey swarms of gnats.

We continue to move forward on this land where not sink when suddenly we stopped. Hair thick, wavy, copper-colored, fine hair girls trampled, then curls, braids heavy black on the white sand, and others more. The contents of a bag, one bag of hair, had spread there ... So it was true! Hope, a wild hope, collapsed: it was not a dream! The pods of lupine continue to make clear, their seeds fall, and one would always hear rising from beneath the earth knell of an infinite number of small bells. It seems that the heart will stop beating, contracted by bitterness, pain, anguish too strong.

Racism, a mortal danger to mankind

Scientists, sociologists, criminologists, psychiatrists, philosophers ask how this could happen. Should we seek the cause in some organic traits, heredity, education, environment, external conditions, a historical inevitability, the criminal intent of directors? Embryos of racism, which seemed so funny, presentations by teachers and charlatans indigent theorists steeple in Germany in the last century, the German philistine contempt for the Russian, Polish, Jewish, the French, the English, Greek, Czech, this overweening belief, all free of German superiority over other peoples, quietly mocked by comedians and publicists, all suddenly, within a few years, has deprived his features "childish" and grown into a mortal danger to humanity, life and freedom, all this has been a source of incredible suffering, has shed rivers of blood and increased the crime, certainly, there is food for thought!

Every citizen of the world meets the future

Wars like this are horrible. But it's too little today about the responsibility of Germany. Let us be clear that all peoples, that each citizen of the world meets the future.

Today everyone is bound to his conscience, before his son and to his mother before his country and to humanity, to answer all his soul and his whole thought to the question: where does Racism? What does it take for the Nazis, Hitler never did reappear, or one side or the other of the ocean?

The imperial idea of "superiority" of national, racial, etc.., Has consistently led the Nazis to create camps of Majdanek, Sobibor, Bełżyce, Oswiencim, Treblinka.

Do not forget that this war the fascists will not lose the bitterness of defeat, but also the sensual memories of mass killings carried out easily.

That is what must be remembered, fiercely, day after day, those who hold dear the honor, freedom and life of all peoples, of all humanity.

Vasily Grossman

(1) It was here the first attempts to calculate the number of victims of Treblinka. Today, an estimated more than 700,000 around the number of Jews exterminated in this camp. General Commission of Inquiry concluded that 731,600 people, Jews, Poles and Gypsies murdered. (The German Crimes in Poland, Warsaw, 1948). The figure of 700,000 is included in an article, The indictment of the trial of Treblinka (Le Monde Juif, Revue du CDJC, July 1966). Raul Hilberg speaks of 750,000 Jews and more than 800,000 casualties in total.

And now for the truth about Treblinka...

Over six days in October of 1999, Australian scientists conducted a detailed forensic examination of the soil at the site, including the use of ground penetrating radar, and found absolutely no evidence whatsoever of any mass graves ever existing there.

Apparantly the Germans dug up the ash and remains of "several million" corpses and transported the remains elsewhere, and then replaced the soils with such efficiency that modern technology could not detect the soil strata had ever been disturbed.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

The 12 Stages of a Holohoax Tale

1. The survivor is put in a cattle car filled with hundreds of jews and a poop bucket, and sent to the camp, usually Auschwitz. Many Jews die of suffocation, but none of thirst, since a jew can survive for 3 years just on their own saliva.

2. The survivor stands in a line, to be chosen either for the gas chamber or the kitchen/orchestra/workshops. Close family members are always put in the other line. Even though all those under 16 are immediately gassed at Auschwitz, many young kids are sent to the work line.

3. The survivor comes face to face with Joseph Mengele himself, who decides to spare their life because Mengele had never seen a dancing Jew, a singling Jew, a Jew with no pimples, or a Jew who said they would work hard for him.

4. The survivor lives on a meager ration of 200-300 calories per day, including turnip heads/potato skins/excrement/grass soup/sawdust salami/human flesh, bones and hair/cat/rat/dog meat/mice/etc.

5. However they are still strong enough to work for the Germans, including making furniture/carpentry/electrician/plumber/V-2maker.

6. The survivor has some gold, daimonds or other jewelrey hidden about their person, which they use to bribe the guards for favours, or pay for a visit to the camp brothel.

7. They are taken to the gas chambers, but miraculously escape at the last minute, evading the guards. All their friends are killed. They witness other horrible atrocities, including babies burned alive in pits, geysers of jewish blood spurting out of the ground, or people burned alive in the ovens when the gas chambers were too busy.

8. The survivor is then forced to take part in a 'death march' which never actually leads to death. Often the survivor runs away!

9. The survivor is then transferred to another camp, where they cheat death again. This may be repeated any number of times.

10. The survivor escapes, right under the guards' noses, lives in the forest for a couple of years, then eventually emigrates to America/Britain/Australia/Israel although they have no friends, family or money. Then the survivor buys a multinational corporation. They are the only member of their large family of 200 to survive, and weigh only 40-50 pounds when they are rescued.

11. For 60 years the survivor says nothing about his or her experiences. Then suddenly they can't talk about anything else. They usually write a memoir called 'Dancing to the Music of my Dreams - A Survivor's Story'.

12. The survivor has now found peace, and spends the rest of his/her life telling their amazing story to schoolchildren. Only the very youngest ones, of course.

-by: CooDayTar, Yehuda Abraham & Lone Wolf

Related Posts:

Introduction to the Holocaust™ Hoax

Tales of the Holohoax - Archive of absurd "Holocaust Survivor" stories

Monday, November 9, 2009

Max Globan's Holy Hoax story - "We ate lunch on top of dead bodies" - Saw "scratch marks of fingernails in concrete wall of gas chamber"

Max survived "several" Nazi concentration camps. It was a miracle!

Max Globan with Cody Novack at Medical City Children's Hospital, Dallas, TX

Cancer patient hears Holocaust survivor's story

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

An 18-year-old boy battling cancer had an unusual request.

He wanted to meet a survivor of the Nazi Holocaust.

Cody Novack says he's always wondered how people could inflict such atrocities on their fellow human beings.

He’s fighting soft tissue sarcoma at Medical City Children's Hospital, and as he endures his final chemotherapy treatment, he's getting the real-life history lesson he hoped for.

Max Globan lived to tell about the horrors of the Holocaust. He survived several Nazi concentration camps. Globan recently visited the hospital to share his powerful experiences with Novack.

“We were taken on details where we ate lunch on dead bodies,” Globan told Novack.

He continued to describe the atrocities he lived through, telling Novack about “scratch marks of fingernails in the concrete wall and discoloration from the fumes in the gas chamber."

“To get the personal experience of the brutality of the concentration camps, the small details that you don't get to learn from just a teacher, the internet or something like that - it's an experience you'll never forget,” Novack said.

Globan, the Holocaust survivor, told more shocking stories of brutality at the hands of Hitler's henchmen.

But among the horror, there was hope, and a common thread between Holocaust survivor and hopefully, cancer survivor.

"From his reaction, I feel much better that the future generation that's growing up, will certainly not want to repeat what has happened during the years of 1939 and 1945," said Globan, who said it was an honor to share his experiences with Novack.

"That's something we'll never experience with the freedom we have here in the U.S., and to hear that from someone who actually went through that, it's an honor and privilege to be a part of that," Novack said.

Novack said it was a pleasure to meet Globan and hear his story.

His prognosis is promising, and he'll leave the hospital with a new knowledge and a new friend.

E-mail [email protected].

© 2009 WFAA-TV, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Eva Olsson's ludicrous Holohoax tale - "Gas chambers" and "Five children at a time burned alive in crematoriums" at Bergen-Belsen

The Bergen-Belsen concentration camp was in Lower Saxony in northwestern Germany. Once again, even Holohoax propagandists acknowledge that no "homicidal gassings" took place at any of the camps on German soil.

There were no gas chambers in Bergen-Belsen, since the mass executions took place in the camps further east. Nevertheless, an estimated 50,000 Jews, Czechs, Poles, anti-Nazi Christians, homosexuals, and Roma and Sinti (Gypsies) died in the camp. 1

This pathetic, patronizing article/story reads like it's coming from a template.

Holocaust survivor shares her message of hope

Written by Brent Chayka
Cambrian Shield
Tuesday, 29 September 2009

Eva Olsson, an 84-year-old Holocaust survivor, shared her amazing tale of survival to over 600 people gathered in the Lasalle Secondary School gymnasium on Monday.

Olsson began her speech by elaborately detailing the moment that her and her family were shipped to the Auschwitz concentration camp from her hometown of Szatmar, Hungary.

“When we got off the train, the masked Angel of Death, Josef Mengele, was waiting for us,” said Olsson. “He would signal us to go two ways, which was right or left. My mother went left.”

Those sent to the left were deemed as “unfit to work” and were led to the gas chambers, which included older men and women, children, and men with frail bodies.

“I just wanted to wrap my arms around her and say goodbye,” said Olsson. “But it was too late.”

Olsson used this example to illustrate the importance of people showing love for those around them.

After several years in Auschwitz concentration camp, her and her younger sister would be shipped to the Bergen-Belsen concentration camp, which was the Nazis' most brutal camp.

“When we arrived, there were five children at a time being forced into the crematoriums to be burned alive,” says Olsson. “Many were led into rooms with shower heads, but water did not come out. It was gas.”

The speech suddenly took a pause when Olsson asked students that have been victimized by bullying to raise their hands.

Olsson used this opportunity to say that she was also a victim of bullying, and compared the Nazis to bullies.

“They are people possessed by hate,” she said.

Olsson then delved into the main message of her speech.

“We must abolish the word hate,” said Olsson. “I do not like, is acceptable but we must know that there is a difference. We are no different than the bullies. Our only difference is attitude.”

Olsson urged the audience to teach the younger generation that hatred and intolerance is not the answer and stressed that children are not born with negative traits.

“Children are not born racist and they are not born hateful, they are taught,” said Olsson. “To those with younger siblings, you must teach them that hate is not the answer.”

She went on to say that people should not be bystanders if they see bullying happening, and that we must begin changing the world by taking action.

“Be strong and raise your voice. Defend the victims,” she said. “Millions of people didn’t defend the Jews until later, and millions of Jews died.”

Olsson then described how she immigrated to Sweden after the liberation of Bergen-Belsen and then her eventual migration to Montreal in 1952.

After the speech, teary-eyed students gathered to shake Dr. Olsson’s hand. She was more than happy to give hugs, as well.

Olsson said she plans to keep telling her story, until the day she can no longer move.

Copyright © 2009 Cambrian Shield.

judicial with more on this fleabag

Saturday, November 7, 2009

Samuel Pisar's holo fairytale - Survived 3 "death" camps - Escaped gas chamber by claiming he "was there only to wash the floor"

The story is that Saumual survived the "death" camps of Majdanek, Auschwitz and Dachau. That's funny...even Holohoax propagandists achnowledge that both Majdanek and Dachau were not extermination camps. Oh well, let's not spoil Samuel's and the Jew York Times' fun. The Germans tried twice to kill Samuel by putting him in the gas chamber, but Samuel escaped by telling the guard that he was only there to wash the floor.

Samuel Pisar, a Jewish survivor of Majdanek, Auschwitz and Dachau, the Nazi concentration camps.

After Survival, a Journey to Self-Recovery

The New York Times
Published: July 10, 2009

A feral child still lives haunted within him, Samuel Pisar says, and mocks all his fitted suits, lovely furnishings and worldly success.

“The little one with the sunken eyes and shaved head helps a lot,” he said. “He’s very severe with me; he disapproves of so many things; he’s a kind of conscience.”

Mr. Pisar, now 80, an author, consultant and international lawyer, was 10 when his native Poland was swallowed by Hitler and Stalin. He somehow survived the death camps of Majdanek, Auschwitz and Dachau, emerging at 16, hardened and wild, his Polish family gone to ash.

He spent a year and a half with older survivors as a hooligan and black marketeer in the American occupation zone of Germany, living high for revenge, riding a BMW motorcycle, selling Lucky Strikes and used coffee grounds stolen from the kitchens of the American occupying troops, reroasted and repackaged for the Germans.

He was rescued by a French aunt, and with the help of uncles in Australia he slowly created a life, one with extraordinary accomplishments: becoming an adviser on foreign economic policy to John F. Kennedy, whom he met at Harvard, and a confidant to Presidents François Mitterrand and Valéry Giscard d’Estaing of France; establishing himself as a lawyer to movie stars and corporate executives; making lots of money and finding happiness in a family that extends between France and the United States; and becoming a citizen of the United States by an act of Congress.

Mr. Pisar, pressed to confront his carefully hidden demons by his second wife, Judith, and his children, wrote a memoir in 1979, “Of Blood and Hope,” a moving saga of the nearly unspeakable, of survival and self-recovery. “I couldn’t move around any more like a shadow,” he said, “with all these taboos.”

He describes with relative openness how he was “molded to survive in the death camps, but not the Ivy League.” He survived by becoming pitiless and cruel, finding older protectors and ways to seem privileged in a hierarchy of despair, like persuading a prisoner-tailor to refashion a cap so that the stripes on the top perfectly met the stripes on the side. He was condemned to die at least twice, but managed to slip back into the general prison population, once convincing a guard that he was there only to wash the floor.


Friday, November 6, 2009

Ruth Foster's sad Holocaust™ fable - Jews snuck into mortuary to bite flesh from dead jews' buttocks & cut out livers

Ruth Foster was amongst the 1,000 Jews from Lingen, Germany transported to the Riga Ghetto in Latvia. "We had to line up in rows of six," says Ruth. "In front of us a young couple walked. The father had a child in his arms. An SS officer came and asked the child, 'Would you like a sweet?' The child said, 'yes.' The SS man said: 'Open your mouth.' He then shot the child through her mouth." After a few years Ruth was sent to Stuffhoff. When the camp was liberated by the Russians Ruth weighed three and a half stone and was dying of typhoid. "It dehumanised us in every way. Some of us still kept our dignity. Others would go into the mortuary and bite the flesh out of buttocks. Some had knives and would cut out the liver. They were like cannibals."

Ruth lost her entire family in the Holocaust.

Of course she is the "only survivor of her entire family", just like all the rest. So if virtually every Holohoax survivor out there lost almost their entire family, let's do the calculations. The Israeli government says there were 1 million Holocaust™ Survivors™ alive in 2004. So lets assume, just for the sake of argument, that means there were around 4 million Survivors™ immediately after the war. Then lets assume that each of these 4 million "survivors" lost, conservatively, around 10 members of their family. That means the real number of jews exterminated in the Holohoax, accounting for some cross-linkage in family relations, was around 30-35 million. But we all know that it was much higher than that because most of the survivors tell us they lost their entire family of 100-200 people, like Abe Price below.

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Abe Price's Auschwitz holo-tale - "For three years, didn't see a child under 16 or an adult older than 40" - survived on 300 calories per day

Because the fable is that the Nazis killed all those under 16 or over 40. I guess all these children liberated from Auschwitz just missed going to the gas chambers or the fire pits...

Child survivors of Auschwitz liberatd by the Red Army, January, 1945 1

Abe didn't see Thomas Buergenthal either, who was 10 when sent to Auschwitz and "miraculously" survived the "death" camp. Maybe Thomas told the Germans he was 16, and they were so stupid they fell for it.

When Abe esacaped from Auschwitz he "didn't eat or drink for five days".

Holocaust survivor

John Dempsey, Pharos-Tribune, Logansport, Ind.
Combined Jewish Philanthropies
Knight Ridder/Tribune Business News
July 26, 2009

Jul. 26--I spent six years in hell," Abe Price stated, "between the ages of 16 and 22 during the Nazi occupation of Poland."

Though he is 86 years old, his voice is firm, his eyes ablaze. The tattoo on the inside of his left arm is evidence backing up his statement. B-3266, the number he was given on arrival at Auschwitz. The B, he explains, stands for 200,000.

The pain remains evident 64 years after he escaped his Nazi captors. And it's there for good reason, as he will tell you.

"I lost 200 members of my own family," the father of Logansport optometrist Herb Price said during an interview here Thursday.

He was 16 and in high school when the German army invaded Poland Sept. 1, 1939, the event that officially started World War II. His name was Abram Piasecki. He was Jewish and he lived with his parents and four older brothers in Kielce. The city was home to 28,500 Jews in 1941 -- one-third of its population.

When he returned after escaping a Nazi death march in January 1945, there were seven.

"It looked like a cemetery," he said.

The Gestapo confiscated his parents' shoe factory, which employed 110 people, and their stores.

"They forced us to put the Star of David on our arms," he said. "My oldest brother went to the Soviet Union because he thought that was discrimination."

And while he was sent to a Siberian gulag to do forced labor for six years, that brother survived the war.

"My parents, two brothers and their wives, the Nazis killed," Abe continued.

While living in the large Kielce ghetto, his parents were taken to Treblinka, one of six extermination camps, where they were killed in 1942.

"My next younger brother, he was an attorney in Lithuania," Abe explained. "He was murdered by Lithuanian Nazis with his wife in Mariampolie on September 1, 1941. That was just a couple months after the Nazis invaded Russia.

"My third brother went with his wife and was taken to Treblinka and died August 24, 1942."

In 1940, Abe was sent to work on highways, but escaped. In 1941, he escaped again while living in a labor camp and working in a stone quarry.

Abe and his fourth brother, Charles, were living in the little ghetto when three boys came back from Treblinka. "They told us the news of what the Nazis were doing there."

"My eyes were opened. I then knew the facts of life," he said. "For the next 2 1/2 years, I knew every day could be my last."

In 1942, he was picked up again and sent to a woodworking factory. When he escapted that time, however, he was caught.

"A Polish girl helped me, but they arrested four women. I was hiding in the small ghetto. I had a hand gun and wanted to join the small underground," he recalled. "A fellow recognized me and called the police. I was taken back to the factory and got a bad beating.

"I was taken to the Germans and they interrogated me. I knew three of the women, but I wouldn't implicate them, so they were set free. I played dumb. They asked me why I escaped. I said I wanted to go home and thought the war was over."

The Germans began to liquidate the small ghetto in 1943. As Abe and Charles were being led behind a building, Abe saw a number of Ukranians in black uniforms with machine guns and thought they were going to be killed.

"I pulled his sleeve and said 'run after me,' but he didn't," the Naples, Fla., resident said. Charles was sent to a concentration camp in Germany where he was eventually rescued by American troops.

Abe was eventually sent to Auschwitz-Birkenau in 1944. That was where he was tattooed with the number.

At Birkenau, 12,000 to 20,000 people died every day. Trainloads of people were brought in boxcars, at least 120 per car, from all over Europe. There was no ventilation, no food and no sanitary facilities. Those who survived the trip were separated by age. Those under 16 and older than 40 were killed with the rest sent to labor camps in the complex.

"The devil himself couldn't have figured out such hell," Abe said. "One and a half million Jewish children died there. For three years, I didn't see a child under 16 or an adult older than 40."

He was put on a work crew building an oil refinery.

"There were 800 people in this camp that was bordered with high-voltage fence and watchtowers with machine guns," he said. "We were only there for half the year when they took us on a death march. The Russians were coming and about a week later they freed Auschwitz."

So, with his friend Ernst Tauber, Abe bolted.

"We were condemned to die until I took the chance. I know we would have died if we had stayed," said Abe, who weighed just 90 pounds by then due to the Germans' 300 calorie a day diet.

Sure to stand out in striped uniforms, wood shoes and shaved heads, the two contained their escape to fields.

"We came to a small house about 15 miles from Auschwitz ... crawled through a window into the barn and dug our way under the hay," Abe said. "We didn't eat or drink for five days. Finally, we decided to knock on the door figuring it was a Polish family.

"The old lady opened the door and invited us in. She had two daughters living with her. Their husbands were in the German army. They were ethnic Germans. They were wonderful people."

The women attempted to dye their uniforms, but when that didn't work, they were given some of the husbands' clothing.

"They could have brought the police. But they gave us hot milk, eggs, bread and butter -- food we hadn't seen in a year. They were afraid the neighbors would see us so they told us we had to leave."

The women gave them five loads of bread before they left. The eventually came to another farm where a Polish farmer had returned, taking his land back from Nazi farmers.

"We stayed for three days. The SS came to house and was checking IDs. The farmer had one but I didn't," he continued. He went to the barn to use the restroom and heard two soldiers saying that he had escaped.

Abe went back in where the SS officer asked where he had been. But, the officer never asked for an ID and didn't arrest him.

"It was pure luck. I spoke in Polish only so he didn't know I was Jewish," he said.

The farm was on the front where the fighting was going on and changed hands three times. But, with the Soviets back for good, Price and Tauber secured a pass from a Soviet officer.

Over the next few days they checked out Auschwitz and Birkenau before making it to Krakow.

Tauber remained in Krakow because his home of Prague was still occupied by Germans. Price headed for Kielce, but only remained there three days.


Copyright (c) 2009, Pharos-Tribune, Logansport, Ind.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Irene Zisblatt on how she repeatedly ingested, defecated, and retrieved four diamonds for almost a year and a half at Auschwitz-Birkenau

One time she says she had to swallow them right after retrieving them from her excrement without washing them off.

"The Fifth Diamond" by Irene Zisblatt - Yet another absurd new Holocaust Survivor™ memoir

From Irene Zisblatt's speaking tour - More Vicious Holohoax Lies from "The Fifth Diamond"

Irene Zisblatt Caught In lie about her Holy Hoax Tale; Says jews would commit suicide by throwing themselves on electric fence, SS tried to stop them

Irene Zisblatt tells how she avoided being skinned and lampshaded for Ilse Koch and escaped the gas chamber by having her tattoo removed

A 'MUST READ': Fania Wedro's incredible Holohoax Survivor fairy tale - Lived in forest for almost 2 years, sleeping in pits with dead bodies

This fairy tale goes down alongside Jack and the Beanstalk and Misha Defonseca's story of being raised by wolves. Poor Fania escaped a Polish ghetto after a Rabbi lit a massive fire and urged the jews to sacrifice themselves. But Fania just ran away into the forest, surviving in the woods for a year and a half, keeping warm by wrapping herself in tree bark. She also slept in pits filled with dead bodies. Why? Weren't there better places to sleep in the woods? We'll never know. The ways of the Holy Holocaust are truly inneffable and unknowable.

Fania Wedro, seen Oct. 27, 2009 at the Calgary Jewish Community Centre

Holocaust survivor shares story of escape

Symposium urges youth 'to fight racism'

By Eva Ferguson
Calgary Herald
October 28, 2009

CALGARY - During a year and a half of hiding from the Nazis in the cold, damp forests of Eastern Europe, young Fania Wedro and 10 other Jews did everything they could to survive. They wrapped themselves in tree bark to stay warm, stole food from nearby villages and drank water from a filthy swamp.

"It is like there is this beast within you, and you do anything just to survive," says Wedro, 82, who speaks annually at the Holocaust Education Symposium at Mount Royal University.

"But when you are young, you feel like you can handle anything."

Living in Poland during the Second World War, Wedro was 14 when she was sent to a work ghetto for Jews.

She remembers standing in a line beside her mother when a Nazi soldier demanded her age.

Before she could answer, Wedro's mother shoved her forward and said "she is 16," knowing they would put her to work instead of just killing her.

That was the last day she saw her mother. Her brother and father were also killed by Nazis.

She struggled alone in a work ghetto for months before a rabbi lit a massive fire, urging everyone to jump in and sacrifice themselves. But Fania just ran, escaping as Nazi soldiers were distracted by the chaos.

She walked for days alone, hiding and sleeping in open pits full of dead bodies, temporarily finding food at a neighbourhood farm, then venturing into the forest and finding cover with a small group of Jews.

Sleep never came easy, as horrific images of death raced through her mind -- soldiers shooting old women, or playing catch with babies until they fell hard against the pavement, and mothers screaming as they watched helplessly.

She found strength in the words of a family friend she spoke to briefly one day during her time in the ghetto.

"She told me, 'I've been having dreams about your mother. She is in a good, safe place. But it is very wet there for her. It is because you are crying all the time. You must stop crying."

From that day on, Fania hung on to those words, and found the strength to fight to the day the war ended.

A Russian soldier found her in a huddle in the forest. The ground had stopped shaking, the shelling had stopped, and he said to her, "You are safe now."

But tears come easily now for Wedro as she tells her dramatic story at the Calgary Jewish Centre.

She's been a speaker for several years with the Holocaust Education Symposium, which will celebrate its 25th anniversary next Tuesday.

The Calgary Jewish Community Council will host the celebration at the Beth Tzedec Synagogue, with guest speaker Justice Rosalie Silberman Abella, a judge with the Supreme Court of Canada and the child of Holocaust survivors.

The symposium, held every May at Mount Royal University, is a half-day program with guest lecturers, films and speakers like Wedro who are survivors.

Judy Shapiro of the Calgary Jewish Community Council said meeting with survivors is the most significant part of the program for students attending the symposium.

The kids hear about history from the perspective of someone who has lived through it and they're incredibly moved, she said.

But the most impressive thing about the speakers, Shapiro added, is "they don't hate -- all of them make a point of telling the kids that hate is destructive. They challenge the kids to work to fight racism, to protect human rights and work to make this a better world."

The symposium began 25 years ago as a response to the controversy surrounding Jim Keegstra, an Alberta teacher who told Grade 9 students in the small town of Eckville that the Holocaust did not happen.

He was stripped of his teaching certificate and convicted under Canada's hate propaganda law.


© Copyright (c) The Calgary Herald

Yes, the Holohoaxer's "don't hate"...while spreading the most vile, slanderous, vicious lies to demonize the good German people.

More Holohoax Tales

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Irene Zisblatt Caught In lie about her Holy Hoax Tale; Says jews would commit suicide by throwing themselves on electric fence, SS tried to stop them

This is the same Irene Zisblatt, of "The Fifth Diamond" fame, the holohoax tale where she claims she ate and retrieved diamonds from her excrement for a year and a half.

via Curt Maynard

So we are to believe the Germans wanted to kill every jew they could get their hands on, but they wouldn't let them commit suicide?

"The Fifth Diamond" by Irene Zisblatt - Yet another absurd new Holocaust Survivor™ memoir

From Irene Zisblatt's speaking tour - More Vicious Holohoax Lies from "The Fifth Diamond"

Inside the Auschwitz "Death Factory" - "Eyewitness" says boiling human fat collected in pans and poured over bodies in burning pits to stoke fire

From "Hitler's Death Camps" by Konnilyn G. Feig

The Auschwitz-Birkenau crematoria could not handle the amount of jews being gassed with bug spray, so they had to burn the bodies in pits. The diabolical and ingenious Nazis designed the pits so they could collect the boiling human fat draining off, and then they poured it back over the bodies in the pit to keep the fires burning strong. Then, get this, Nazis with flamethrowers were brought in at intervals to burn up any jew body parts that hadn't totally been consumed by the flames. Later the Germans dug out and "pulverized" the ashes before disposing of them. It's all of the "few" "eyewitnesses" to survive Auschwitz said so.

Note the source claims it only took half an hour to burn 2-3 jews bundled together in the crematoria. In modern crematoria, it takes around 2 hrs to cremate a body. But as we know, all laws of physics, all logic, and all reason is suspended when discussing the Holy Holohoax.

Kosher source: nizkor

Each day the trains rolled into the camp through the passageway constructed in the far gate, down one of three tracks to the selection platform. As they fell out of the trains, the victims were sent one way or another, with tearful prting scenes. The procession moved to the crematoria yard where the SS told the Jews they were going to take disinfection baths. An orchestra of attractive women played gay tunes from operas and light marches. Then to the dressing room or reception center with numbered clothing pegs drivin into the walls. The SS ordered the victims to undress and to remember their numbers. Sometimes they gave them towels. Then the SS drove the victims through the corridor to the heated gas chamber. The heating was provided not for the comfort of the prisoners but to create a better setting for the evaporation of gas. The gas squads packed the 2,000 victims into the room. From the ceiling hung imitation shower heads. The doors were closed, the air was pumped out, and the gas poured in. Cyclone B, or hydrogen cyanide, is a very poisonous gas that causes death by internal suffocation. In sufficient concentrations, it causes death almost immediately. But the SS did not bother to calculate the proper quantities, so death took anywhere from three to twenty minutes. While the victims were dying, the SS witched through the peepholes.

When they opened the doors, they found the victims in half-sitting positions in a towerlike pile. Most were pink, others were covered with green spots. Some had foam on their lips, while others bleeding from the nose. Many had their eyes open. The majority were packed near the doors. The squads in special clothing moved in with hooks to pull the bodies off of each other.

The SS physicians and scientists monitored the selection and the gassing, watching the procedure through the special airtight door. The doors could not be opened until the doctor gave the sign that all victims were dead. The doctors assumed their monitoring of the killings on a rotating basis.[44]

Two German firms, Tesch/Stabenow and Degesch, produced Cyclone B gas after they acquired the patent from Farben. Tesch supplied two tons a month, and Degesch three quarters of a ton. The firms that produced the gas already had extensive experience in fumigation. "In short, this industry used very powerful gases to exterminate rodents and insects in enclosed spaces; that it should now have become involved in an operation to kill off Jews by the hundreds of thousands is not mere accident."[45]
After the war the directors of the firms insisted that they had sold their products for fumigation purposes and did not know they were being used on humans. But the prosecutors found letters from Tesch not only offering to supply the gas crystals but also advising how to use the ventilating and heating equipment. Hoss testified that the Tesch directors could not help but know of the use for their product because they sold him enough to annihilate two million people. Two Tesch partners were sentanced to death in 1946 and hanged. The director of Degesch recieved five years in prison.

The scientifically planned crematoria should have been able to handle the total project, but they could not. The whole complex had forty-six retorts, each with the capacity for three to five persons. The burning in a retort lasted about half an hour. It took an hour a day to clean them out. Thus it was theoretically possible to cremate about 12,000 corpses in twenty four hours or 4,380,000 a year. But the well-constructed crematoria fell far behind at a number of camps, and especially at Aschwitz in 1944. In August the total cremation reached a peak one day of 24,000, but still a bottleneck occurred. Camp authorities needed an economic and fast method of corpse disposal, so they again dug six huge pits beside Crematorium Five and reopened old pits in the wood.

Thus, late in 1944, pit burning became the chief method of corpse disposal. The pits had indentations at one end from which human fat drained off. To keep the pits burning, the stokers poured oil, alcohol, and large quantities of boiling human fat over the bodies

The sizzling fat was scooped out with buckets on a long curved rod and poured all over the pit causing flames to leap up amid much crackling and hissing. . . . The air reeked of oil, fat, benzole and burnt flesh.

Muller described the ghastly scene:
The corpses in the pit looked as if they had been chained together. Tounges of a thousand tiny blue-red flames were licking at them. The fire grew fiercer and flames leapt higher and heigher. Under the ever-increasing heat a few of the dead began to stir, writhing as though with some unbearable pain, arms and legs straining in slow motion, and even their bodies streightening up a little, hesitant and with difficulty, almost as if with their last strength they were trying to rebel against their doom. Eventually the fire became so fierce that the corpses were enveloped by flames. Blisters which had formed on their skin burst one by one. Almost every corpse was covered with black scorch marks and glistening as if it had been greased. The searing heat had burst open their bellies: there was the violent hissing and sputtering of frying in great heat. Boiling fat flowed into the pans on either side of the pit. Fanned by the wind, the flames, dark-red before, now took on a fiery white hue: the corpses were burning so fiercely that they were consumed by their own heat. The process of incineraton took five to six hours. What was left barely filled a third of the pit. The shiny whitish-grey surface was strewn with countless skulls.[46]

At intervals, flamethrowers were brought in to destroy the rotten remains. In the center of Nazi industrial might it was the open pits that finally broke the bottleneck of bodies: a technique from ancient times.

Burning that many bodies produced an enormous quantity of ashes. To finish the task, the labor squad cooled the ashes with water, shoveled out the ashes, piled them in heaps, removed remaining bones and limbs with special tools, reburnt the limbs, pulverized the ashes, and buried them in pits or threw them into the marshes. Later they threw the ashes into the Vistula and Solo rivers. A small, carefully sifted quantity was kept in a shed. Sometimes families were notified of the death of their loved ones and in return for money they would recieve urns filled with the ashes.[47]

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Yanina Cywinska's holo-fable - Survives Auschwitz gas chamber when dead jews fall on top of her, protecting her from poisonous gas

Yanina was only 10 years old when the nazis took her to the Auschwitz gas chambers. Because the nazis killed all children under 16 at the Death Camp.

The nazis threw Yanina into the gas chamber and fired up the gas. All the adult Jews croaked. They fell on top of Yanina, and protected her with their bodies from the poison gas! It was a miracle!

Then the SonderKommandos dressed 10 year old Yanina in a uniform and told her to blend in with the other adult prisoners. The stupid nazis never caught on, and so they sent 10 year old Yanina to work at Dachau.

Death camp survivor speaks at Augie tonight

Monday, April 11, 2005
The Quad-City Times
Times staff report

Yanina Cywinska, a survivor of the gas chamber at Auschwitz, will present the 2005 Geifman Lecture in Holocaust Studies tonight at Augustana College in Rock Island.

The free lecture will begin at 7:30 p.m. in Wallenberg Hall, inside the Denkmann Memorial Building, 3520 7th Ave. Cywinska will share her firsthand account of the atrocities she endured as a prisoner in the Auschwitz and Dachau concentration camps.

Tonight's program will include the announcement of the winners of the 2005 Geifman Awards for written responses to the Holocaust. The lecture and awards are sponsored by the Geifman Endowment in Judaica. Donated by Gerry and Morris M. Geifman, the endowment supports the college's acquisition of informational materials in Judaic studies and culture. In addition, it provides for guest lecturers and student scholarships and awards.

Cywinska was a 10-year-old student at the Kirov Ballet in Leningrad (now St. Petersburg) when her Polish Catholic parents suddenly called her home to Warsaw. Cywinska's parents, a physician and an artist, worked to assist Jews imprisoned in the Warsaw ghetto during the Nazi occupation of Poland until they themselves were placed in a Warsaw detention center. Once the family boarded trains for Auschwitz, Yanina would never see her parents or brother again.

At Auschwitz, she survived the gas chamber when adult bodies fell on top of her, protecting her from inhaling a lethal amount of poison gas. Found moaning by Jewish slave laborers who were forced to clean the gas chambers, she was resuscitated, given a uniform and told to blend in with the others. She was later moved to the Dachau camp in Germany, where she remained until it was liberated in 1945.

More Holy Hoax Tales

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Rivka Yosselevska's absurd Holy Hoax fable - Escaped biting jew corpses, witnessed geysers of blood

One of the all time greats right here.

The tale goes like this: Rivka and her family were rounded up by the Germans, shot, and thrown into a pit. Despite being shot in the head, Rivka miraculously was still alive, but bodies were falling on top of her suffocating her in the pit. She started crawling her way out, but dying victims started, and I quote: "biting at my legs, pulling me down"! But she got away from the evil undead!

The Nazis were so inept, they also failed to kill several others whom were shot and thrown in the pit. Rivka even helped try to pull out one woman, but the dead jews were "biting" at the leg of the woman. Many children and women crawled out of the pit, but only to be tracked down shortly thereafter by the Nazis and finished off. But not Rivka. Mysteriously, the Nazis just let her live for whatever reason. Rivka just layed there by the pit for 3 days, and saw blood spurting out of the ground.

Not only did Rivka survive the Holocaust, she survived a zombie jew outbreak!

Every word of this is true. Believe or be an evil anti-semite.

source: Holocaust Education & Archive Research Team

Rivka Yosselevska testifying at the trial of Adolf Eichmann in Jerusalem

Testimony of Rivka Yosselevska

On the evening of 14 August 1942, the first day of the Hebrew month of Ellul, a Friday, the SS surrounded the ghetto in the village of Zagrodski, near Pinsk in Belarus (Belorussia), home to five hundred Jewish families. “The commotion and noise on that night”, recalled Rivka Yosselevska, “was not customary, and we felt something in the air.”

On Saturday morning 15 August 1942, the Germans entered the ghetto, ordering the Jews to leave their houses for a roll call. All day, the Jews were kept standing, waiting. Towards sunrise, the children screamed, demanding food and water. But the Germans would allow no one back into their homes.

That evening a truck arrived at the ghetto gates. The Jews were ordered on to it, and drove out of the ghetto. Those for whom there had been no room on the truck were ordered to run after it. “I had my daughter in my arms”, Rivka Yosselevska recalled, “and ran after the truck. There were mothers who had two or three children and held them in their arms – running after the truck. We ran all the way. There were those who fell – we were not allowed to help them rise. They were shot – right there – wherever they fell.”

On reaching the destination, Rivka Yosselevska saw that the people from the truck had already been taken off, and were undressed, “all lined up.” It was some three kilometres from the village, by “a kind of hillock”. At the foot of the hillock was a ditch. The Jews were ordered to stand on the hillock, where four SS men stood “armed to the teeth.”

“We saw naked people lined up”, Rivka Yosselevska recalled, “and we hoped this was only torture. Maybe there is hope – hope of living.”

Her account continued:

“One could not leave the line, but I wished to see – what are they doing on the hillock? I turned my head and saw that some three or four rows were already killed – on the ground.

There were some twelve people amongst the dead. I also want to mention that my child said while we were lined up in the ghetto, she said `Mother, why did you make me wear the Shabbat dress, we are being taken to be shot’ [you would expect a child to be hysterical and scared of death...but no, she's worried about her dress?]-; and when we stood near the dug-out, near the grave, she said, `Mother, why are we waiting, let us run!’

Some of the young people tried to run, but they were caught immediately, and they were shot right there. It was difficult to hold onto the children. We took all children, not ours, and we carried – we were anxious to get it all over- the suffering of the children was difficult- we all trudged along to come nearer to the place and to come nearer to the end of the torture of the children. The children were taking leave of their parents and parents of their elder people.

We were driven; we were already undressed; the clothes were removed and taken away; our father did not want to undress; he wanted to keep his underclothes on. He did not want to stand naked. Then they tore the clothing off the old man and he was shot. I saw it with my own eyes. And then they took my mother, and she said, let us go before her, but they caught my mother and shot her too; and then there was my grandmother, my father’s mother, standing there; she was eighty years old and she had two children in her arms. And then there was my father’s sister. She also had children in her arms and she was shot on the spot with the babies in her arms.

And finally my turn came. There was my younger sister, and she wanted to leave, she pleaded with the German; she asked to run, naked- she went up to the Germans with one of her friends; they were embracing each other; and she asked to be spared, standing there naked. He looked into her eyes and shot the two of them. They fell together in their embrace, the two young girls, my sister and her young friend. Then my second sister was shot and then my turn came.

We turned towards the grave and then he turned around and asked, `Whom shall I shoot first?’ We were already facing the grave. The German asked, `Whom do you want me to shoot first?’ I did not answer. I felt him take the child from my arms. The child cried out and was shot immediately. And then he aimed at me. First he held onto my hair and turned my head around; I stayed standing; I heard a shot, but I continued to stand and then he turned my head again and he aimed the revolver at me, ordered me to watch, and then turned my head around and shot at me. Then I fell to the ground into the pit amongst the bodies – but I felt nothing.

The moment I did feel I felt a sort of heaviness and then I thought may be I am not alive anymore, but I feel something after I died. I thought I was dead, that this was the feeling which comes after death. Then I felt that I was choking; people falling over me. I tried to move and felt that I was alive and that I could rise. I was strangling. I heard the shots and I was praying for another bullet to put an end to my suffering, but I continued to move about.

I felt that I was choking, strangling, but I tried to save myself, to find some air to breathe, and then I felt that I was climbing towards the top of the grave above the bodies. I rose, and I felt bodies pulling at with me with their hands, biting at my legs, pulling me down, down.
And yet with my last strength I came up on top of the grave, and when I did I did not know the place, so many bodies were lying all over, dead people; I wanted to see the end of this stretch of dead bodies, but I could not. It was impossible. They were lying, all dying; suffering; not all of them dead, but in their last sufferings; naked; shot, but not dead. Children crying, `Mother, Father’; I could not stand on my feet.

The Germans had gone. There was nobody there, no one standing up. “I was naked, covered with blood, dirty from other bodies, with the excrement from other bodies which was poured on me.” Riivka Yosselevska had been wounded in the head, but she managed to crawl out of the grave, then she recalled;

“I was searching among the dead for my little girl and I cried for her – Merkele was her name – Merkele! There were children crying `Mother! Father!’ – but they were all smeared with blood and one could not recognise the children. I cried for my daughter. From afar I saw two women standing. I went up to them. They did not know me, I did not know them, and then I said who I was, and then they said, `So you survived’. And then there was another woman crying, `Pull me out from amongst the corpses, I am still alive, help!’ We were thinking how could we escape from the place. The cries of the woman, `Help, pull me out from the corpses!’ We pulled her out – her name was Mikla Rosenberg. We removed the corpses and the dying people who held onto her and continued to bite. [those damn biting jew zombies again] She asked us to take her out, to free her, but we did not have the strength.

And thus we were there all night, fighting for our lives, listening to the cries and the screams and all of a sudden we saw Germans, mounted Germans. We did not notice them coming in because of the screaming and the shouting from the bodies around us.

The Germans ordered that all the corpses be heaped together into one big heap and with shovels they were heaped together, all the corpses, amongst them many still alive, children running about the place. I saw them. I saw the children. They were running after me, hanging on to me. Then I sat down in the field and remained sitting with the children around me. The children who got up from the heap of corpses.

The Germans came and were going around the place. We were ordered to collect all the children, but they did not approach me, and I sat there watching how they collected the children. They gave a few shots and the children were dead. They did not need many shots. The children were almost dead, and this Rosenberg woman pleaded with the Germans to be spared, but they shot her.

They all left – the Germans and the non-Jews from around the place. They removed the machine guns and they took the trucks. I saw that they all left and the four of us, we went on to the grave, praying to fall into the grave, even alive, envying those who were dead already and thinking what to do now. I was praying for death to come. I was praying for the grave to be opened and to swallow me alive. Blood was spurting from the grave in many places, like a well of water, and whenever I pass a spring now, I remember the blood which spurted from the ground, from that grave.

I was digging with my fingernails, trying to join the dead in that grave. I dug with my fingernails, but the grave would not open. I did not have enough strength. I cried out to my mother, to my father – `Why did they not kill me? What was my sin? I have no one to go to. I saw them all being killed. Why was I spared? Why was I not killed?’

And I remained there - stretched out on the grave, three days and three nights.

I saw no one, I heard no one. Not a farmer passed by. After three days, shepherds drove their herd on to the field, and they began throwing stones at me, but I did not move. At night, the herds were taken back and during the day they threw stones believing that either it was a dead woman or a mad woman. They wanted me to rise, to answer. But I did not move. The shepherds were throwing stones at me until I had to leave the place.

A farmer took pity on Rivka Yosselevska, hid her and fed her. Later, he helped her join a group of Jews hiding in the forest. There she survived until the Soviet army came in the summer of 1944.

Nineteen years after her escape from the execution pit she told her story at the Eichmann trial in Jerusalem.

Lest We Forget. Never Again™. Amen.

More Holohoax Tales

Friday, October 16, 2009

Kitty Hart Moxon's tear-jerking Holohoax tale - Had to scrape Auschwitz toilets with bare hands, saw the jew hair used to fleece military jackets

Polish jew Kitty Hart Moxon had to use the same bowl for eating soup and as a toilet, and never was able to wash it between uses. Her job at Auschwitz was to dig out the excrement from the toilets with her bare hands, which was a "prestigious position."

She personally believes "much more than 1.5 million" jews were exterminated at Birkenau.

A chilling history lesson comes to life for Berwickshire pupils visiting Auschwitz

Berwickshire News
08 October 2009
By Kevin Janiak

HIGH SCHOOL pupils from across the region were due to fly out to Poland yesterday as part of a nationwide project run by the Holocaust Education Trust - including Anna Merryfield and Catherine Swan from Berwickshire High School, and Maddy King and Hannah Simmons from Eyemouth High School.

Last Thursday, at an orientation seminar, the group heard from Auschwitz survivor Kitty Hart Moxon. Kevin Janiak reports.

I had expected to be shocked.

That is a bit of a contradiction, I guess, but Kitty Hart Moxon is a bundle of contradictions. She looks like your favourite gran. She is pleasant, quietly spoken and erudite, yet what she went through between the ages of 12 and 19 would test the very soul of the most battle-hardened soldier.

Her memories of these terrible years remain sharp, although she herself admits that the sheer scale of the atrocities she witnessed meant that she was numbed to the horror.

She was born Kitty Felix in the small town of Bielsko, in Southern Poland. She was 12 when the Germans invaded in 1939. They were so close to the border, as it was then, that many families, including Kitty's, decided to flee to Lublin in central Poland.

But within weeks, the German troops entered the city.

The Felix family had to register as Jews to obtain ration cards and they were posted into the Lublin ghetto. Children were not allowed any schooling and parents were not allowed to work. They were not allowed to walk on the pavements, but in the gutter. Once, Kitty said, she was walking down the pavement with a boy she was friendly with. She stepped off, but he did not and he was shot and killed in front of her.

But it was here where she learned the survival skills which would ultimately see her through the hell that was the Nazi death camp.
She and her mother bartered for forged certificates and they fled, only to be caught and sentenced to life in Auschwitz.

There, they were stripped naked, their heads shaved, and that was only the start of the dehumanisation. They were treated worse than cattle. Kitty had to survive on her wits, taking bread and clothes from those who died of the cold or from one of the many diseases that were understandably rife in a place where there were very few toilets for thousands of prisoners and no washing facilities.

Kitty recalled how she had to tie a bowl to her belly at all times. This was her lifeline. It was a container for soup as well as a toilet. There was no way to wash out the bowl between the different uses.

She was able to barter her way into several jobs within the camp. She said that the job of scheisse kommander was a very prestigious position. They got to dig out the excrement from the toilets with their bare hands, but it meant working inside, away from the bitter cold outdoors.

She also gained a job in the storage barracks – named Kanada because the name symbolised a place of great riches – where the belongings of new arrivals were stored.

But the barracks also contained the by-products of the people who were being killed in the gas chambers and crematoriums, such as dental gold and human hair (used as fleece linings in military jackets).

Kitty stated that although the conservative estimate of numbers killed by the Nazis at Birkenau is a million and a half, she believes it is much more.

She said: "When you think of 9/11, 3,000 people died in New York.
"In the eight months I was in this Kanada, between 10 and 20,000 people died every day.

"How do we know? Easy. We saw how many trains came in. We knew how many people were in each cattle truck.

"I know the modest statistic is a million and a half. But we know it is much more than that. We cannot prove it, because all of these people were turned into ash."

Kitty's is a remarkable story, and one which I could not hope to do justice in a newspaper feature.

What one has to remember, however, is that no matter how horrific her experiences, how difficult it is to understand how she made life-and-death decisions on a daily basis and was able to walk out two years later, this is still one story of one individual.

When we get to Auschwitz, we will hear, and struggle to comprehend, the stories of hundreds of thousands, even millions of individuals. Most of them did not have Kitty's determination to live every morning she woke. Most of them waited patiently for their turn to enter the gas chambers, not knowing, yet at the same time knowing, what lay ahead.

Anna, Catherine, Maddy and Hannah will be handed the job of trying to explain to their fellow pupils their experiences of their day-long visit.

See next week's Berwickshire News to see how the group fared. Also, go to today to see a video of Kitty answering questions from the group.

By her count, around 3.6 million were exterminated at Auschwitz-Birkenau in just the 8 months she was there (8 months x 15,000/day). Considering Auschwitz was operated as a "death factory" for some 4 years, at this rate around 22 million jews were gassed with bug spray and turned to ash, soap, lampshades, and Nazi military jacket lining.

Moxon's book, Return to Auschwitz: