Showing more posts with label Tales of the Holohoax. Show older posts
Showing more posts with label Tales of the Holohoax. Show older posts

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Absurd Ho£ocau$t™ stories of Nazi medical experiments - Nazi "electric machine to collect the sperm of jews", Attack dogs with poison on their teeth

Kosher source: Conference on Jewish Material Claims Against Germany

Claims Conference Programs:
Fund for Victims of Medical Experiments and Other Injuries

Personal Statements From Victims


Mr. G, Age 82
Place of Persecution: Rabka bei Zakopane
Date: 1942

"[In] 1940-1941 we were living in Krakow, Poland. The Nazis started to build the ghetto. My father finds a house in the province, in between Krakow and Zakopane. The village is called Rabka. This happened because we did not want to go to the ghetto. The SS and the Gestapo robbed all of our possessions from the villa we lived in. And they took us along. I, 20 years [old] at that time, resist, and as a result I was subjected to medical experiments.

What I am about to write you have not heard or read before, as follows: Me and a Jewish American (a watchmaker, passport from the USA) were subjected to medical experiments. SS German Shepherd dogs, belonging to the commander of the SS Obersturmfuehrer Rosenbaum, with a special poison on their teeth … we had to run [and] the dogs had to chase us. Afterwards they examined our wounds, the blood. A doctor … ripped the flesh of my legs and examined it. After some time I was able to escape. First to a peasant in a village—afterwards to friends of mine in Krakow. There my wounded legs started healing. As a result of this experiment (the dog bite and the poison) my whole left foot was ripped apart and during the course of the years I developed wounds and cancer. During August 1962 and November 1962 I was operated [on] in the cancer institute and was treated in Gliwice in Poland. …My good parents were shot in the summer of 1942 under the supervision of SS Obersturmfuehrer Rosenbaum and were buried in the mass grave in Rabka."


Ms. M, Age 73
Place of Persecution: Auschwitz
Dates: June 1944 – May 1945

"I suffered immense pain and cruelty from the experiments. They were inhuman, but because of them I survived. As bad as the experiments were without them I would not be here today to write this ….Now that I am emotionally a lot stronger I would like to describe a little more details about my horrible experiments which no matter how hard I am trying I never get over it as long as I live. I was born November 23, 1930. I was about five weeks in Auschwitz alone, separated from my family, my parents, two sisters and two brothers when Dr. Mengele pulled me out of a queue as we were on the way from the c-lager [camp] to the gas chamber. I was the only one picked that day personally by Mengele and his assistant. They took me to his [laboratory], where I met other children. They were screaming from pain. Black and blue bodies covered with blood. I collapsed from horror and terror and fainted. A bucket of cold water was thrown on me to revive me. As soon as I stood up I was whipped with a leather whip which broke my flesh, then I was told the whipping was a sample of what I would receive if I did not follow instructions and orders. I was used as a guinea pig for medical experiments. I was never ever given painkillers or anesthetics. Every day I suffered excruciating pain. I was injected with drugs and chemicals. My body most of the time was connected to tubes which inserted some drugs in to my body. Many days I was tied up for hours. Some days they made cuts in to my body and left the wounds open for them to study. Most of the time there nothing to eat. Every day my body was numb with pain. There was no more skin left on my body for them to put injections or tubes …. One day we woke up and the place was empty. We were left with open infected wounds and no food. We all were half dead with no energy or life left in us. [One] day …Russian soldiers tried to shake me to see if I was alone or dead. They felt a tiny beat in my heart and quickly picked me up and took me to a hospital."


Mr. K, Age 80
Place of Persecution: Auschwitz
Dates: 1942 to 1945

"As soon as I arrived in Auschwitz I was taken into a room and there I was undressed and made to kneel down … on my knees and my hands. The SS officer [who] was probably a doctor, dressed in white robe, shoved an iron stick, which had a handle on its end, right into my rectum. He then turned the stick and caused an involuntary ejaculation of sperm. A female SS officer [who] worked with the other officer held two pieces of glass underneath my genitals in order to collect a sample of my sperm for the lab. They then made me stand up on a special machine that gave electric waves to both sides of my genitals until again a sperm was ejaculated. After the liberation I was taken to Sanatorium Gauting next to Munich. There I was bedridden for almost a year starting with a weight of only 30 kilograms. During that year I was operated for serious medical problems."


Ms. G, Age 81
Place of Persecution: Auschwitz
Date: March 1944 – April 1944

"Each day I was submerged in hot water. Whenever I tried to put my head out of the water in order to breathe I was forced back into the water by Dr. Josef Mengele’s stick. He was enjoying himself. This lasted for 10 minutes. I was immediately afterwards put into cold water and the same procedure was repeated. There were five [people] including myself undergoing the same process. After these daily sessions we were taken to barrack No. 8 - Auschwitz, which was destined [for] those who were to die, to see for how long we were going to survive. A [woman] passing by saw me gesturing and crying for help through a hole in a plank of the wooden barrack. She loosened the plank and wrapped me. I was saved. I know nothing about the fate of the other four persons."

Monday, October 12, 2009

NY jews play cards and tell Holy Hoax stories - Morris Hubert says a jew was thrown into a cage with a bear every day at Buchenwald

The bear pit at Buchenwald


Time 'Too Painful' to Remember

The New York Times
Published: Thursday, November 10, 1988

The Golden Age Club in the basement of an upper Manhattan synagogue was abuzz with gossip, laughter and the shuffle of cards when the rabbi, himself 79 years old, struck a spoon against a metal ash tray to get everyone's attention.

''Does anyone want to talk about Kristallnacht?'' asked the rabbi, Ralph Neuhaus. Nothing moved. ''Please,'' he said in German. ''Surely, we all have memories.''

More silence, until one woman, regal in bearing and wearing a purple dress, slowly made her way to the front of the room.

''It is very painful for us,'' the woman, Fannie Joelson, explained with a strong German accent. ''We saw too much, we hurt too much. We do not want to remember.'' And then she paused, took in a breath and continued: ''But we do remember. How can we forget?'' Lives Shaped by a Night

It was the 50th anniversary of Kristallnacht. Thousands of people flocked to commemorative services in synagogues, churches and public squares across the United States.

But there were some - like the 100 elderly people gathered to play cards Tuesday at Congregation Ohav Sholaum at Broadway and 196th Street - who needed no services, no candlelight parades. These are the survivors, the living memorials; men and women whose lives were shaped by Kristallnacht and the events that followed; men and women who will never forget, because they cannot.

Tears ran down Mrs. Joelson's face. ''I remember it - and feel it - like it was yesterday. My father taken by the storm troopers. My husband.'' She had trouble finishing her sentences and lapsed frequently into German. ''Never heard from them again. Never.''

''In my town, Grossen Buseck, they did not burn the synagogue because it was too close to the houses owned by Germans. The Nazis were ordered not to destroy German property. But they took out the Torahs and tefillin from the synagogue and made a fire of them in the street.'' Ordered to Clean Debris

''They took us to the school to show us. And I said to my friend, 'When they shoot us, don't cry. Don't cry. Stand proud.' ''

But she and her friend were not shot. They and the other women were ordered to go home and clean up the shattered glass, the smashed doors, the broken furniture.

Three years later, despite desperate attempts to emigrate, she was still in Germany and taken to the concentration camp at Theresienstadt. She survived there until she was liberated by the Allies in 1945.

''That is the outline,'' Mrs. Joelson said. ''That is enough.''

As she spoke, others cautiously approached and added details, as if they were partners in a collective nightmare.

Norbert Lowenstein, an 80-year-old from the town of Giessen, said: ''I lost 35 members of my family. Thirty-five. I am the only one left.'' He never married. ''Never found the right girl,'' he said with a sad smile. Ordered to Destroy Synagogue Gerda Sternberg, 67, said that in her town, Bosen, near the French border, the Nazis did not destroy the synagogue. ''They gave us the axes and ordered us to do it,'' she said. ''My father was a very Orthodox man. They made him destroy the holy ark.'' Her father, her mother and her sister died in concentration camps. ''I never found out where or when,'' she said. She marks the anniversaries of their deaths - on their birthdays. ''They are the only days I have.''

Fritz Falkenstein, 76, remembered the Nazis coming to his house in Hochneukirch, near Cologne, and asking for his father, who owned a local cigar factory. ''I told them, 'My father is sick. Take me instead.' They did, but who knew what they would be like? In the Rheinland we did not know what animals they were.''

Mr. Falkenstein was sent to Dachau, but was sent home a few months later to sign over his father's factory to the Nazis. ''Our factory was being 'Aryanized,' '' he said. ''We had employed 150 to 160 people. When we finally got out and came to America, we were lucky to get jobs in a factory. And the women washed floors.'' Lined Up Before Machine Guns

Morris Hubert, an 82-year-old retired butcher, was also arrested on Kristallnacht as he drove a car near his home in Frankfurt. ''The Nazis lined up 50 of us before the machine guns,'' he said. ''The commandant was called away to take a phone call. We waited. When he returned he sent us away. I still do not know why.''

Later, Mr. Hubert was sent to Buchenwald. ''In the camp there was a cage with a bear and an eagle,'' he said. ''Every day, they would throw a Jew in there. The bear would tear him apart and the eagle would pick at his bones.'' ''But that's unbelievable,'' whispered a visitor. ''It is unbelievable,'' said Mr. Hubert, ''but it happened.''

''Everybody has a story,'' said a woman who would not tell hers and appeared tired of hearing the others speak. She wanted to put an end to the talk of Kristallnacht, so she turned to a diminutive woman who was talking about the death of her son and said without malice, ''Paula, we're waiting for you.''

The small woman rose and returned to her place at a card table.

Soon the room was back to normal. Gossip, laughter and the shuffle of cards filled the air.

More Mythical Buchenwald Atrocities

Monday, October 5, 2009

Eva Mozes Kor's sad Holohoax story - saw two twins sewn together by Dr. Mengele

Another doozy. "The Angel of Death", Dr. Joseph Mengele, gave poor Eva "death injections." Yet she "miraculously" survived the "death camp" of Auschwitz just fine and is still alive and kicking today telling her tales -- including seeing "a set of Gypsy twins sewn back to back by Mengele, who had attempted to create a Siamese twin."

Story reproduced in full from "official" kosher source, "The Holocaust Children":

Eva and Miriam

Eva Mozes Kor and her identical twin, Miriam Mozes, survived the deadly genetic experiments conducted by "The Angel of Death", Josef Mengele, in the death camp Auschwitz during World War II. Their entire family - parents, grandparents, two older sisters, uncles, aunts and cousins - were killed ..

Mengele did a number of medical experiments of unspeakable horror at Auschwitz, using twins. These twins as young as five and six years of age were usually murdered after the experiment was over and their bodies dissected. A smiling "uncle Mengele" injected chemicals into the eyes of children in an attempt to change their eye color. He made experimental surgeries performed without anesthesia, transfusions of blood from one twin to another, isolation endurance, reaction to various stimuli. He made injections with lethal germs, sex change operations, the removal of organs and limbs.

Josef Mengele

Approximately three thousand twins passed through Auschwitz during WWII until its liberation at the end of the war. Only a few of these twins survived the experiments which they were subjected to at the hands of Mengele. Among them were Eva and Miriam Mozes.

Eva and Miriam Mozes were born in the small village of Portz, Romania, on Jan. 30, 1934. Life for the Mozes family was good for years, but in March of 1944, the family was told to gather a few belongings because they were going to be relocated. They were taken to a ghetto in Simleul Silvanei and then deported to Auschwitz.

Eva later recalled how she and her family arrived at the Auschwitz railhead:

'When the doors to our cattle car opened, I heard SS soldiers yelling, "Schnell! Schnell!", and ordering everybody out. My mother grabbed Miriam and me by the hand. She was always trying to protect us because we were the youngest. Everything was moving very fast, and as I looked around, I noticed my father and my two older sisters were gone. As I clutched my mother’s hand, an SS man hurried by shouting, "Twins! Twins!" He stopped to look at us. Miriam and I looked very much alike. "Are they twins?" he asked my mother. "Is that good?" she replied. He nodded yes. "They are twins," she said.

Once the SS guard knew we were twins, Miriam and I were taken away from our mother, without any warning or explanation. Our screams fell on deaf ears. I remember looking back and seeing my mother's arms stretched out in despair as we were led away by a soldier. That was the last time I saw her .."

Mengeles Twins

A gruesome fate awaited them at Mengele’s hands. Eva recalled her own quick introduction to life at Auschwitz:
"The first time I went to use the latrine located at the end of the children's barrack, I was greeted by the scattered corpses of several children lying on the ground. I think that image will stay with me forever. It was there that I made a silent pledge - a vow to make sure that Miriam and I didn't end up on that filthy floor."

During her ordeal she and Miriam were put through many extremely brutal surgeries and experiments by Mengele, who experimented mainly on twins. Eva later told:
"I was given five injections. That evening I developed extremely high fever. I was trembling. My arms and my legs were swollen, huge size. Mengele and Dr. Konig and three other doctors came in the next morning. They looked at my fever chart, and Dr. Mengele said, laughingly, 'Too bad, she is so young. She has only two weeks to live .."

Holocaust horrors

Eva later recalled how a set of Gypsy twins was brought back from Mengele's lab after they were sewn back to back. Mengele had attempted to create a Siamese twin by connecting blood vessels and organs. The twins screamed day and night until gangrene set in, and after three days, they died ...

The fact that Eva and Miriam survived Auschwitz was a miracle in itself, as only few individual twins were still alive at the time the camp was liberated.

In front, the Mozes twins

After the liberation of the camp, Eva and Miriam were the first two twins in the famous film taken by the Soviets - often shown in footage about the horrors of Holocaust. In some ways the picture is misleading. The Mengele twins never wore striped camp uniforms. They were Mengele's favorite subjects, and they were afforded special treatment, such as being able to keep their own hair and clothing, and receiving extra food rations. As long as they stayed healthy and useful to Mengele, they would be kept alive.

In 1950 Eva and Miriam received visas for Israel and went there. They became members of a kibbutz, populated mostly by orphans. In 1952, they both joined the Israeli Army. Eva studied drafting and Miriam became a nurse. In 1960, Eva married an American tourist, Michael Kor, also a concentration camp survivor, and came to the United States, settling in Terre Haute, Indiana.

In 1985, 40 years after the liberation of Auschwitz, Eva Mozes Kor, Miriam, and other survivors returned to Auschwitz and subsequently conducted a mock trial of Josef Mengele in Israel, which received international news coverage.

Eva Mozes Kor

Eva Mozes Kor is the author of books on her experience and she has spoken to over 400 schools, universities, conferences, synagogues, and civic groups. She is the founder of the Holocaust Museum and Education center in Terre Haute, Indiana, and the C.A.N.D.L.E.S., an acronym for Children of Auschwitz Nazi's Deadly Lab Experiments Survivors. This organization of the Mengele Twins has located and reunited many survivors of the experiments and is dedicated "to heal the pain, to teach the truth, to prevent prejudice."

As adults, Eva and Miriam suffered serious health problems. Eva suffered from miscarriages and tuberculosis. Her son had cancer. Miriam's kidneys never fully developed and she died in 1993 of a rare form of cancer, probably brought on by the unknown medical experiments and injections which she was subjected to at the hands of Josef Mengele.

And Mengele? Despite international efforts to track him down, Mengele was never apprehended and lived for 35 years hiding under various aliases. He fled to South America, and moved from country to country afraid of being caught. There were many warrants, rewards, and bounties offered, but he was lucky. He lived in Paraguay and Brazil until his death in 1979. One afternoon, living in Brazil, he went for a swim. While in the ocean he suffered a massive stroke and began to drown. By the time he was dragged to shore, The Angel of Death was dead ...

Eva is still making her rounds in the Holocaust™ speaking circuit:

A Survivor's Story of the Holocaust

Nick Montes
Channel 2 News (Reno, NV)
Oct 01, 2009

Wednesday night the community got the rare privilege of hearing the heartbreaking story of a Holocaust survivor first hand. Eva Kor survived the horrors of Auschwitz, separation from her family, and medical experiments at the hands of an infamous doctor. "Then I realized that my father and my older sisters have disappeared in the crowd," Kor says.

Her story incomprehensible. Experience from a survivor of history, the beginning of the Holocaust. "I could hear a lot of German voices yelling orders outside. We were packed like sardines," Kor says.


Judicial's Commentary
Eva's Story Just Doesn't Add Up

In August of 1944 the Russians front lines were at her door, and I doubt Nazis were interested in using trains to ship Eva anywhere. Then you also need to believe that German doctors sewed people together, castrated kids, amputated limbs, injected blue dye into their eyes, etc etc.

The odds are 20 to 1 she wasn't even in Auschwitz, and 1,000,000 to 1 that she saw kids sewn together.

90% of these Holocaust stories have been proven fakes.

More Holohoax Tales

Friday, September 25, 2009

Elie Wiesel on the "baby burning pits" at Birkenau

Kosher source

Elie wrote in "Night" that on his first night in the camp, a night that he would never forget, he saw two burning pits, one for children and one for adults, where Jews were being burned alive.

Painting by Holocaust survivor depicts children being burned alive

Elie and his father were miraculously spared at the last moment when, only two steps from the burning ditch, they were ordered to turn left and enter the barracks.

The following quote is from "Night" by Elie Wiesel:

"Not far from us, flames were leaping up from a ditch, gigantic flames. They were burning something. A lorry drew up at the pit and delivered its load-little children. Babies! Around us, everyone was weeping. Someone began to recite the Kaddish. I do not know if it has ever happened before, in the long history of the Jews, that people have ever recited the prayer for the dead for themselves .... Never shall I forget that night, the first night in camp .... Never shall I forget that smoke. Never shall I forget the little faces of the children, whose bodies I saw turned into wreaths of smoke beneath a silent sky."

Related Articles:

Elie Wiesel: Prominent Liar and Anti-German Hatemonger; Claims jews "burned alive in flaming ditches" and "ground spurted geysers of jewish blood"

Elie Wiesel and Jewry on the significance of the Holocaust™ Hoax Dogma; An "Unknowable, Inexplicable Sacred Mystery"

Introduction to the Holocaust™ Hoax

Archive of Fraudulent "Holocaust Survivor" Stories

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Holohoaxer "survivor" speaks to Arizona high schoolers - Saw the "jew soap", says "3-4 thousand jews gassed from shower heads in 15-20 minutes"

LMAO watching/reading this. A bunch of mexican students listening to some hideous jew decked out with his beanie peddling nonsense. And he still pushes the "jew soap" lie, which even the top priests of Holohoaxianity have abandoned. I guess he didn't get the memo.

Holocaust Survivor Speaks To Local Students

Sep 5, 2009
Reported By: Rob Hughes
KSWT News 13

Yuma, AZ September 4- A Holocaust survivor speaks to more than a hundred students at the Yuma Private Industry Council's Charter High School on Friday.

Fred Schiefler is one of a handful of holocaust survivors left in the world.

You could hear a pen drop as Schiefler spoke to a room of stunned students after hearing what he went through as a young teenager. He discussed how and why the Nazis were able to commit what's been called the greatest atrocity in human history.

"Very few people saved themselves," said Schiefler. He says one reason the Nazis were able to kill 6 million Jews is no one could stop them.

"Let me tell you one thing," said Schiefler, "Germany almost won the war; they had the first jet planes, they had better tanks than America, better ammunition, the soldiers were well-trained, very good generals."

Schiefler spent time in 11 concentration camps, including Auswitz. His entire family was killed by the Nazis; his mother was shot right in front of him.

"The shower heads used to disperse gas, it was called Cyclone B, and in 15-20 minutes, 3,4 thousands people, they would be gassed in that big hall," said Schiefler.

Schiefler visited a German pharmacy after the war to buy some soap.

"This was 6 months after the war; they were selling Jew soap, made of Jew's fat from the concentration camps; so tell me, who were the Germans?" said Schiefler.

Schiefler weighed 55 pounds at the end of the war; he says one word describes why he survived multiple Nazi concentration camps, and millions didn't.

"I believe in miracles," said Schiefler, "it's a miracle that I'm sitting here in this chair, being able to talk to you, where are all my families?"

Shiefler doesn't take a dime for speaking, and has several books in the works; of which he wants 100% of the proceeds to go to the Holocaust Museums in Washington D.C. and Jerusalem.

Friday, September 18, 2009

"Hannah: From Dachau to the Olympics and Beyond" - Another outlandish Holohoax Survivor™ story exposed as a fraud

Windsor author discovers holocaust survivor fabricated tale

BY KATHERINE POPOWSKI • For the Coloradoan • September 18, 2009

Windsor author Jean Goodwin Messinger discovered recently that the subject of her popular nonfiction novel “Hannah: From Dachau to the Olympics and Beyond” is not the woman she claimed to be.

In fact, the subject of the book, also known as Rose-Marie Pence, is a fraud.

Messinger said this week she was distraught to discover that Pence had fabricated the “Hannah” story.

Published in 2005, “Hannah” is the story is of a young girl who was imprisoned at a Nazi concentration camp during World War II, was rescued by American forces, and later became an Olympic skier.

The problem is none of her story is true, Messinger said.

Messinger offered an apology for her role in giving voice to the flawed memoir.

“I regarded this woman as a sister for the years I have known her,” Messinger said of Pence, a Longmont resident until recent weeks. “This revelation is shocking and disappointing to all of us who knew her and loved her, and counted her as a trusted friend.”

Pence’s story also caught the attention of Beth Moore of Houston-based Living Proof Ministries, who shared information about the Hannah book at conferences this summer in Albuquerque and Greensboro.

Now Moore has posted an apology on her blog and has offered to refund the cost of the book to anyone who might have purchased it after hearing Moore share Hannah’s tale.

“I would never in a million years knowingly mislead the people I have the privilege to serve. In a ministry of this kind, you can imagine that we’ve had many fraudulent stories come through the ministry and most of them never make it to second base. For extenuating reasons beyond what we can share here, this particularly well-crafted one got past us. We did not stumble on the book or the message. We were very much pursued – not by its author but – by its contriver.”

Messinger is an accomplished author who has written other books about WWII, including “Same War Different Battlefields.”

“I’ve always found history more exciting than fiction, and I regret that Hannah’s re-markable journey is not what it claimed to be in fact,” Messinger said. “There must be stories out there from WWII that would match it.”

The Boulder County District Attorney’s office is conducting an investigation of Pence, whose whereabouts are unknown.

Holocaust survival tale took in many

By Susan Greene
Denver Post Columnist

It's sick enough that a Colorado woman seems to have posed as a Holocaust survivor. But what's almost as curious is the number of people who lined up behind her unlikely story.

RoseMarie Pence, a one-time Super 8 manager, has lived for at least five years in Longmont. She also goes by "Hannah."

For the record, I've never met the 71-year-old and, despite my attempts, can't find her since former admirers outted her as an apparent fake.

What I do know is that Windsor writer Jean Messinger was so inspired by her life that she took on the project of self-publishing Hannah's biography.

"She didn't come to me. I went to her," she says. "I felt her story had to be told."

The result was 143 pages of supposed nonfiction titled "Hannah: From Dachau to the Olympics and Beyond."

As the story goes, Hannah was 3 when Nazis yanked her from her family of German Jews. She said she endured medical experiments and starvation at Dachau before American forces freed her. Orphaned, she claimed to be the only known survivor of 146 kids rescued from the camp.

Post-war, Hannah said, she went on to live in a convent whose nuns taught her to ski. She claimed to have competed on Germany's 1956 Olympic ski team. Then came a stint on a kibbutz in Israel. And a heroic battle for real estate she said Germany rightly owed her. And a marriage to a U.S. pilot who, she said, later went missing in Vietnam.

Oh, and a scare during the 1972 Olympics, an audience with the pope, an encounter with Ronald Reagan at the Berlin Wall and an airplane hijacking by a Palestinian terrorist.

Hannah is a Forrest Gump type who, we're supposed to believe, stumbled into some of the 20th century's biggest moments. Her biography reads like a hybrid of Anne Frank's diaries, "The English Patient," "Exodus" and "The Sound of Music" — almost believable in chapters, but implausible in its entirety

Hannah elicited the kindness of Coloradans who housed her, fed her and found inspiration in her story. She agreed to share her sad tale with church groups and history classes. More than once, she didn't show up.

"Knowing Hannah, it isn't surprising that she finds no fraternity in the gloominess of self-inflicted despair. She recognizes it is destructive to be immersed, however justifiably, in self-pity and anger over past injustice," Messinger wrote about the happy Holocaust survivor she contrasted with the "bitter, sad old men" who work as "professional Holocaust spokesmen/ activists."

Messinger says the story began to unravel this summer when a Texas evangelist baptized Hannah and made her somewhat of a Christian folk hero. The national celebrity poked holes in a biography Living Proof Ministries now disavows as a "stunning fabrication."

Messinger voluntarily came forward about "misrepresentations" in a story she says she had no reason to doubt. She didn't check into Hannah's claims "because, to me, that would have felt sneaky."

University of Northern Colorado historian Barry Rothaus also was snookered. He wrote the following blurb on the book: "Messinger has captured the inner being of Hannah, and without editorializing, reveals the challenges and hardships of Hannah's life. This writing of Hannah's recollections adds to the literature of Holocaust survivors."

Rothaus, chief of UNC's history department, now says the story "didn't really hold together."

"Why did I attach my name to this piece of crap?" he mused. "Well, I made a mistake, and have to live with it."

More Holohoax Tales

Saturday, August 29, 2009

Jewry decides to admit Simon Wiesenthal was a fraud

It is right to expose Wiesenthal

Accepting that the great Nazi hunter was a braggart and, yes, a liar, can live alongside acknowledging his contribution

By Daniel Finkelstein, August 20, 2009
The Jewish Community Online

Simon Wiesenthal’s reputation is built on sand. He was a liar and a bad one at that. From the end of the war to the end of his life, he would lie repeatedly about his supposed hunt for Eichmann as well as his other Nazi-hunting exploits.

“Wiesenthal would also concoct outrageous stories about his war years and make false claims about his academic career.”

With these words, the historian Guy Walters begins his examination of the career of the world’s most famous Nazi hunter. It forms one of the main themes of his new book, Hunting Evil, a history of the Nazi war criminals who escaped and the effort to bring them to justice. And it is impossible to read it without feeling deeply uncomfortable.

There are two reasons for this, and only one of them is to do with Wiesenthal. The first reason for discomfort is simply that Walters lays bare, in what is a fine, very readable but nonetheless important, book about how the victors simply let criminals, thousands upon thousands of terrible murderers, walk away after the war.

A couple of years ago, at the end of a drama documentary on the Wannsee conference, the sentences handed out to the conspirators were rolled on the screen just before the credits. I remember watching aghast as I read that one after another of these monsters appeared to have gone back to Bavaria or wherever and lived a quiet life as a greengrocer. Walters explains how this happened.

To start with, the Allies simply had what they regarded as more important things to do. They didn’t want to spend any time or money catching Nazis. Walters prints a tragi-comic correspondence between a set of war crimes investigators and their superiors in which headquarters declined a request for an English-German dictionary, saying that it was out of print and wouldn’t be available for a year.

The victors were also fighting each other. Nazis were recruited to help fight the Soviets, and thus protected from justice. The Allies were fearful, too, that legal proceedings would expose their own soldiers to liability.

They failed to comprehend the scale of the Nazi crime until the units were disbanded and it was too late. Into the vacuum stepped privateers. And Wiesenthal was the most famous. He did a wonderful thing. He kept the issue in the public eye, kept the memories alive, kept the pressure on.

This made him a secular saint. Until now, criticising Wiesenthal has been the occupation only of cranks and antisemites. Walters is most definitely neither of those. But has he erred by providing them with ammunition? Should Jews welcome his book, or shun it? Very firmly the former, in my view.

Walters’s documentary evidence on Wiesenthal’s inconsistencies and lies is impeccable. He shows how the Nazi hunter’s accounts of his wartime experiences are contradictory and implausible. He demonstrates that he had no role, contrary to his own assertion, in the capture of Adolf Eichmann. He pitilessly dissects Wiesenthal’s overblown claims about the numbers he brought to justice, suggesting it was not much more than a handful.

When you read Hunting Evil, you know its author is telling the truth.
And, above all — above everything — the truth matters. The truth however painful, the truth however embarrassing, the truth wherever it takes you. Jews can never be hurt by the truth about the Holocaust and must never fear it, never run away from it.

Ben Barkow, the director of the Wiener Library, the institution that my grandfather established to document the truth, has lent his voice to that of Walters, agreeing that a revaluation of Wiesenthal’s contribution was in order. Barkow argues that a nuanced view is possible. That accepting that Wiesenthal was a showman and a braggart and, yes, even a liar, can live alongside acknowledging the contribution he made.

Surely he is right. But even if he is not, Walters has done a service to history and therefore to Jews.

Daniel Finkelstein is associate editor of The Times

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

The Lies of Simon Wiesenthal; His Holohoax story an outrageous fabrication; His work as "Nazi hunter" and Holocaust™ "historian" a total fraud

Wiesenthal's holohoax story has it all. He claims he was in 13 "death" and work camps, yet "miraculously" survived them all. He walked 170 miles on a gangrenous foot with a recently amputated toe -- and without a shoe and only the sleeve of a coat covering the foot! His gangrenous foot and leg "miraculously" healed without any medical aid. Then there are the numerous "miraculous" escapes from death, including one where he falls unconscious in sub-zero temperatures, is mistaken for dead, only to be discovered alive just before going into the crematorium oven, and simply given a cold shower to thaw out.

The head Nazi-hunter’s trail of lies

Simon Wiesenthal, famed for his pursuit of justice, caught fewer war criminals than he claimed and fabricated much of his own Holocaust story

Guy Walters
July 18, 2009
From The Sunday Times

Since the early 1960s Simon Wiesenthal’s name has become synonymous with Nazi hunting. His standing is that of a secular saint. Nominated four times for the Nobel peace prize, the recipient of a British honorary knighthood, the US Presidential Medal of Freedom, the French Légion d’honneur and at least 53 other distinctions, he was often credited with some 1,100 Nazi “scalps”. He is remembered, above all, for his efforts to track down Adolf Eichmann, one of the most notorious war criminals.

His reputation is built on sand, however. He was a liar — and a bad one at that. From the end of the second world war to the end of his life in 2005, he would lie repeatedly about his supposed hunt for Eichmann as well as his other Nazi-hunting exploits. He would also concoct outrageous stories about his war years and make false claims about his academic career. There are so many inconsistencies between his three main memoirs and between those memoirs and contemporaneous documents, that it is impossible to establish a reliable narrative from them. Wiesenthal’s scant regard for the truth makes it possible to doubt everything he ever wrote or said.

Some may feel I am too harsh on him and that I run a professional danger in seemingly allying myself with a vile host of neo-Nazis, revisionists, Holocaust deniers and anti-Semites. I belong firmly outside any of these squalid camps and it is my intention to wrestle criticism of Wiesenthal away from their clutches. His figure is a complex and important one. If there was a motive for his duplicity, it may well have been rooted in good intentions. For his untruths are not the only shocking discoveries I have made researching the escape of Nazi war criminals. I found a lack of political will for hunting them. Many could have been brought to justice had governments allocated even comparatively meagre resources to their pursuit.

It is partly thanks to Wiesenthal that the Holocaust has been remembered and properly recorded and this is perhaps his greatest legacy. He did bring some Nazis to justice; but it was in nothing like the quantity that is claimed and Eichmann was certainly not among them. There is no space here, however, for my forensic examination of his claims as a Nazi hunter. I will confine myself to some famous episodes before and during the war that are at the heart of the Wiesenthal myth.

He was born in 1908 in Buczacz, Galicia, then part of the Austro-Hungarian empire and now in Ukraine. After the first world war, Buczacz changed hands frequently between Poles, Ukrainians and Soviet forces. In 1920 the 11-year-old Wiesenthal was attacked with a sabre by a mounted Ukrainian who slashed his right thigh to the bone. Wiesenthal regarded the scar as part of a long line of evidence that he was protected from violent death by an “unseen power” that wanted him kept alive for a purpose.

His background was ideal for any aspiring fabulist. Like many from Galicia, Wiesenthal would have spent his childhood immersed in the Polish literary genre of tall stories told over the dinner table. In a place such as Buczacz in the 1920s, truth was a relatively elastic concept. At 19 he enrolled as an architectural student at the Czech Technical University in Prague, where he found his metier as a raconteur and appeared as a stand-up comedian.

His studies went less well. Although most biographies — including that on the Simon Wiesenthal Center’s website — say he graduated, he did not complete his degree. Some biographies say he gained a diploma as an architectural engineer at Lvov polytechnic in Poland, but the Lvov state archives have no record of his having studied there and his name is absent from Poland’s pre-war catalogue of architects and builders. He claimed fraudulently throughout his life that he did have a diploma; his letterheads proudly display it.

Similarly, there are large discrepancies in his dramatic stories of the second world war. He was in Lvov when it fell to the Nazis in 1941. He claimed he and a Jewish friend called Gross were arrested at 4pm on Sunday July 6, one of the few dates that remain constant in his ever-shifting life story. Whenever he is so specific, however, he is usually lying.

Frogmarched to prison, they were put in a line of some 40 other Jews in a courtyard. Ukrainian auxiliary police started shooting each man in the neck, working their way down the line towards Wiesenthal. He was saved by a peal of church bells signifying evening mass. Incredibly, the Ukrainians halted their execution to go to worship. The survivors were led to the cells, where Wiesenthal claims he fell asleep. He was woken by a Ukrainian friend in the auxiliary police who saved him and Gross by telling them to pretend they were Russian spies. They were brutally questioned — Wiesenthal lost two teeth — but were freed after cleaning the commandant’s office.

The story of this sensational escape — one of the most famous of Wiesenthal’s war and one that has helped to establish the notion of his divine mission — is in all likelihood a complete fabrication. Certainly the Ukrainians carried out brutal pogroms in Lvov in early July 1941; but there was then a pause and they did not start again until July 25. According to testimony Wiesenthal gave to American war crimes investigators after the war, he was actually arrested on July 13 and managed to escape “through a bribe”. By subsequently placing his arrest on July 6, his story fitted the timing of the pogroms.

By the end of the year Wiesenthal was in Janowska, a concentration camp outside Lvov. Given the task of painting Soviet railway engines with Nazi insignia, he made friends with Adolf Kohlrautz, the German senior inspector at the workshop, who was secretly anti-Nazi. On April 20, 1943, Wiesenthal was apparently selected for a mass execution again. The SS at Janowska picked him among some Jews to be shot in a grim celebration of Hitler’s 54th birthday. They silently walked towards a huge sandpit, 6ft deep and 1,500ft long. A few dead bodies were visible in it. Forced to undress, they were herded in single file down a barbed-wire corridor known as the hose to be shot one by one at the edge of the pit.

A whistle interrupted the gunshots, followed by a shout of “Wiesenthal!” An SS man called Koller ran forward and told Wiesenthal to follow him. “I staggered like a drunk,” Wiesenthal recalled. “Koller slapped my face twice and brought me back to earth. I was walking back through the hose, naked. Behind me, the sounds of shooting resumed but they were over long before I had reached the camp.” Back at the workshop he found a beaming Kohlrautz, who had convinced the camp commander it was essential to keep Wiesenthal alive to paint a poster that would feature a swastika and the words “We Thank Our Führer”.

On October 2, 1943, according to Wiesenthal, Kohlrautz warned him that the camp and its prisoners were shortly to be liquidated. The German gave him and a friend passes to visit a stationery shop in town, accompanied by a Ukrainian guard. They managed to escape out the back while the Ukrainian waited at the front.

Yet again he had seemingly cheated death in a miraculous fashion. But we only have his word for it. According to Wiesenthal, Kohlrautz was killed in the battle for Berlin in April 1945. He also told a biographer, however, that Kohlrautz was killed on the Russian front in 1944. And in an affidavit made in August 1954 about his wartime persecutions, he neglects to include the story at all. In both this document and in his testimony to the Americans in May 1945, he mentions Kohlrautz without saying the German saved his life.

From this point in Wiesenthal’s war it is impossible to establish a reliable train of events. With at least four wildly different accounts of his activities between October 1943 and the middle of 1944 — including his alleged role as a partisan officer — serious questions must be raised. Some, such as Bruno Kreisky, the former Austrian chancellor, repeatedly accused Wiesenthal in the 1970s and the 1980s of collaborating with the Gestapo. Kreisky’s claims were supported by unsubstantiated evidence from the Polish and Soviet governments. Wiesenthal took him to court and won.

Whatever the truth, by November 1944 Wiesenthal was in Gross-Rosen, a camp near Wroclaw. He told Hella Pick, his biographer, that he was forced to work barefoot in the camp quarry and soon learnt that the team of 100 prisoners assigned to the work kommando shrank by one each day. After a few days he felt sure his turn was about to come. “My executioner was behind me,” he recalled, “poised to smash my head with a rock. I turned around and the man, surprised, dropped his stone. It crushed my toe. I screamed.”

Wiesenthal’s quick reactions and yell apparently saved his life because there was some form of inspection that day — he thought it may have been by the Red Cross — and so he was stretchered away to the first-aid station. His toe was cut off without anaesthesia while two men held him still. The following day, Wiesenthal said, he was in agony. “The doctor came back and saw that I had a septic blister on the sole of my foot. So they cut it open and the gangrene spurted all over the room.”

Yet again, one of Wiesenthal’s “miracles” is open to doubt. First, the story appears in no other memoir or statement. Secondly, if the Red Cross really was inspecting Gross-Rosen that day, then the SS would have temporarily halted any executions. As it was, the Red Cross was not allowed access to concentration camps at that time. Thirdly, the medical consequences seem entirely implausible.

Soon afterwards, according to Wiesenthal’s account, he managed to walk 170 miles west to Chemnitz after Gross-Rosen was evacuated. Walking on a gangrenous foot with a recently amputated toe would have been hellish. Instead of a shoe, he had the sleeve of an old coat wrapped around his foot with some wire. For a walking stick he had a broomstick.
Of the 6,000 prisoners who marched out, only 4,800 arrived in Chemnitz. With his infected foot, Wiesenthal was lucky to be among them.

From Chemnitz, the prisoners ended up at Mauthausen camp near Linz in Austria. Wiesenthal arrived there on the frozen night of February 15, 1945. In The Murderers Among Us, he tells how he and a fellow prisoner, Prince Radziwill, linked arms to make the last four miles uphill to the camp. The effort was too great and they collapsed in the snow. An SS man fired a shot that landed between them. As the two men did not get up, they were left for dead in the sub-zero temperature. When lorries arrived to collect those who had died on the march, the unconscious Wiesenthal and Radziwill were so frozen that they were thrown onto a pile of corpses. At the crematorium, however, the prisoners unloading them realised they were alive. They were given a cold shower to thaw out and Wiesenthal was taken to Block VI, the “death block” for the mortally ill.

In 1961, when Wiesenthal was interviewed for the Yad Vashem archive by the Israeli journalist Haim Maas about his war years, Wiesenthal mentioned that the infection from his foot had now turned blue-green and had spread right up to his knee. He lay in the death block for three months until the end of the war. Too weak to get out of bed, he claimed he survived — incredibly — on 200 calories a day, along with the occasional piece of bread or sausage smuggled to him by a friendly Pole.

Mauthausen was liberated on May 5, 1945. Despite weighing just 100lb, Wiesenthal struggled outside to greet the American tanks. “I don’t know how I managed to get up and walk,” he recalled. If he was able to walk, his severely infected leg must have been cured during the previous three months by either amputation or antibiotics. We know the former did not take place, and the latter was emphatically not a common treatment for ailing Jews in Nazi concentration camps. Once again, it appears as though a miracle had taken place.

The rapidity of Wiesenthal’s recovery is so astonishing that it is doubtful whether he was as ill as he claimed. Just 20 days after the liberation, he wrote to the US camp commander asking whether he could be involved in assisting the US authorities investigating war crimes. Claiming to have been in 13 concentration camps — he had in fact been in no more than six — Wiesenthal supplied a list of 91 names of those who he felt were responsible for “incalculable sufferings”.

According to most accounts, Wiesenthal asked if he could join the American war crimes investigators, but they refused, telling him he was not well enough. After he had gained some weight, he returned and was assigned to a captain with whom Wiesenthal claimed to have captured his first “scalp”, a snivelling SS guard called Schmidt. “There were many others in the weeks that followed,” Wiesenthal later wrote. “You didn’t have to go far. You almost stumbled over them.”

A curriculum vitae Wiesenthal completed after the war does not mention his work for the Americans but lists his occupation as the vice-chairman of the Jewish Central Committee for the US zone, based in Linz. Its task was to draw up lists of survivors that other survivors could consult in their hunt for relatives.

For at least a year after the war, Wiesenthal’s other task was to lobby hard for his fellow Jews; he became president of the Paris-based International Concentration Camp Organisation. He also forged contacts with the Brichah, which smuggled Jews out of Europe to Palestine.

It was not until February 1947 that he formed the organisation that would make him famous, the Jewish Historical Documentation Centre in Linz. Its aim was to collate information on the final solution with a view to securing the indictments of war criminals. Wiesenthal claimed to have started it because of an anti-Semitic remark made by an American officer, which made him realise that the allies would never hunt down the Nazis to the extent that was required.

Sadly, he was to be proved right. He and his band of 30 volunteers travelled around the displaced persons’ camps, collecting evidence on the atrocities from former concentration camp inmates. In all, Wiesenthal’s team compiled 3,289 questionnaires, which is a far more impressive feat than anything the allies achieved.

Wiesenthal died in 2005 at the age of 96 and was buried in Israel. The tributes and eulogies were many and fulsome and at the time it would have been churlish to have detracted from the many positive aspects of the role he played. He was at heart a showman and when he found a role as the world’s head Nazi hunter, he played it well. As with so many popular performances, it was impossible for the critics to tell the public that the Great Wiesenthal Show was little more than an illusion. Ultimately, it was an illusion mounted for a good cause.

© Guy Walters 2009

Extracted from Hunting Evil by Guy Walters

Related Articles:

Jewry decides to admit Simon Wiesenthal was a fraud

Elie Wiesel: Prominent Liar and Anti-German Hatemonger; Claims jews "burned alive in flaming ditches" and "ground spurted geysers of jewish blood"

Introduction to the Holocaust™ Hoax

Archive of Fraudulent "Holocaust Survivor" Stories

Monday, March 16, 2009

"Clara's War" by Clara Kramer - Another preposterous Holohoax tale - 15 jews live for 20 months in crawlspace under a house

Holocaust survivor speaks to students

Michael DeLucca | My Central New Jersey | March 13, 2009

On March 11, Dunellen High School social studies teacher Michael DeLucca invited 82 year old Holocaust Survivor Clara Kramer to speak with Juniors and Seniors of the school. Principle Gene Mosley welcomed her to the podium and the assembly was privileged to hear the remarkable story of survival. As a teenager, she survived for 20 months in a crawlspace under a house. The area that was dug out, house 15 other people including her immediate family, mother, father and sister. Each person endured rations of 2 cups of water a day to drink and bathe with as well as small amounts of rotten potatoes to eat.

The crawlspace had very little air and almost no light. During a fire that had broke out in the upstairs portion of the house, Mrs. Kramer's father and sister were killed by the Nazi's shortly after. This remarkable event was a once in a lifetime experience for the students and they responded very well.

Mrs. Kramer kept a diary during her entire time hiding out which is now on display at the Holocaust Museum in Washington DC. Her story will come to life in a book entitled "Clara's War" due for release in April. There is also the possibility of a movie to be made.

Judicial's commentary:

Let Me See If I Got This Straight

Fifteen Jewish people spent 20 months living together in a crawl space. I hope Mr Blume averted his eyes as Clara dropped her drawers, and passed a stool in the corner.

WUFYS's commentary:

Hey, if you're going to spin these tales, at least make them believable. Two cups of water per day for drinking and bathing? Two cups is 16 ounces of water, not near enough for a body to survive on. Add in the rotted potatoes for food and within months, you'd either be dead from malnutrition, dehydration or food poisoning... or all three.

More Holohoax Tales

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

From Irene Zisblatt's speaking tour - More Vicious Holohoax Lies from "The Fifth Diamond"

Irene Zisblatt

This is the Hungarian jewish scumbag coming out with the "memoir", "The Fifth Diamond". She claims she ate and retrieved diamonds from her excrement for a year and a half, had chemicals injected in her eyeballs by Dr. Mengele, and gave birth to two children despite attempted sterilization by the Nazis.

She's doing her rounds giving speeches in high schools, colleges, and the like. Miraculously, she says she escaped not only the "death" camp of Auschwitz, but also a "death march" of "3 months trudging through the snow in the dead of winter", and "weighed only 40 pounds" at 14 years old when "rescued."

Let's assume for the sake of argument this "death march", or any march, really took place. So the diabolically genius Nazis, "wanting nothing more than to exterminate every jew they could get their hands on", presumably as efficiently and quickly as possible, decide to "exterminate" 5,000 women by marching them through the snow for 3 months??

A Holohoaxer’s Story

Woman shares heinous lies of Holocaust™ Hoax - Says defamation of Germans must never end

By Benita Heath The Tribune Thursday, February 26, 2009

PROCTORVILLE — It was more than a challenge. It was a plea from one of the few Holocaust survivors still alive today to the students of Fairland High School.

Never again allow humanity to be consumed by evil against itself.

That was the message of Irene Zisblatt when she spoke to a high school assembly Wednesday afternoon. Zisblatt, an Hungarian Jew, was the only member of her family to survive the Holocaust.

She endured Auschwitz, the barbaric experiments of Dr. Josef Mengele and a Death March from the concentration camp to Loslau in during a brutal January winter.

As she watched the gas chambers churn out its victims into ash and the cattle trains bring in more, she made a vow.

“Through the shouting, the barking dogs, the cries of despair in different languages, I knew I must fight the darkness. I must live and tell,” Zisblatt, now 78, told the students.

She survived the factories of death, but kept silent for decades, not even her own children knew her story. But that changed when Steven Spielberg’s “Schindler’s List” hit the screen.

Then Zisblatt joined the March of the Living that annually takes teenagers through the death camps to teach them what happened during World War II.

In an interview before the assembly, Zisblatt became momentarily speechless when asked her reaction the first time she re-entered Auschwitz.

“I saw my whole family in the gas chamber and I heard my mother saying to me, ‘Stop crying. Do what you must do and that is when I started this,’ ” she said.

“This” being a constant schedule of speaking engagements, especially at schools, talking about the brutality of the Nazis.

“There is a pressing need to educate about the evil that took place,” she said. “Genocide is possible anytime, anywhere.”

Her story begins when she was 13 when her family was herded onto cattle cars, first to a ghetto, then to Auschwitz.

She had heard friends of her parents talk about the atrocities going on, but so many found the tales beyond belief.

“No one believed the most civilized people were doing the most barbaric things,” she said.

Ripped away from her parents and five siblings, Zisblatt was alone.

One night crying for her mother, she tried to leave the barracks where she was housed. A guard stopped her, then pointed to a chimney.

“You mother is just about now coming out of those chimneys,” she was told.

Zisblatt was too young to understand she was being told of mother’s murder.

Soon she became a human guinea pig for the experiments of Mengele. She had chemicals injected into her eyeballs to see if the color of the iris could be changed. She was given other chemicals in a test to destroy her reproductive organs.

“I called to God, but God wasn’t there,” she said. “But I couldn’t blame God. He didn’t create the Holocaust. I was not losing faith.”

She escaped the gas chamber, only to be sent to a labor camp. There she was forced with 5,000 other women on a Death March through the snows. For three months, she endured brutal cold and starvation, until she and a companion escaped.

Hiding out in a forest, they were found by American soldiers. Weighing no more than 40 pounds
, Zisblatt still remembers the look of astonishment the soldiers, ignorant of the Nazi horrors, gave her.

“God knows I didn’t look human,” she recalled. “Who is going to believe a child for such a nightmare.”

But she was free — and alone, at the age of 14.

However, in two years after a stay in a displaced persons camp, she was on her way to America.

After seeing Spielberg’s film, Zisblatt found a mission.

“I knew it was duty to be a witness,” she said.

And it is now the duty of a new generation, she believes.

“It is going to be up to you,” Zisblatt said. “If we promote tolerance, it will change lives. It has to start with you. You are the last generation to know the survivors. Your children will not know a survivor. Those lives of hell can become lives of hope.

“Accept my legacy … work for understanding and tolerance. … No matter how small you think you are, you can make a difference.”


"The Fifth Diamond" - Yet another absurd new Holocaust Survivor™ memoir

Monday, February 23, 2009

A HoloHoax tale and a story of Nazi Yetis and Schindler Squirrels

The Holocaust, a tale of Yetis, and speaking at universities

Another Holocaust Tale

Ms Cukier Spoke At An Exclusive College In Malta

What's Her Holocaust Tale?

Faye Cukier, was a Polish Jew. She claimed her family lived in Belgium, in a hidden basement apartment, for six years. "I lost my youth while hiding," Cukier said. "I've tried to recapture it through writing my story."

Yet as the Nazis' methods of "weeding out" Jews became more brutal, the Cukiers were forced to go underground. A Belgian family hid them. The family spent years in fear of being discovered -- and in desperation as supplies dwindled and hunger set in.Once, the Gestapo paid a surprise visit to the family hiding in the apartment below. "The father jumped out of the window, and they shot him in mid-air." Then they took the man's wife and daughter away, Faye said.

What's The Big Deal?

Some clown says she "Hide in the basement" for six years, so who cares. The point is that some fool dean at a distinguished school in Malta allowed this fleabag to spin her silly tales. Seeing thousands of Jews killed in Kristallnacht, Nazis shooting Jews, or whatever, to a bunch of naive students.

My Personal Story Is Much More Terrifying

Why not allow me to tell my story of horror. My family was kidnapped by Yetis while vacationing at Yellowstone. I hide in a tree for three years, only surviving because squirrels fed me nuts. I watched as a family of Yetis ate 300 tourists. When a wildfire struck, the Yetis all ran to the river, and I ran to the ranger station.


From Lese Majeste on February 23, 2009

Everyone knows Yetis are "anti-Semitic."
They all should be hunted down and forced to listen to holohoax stories read by Alan Dirtbagowitz while Abe Fartman picks their pocket.

From Dov Wisenheimer on February 23, 2009

That's nothing.
Some very nice people in Kracow hid my aunt Ida in their home after she escaped from the camp where she was gassed four times but survived. When she showed up at this home she only weighed 20 lbs. When the Nazis came looking for her, she quickly disguised herself as a turkey and hid in the refrigerator. Unfortunately, after the Nazis searched the entire house, they decided to look in the refrigerator for something to eat. When they saw the "turkey" they demanded the lady of the house cook it. What could she do? If they found out the turkey was really my aunt, the whole family would have been taken to the camp, so reluctantly, she cooked the "bird" and everyone had to eat it as not to arouse suspition. One of the Nazis even made a comment about how the turkey tasted like chicken.

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Author of fraudulent Holohoax Survivor™ love story, "Angel at the Fence", won't apologize - Says he "didn't lie", still believes story is true

And Oprah is still featuring the book prominently in her book club. Who else but a jew could get away with this? Oh, and let's not forget that Hollywood still plans on making a film out of this story:

"...producer Harris Salomon, who still plans an adaptation of the book" --source (see 4th to last paragraph of article)

Chutzpah in the extreme. Hell, in 10 years, after incessant propaganda, the Jews will probably switch and claim the story is true and anyone who questions it is an 'anti-semite', guessing we will have just forgotten about the fact that it's a hoax.

Author of fake Holocaust story is not sorry, says in his mind he believed it

Wed Feb 18, 2009
By The Associated Press

NEW YORK - The author of a discredited Holocaust memoir is not apologizing.

Herman Rosenblat, who has acknowledged inventing his story of meeting his wife on opposite sides of a concentration camp fence, told "Good Morning America" that he has no regrets and would tell the story again given another chance.

"It wasn't a lie," he said during a taped segment aired Wednesday. "It was my imagination, and in my mind, I believed it. Even now, I believe it."

Until scholars refuted him, Rosenblat and his wife, Roma, were beloved worldwide and appeared twice over the past decade on Oprah Winfrey's talk show. His tale of meeting his future wife at a sub-camp of Buchenwald, where she allegedly sneaked him apples and bread, endeared him to millions.

Rosenblat, a Holocaust survivor whose book, "Angel at the Fence," was pulled last year before publication, told GMA that his wife went along with his story "because she loves me."

Winfrey has since criticized Rosenblat, but her website,, still includes his admittedly false story as the first example of "Love Lessons from Amazing Couples."


"Angel at the Fence" - Another bogus Holocaust Survivor™ story exposed as a hoax

Former leading representative of "holocaust survivors" in Spain admits he is an impostor and was never even in a camp

Alleged "holocaust survivor" Misha Defonseca admits story of escaping the Nazis by trekking across Europe and living with wolves was a hoax

Holohoax tear-jerker - poor Moshe Peer - gassed six times by the Nazis and survived

"The Fifth Diamond" - Yet another absurd new Holocaust Survivor™ memoir - coming to a bookstore and theater near you soon

Tuesday, December 30, 2008

"The Fifth Diamond" by Irene Zisblatt - Yet another absurd new Holocaust Survivor™ memoir - coming to a bookstore and theater near you soon

The insane barrage of Hollywood Nazi-Holohoax movies this winter wasn't enough for the ruling Jewish Establishment. A concurrent onslaught of laughable phony "holocaust survivor" "memoirs" was apparantly desired to amp up the propaganda-conditioning.

"She ate diamonds for a year and a half, had injections in her eyeballs, was dismembered, and had two post-sterilization children. The only memes missing from this story are soap and lampshades. Her story makes that of Herman and Roma Rosenblat sound almost believable in comparison." --- JimInCO


Holocaust survivor escaped with gems

A Pembroke Pines woman who hid her mother's diamonds while she was in Auschwitz tells her tale in a memoir.

Friday, 12.19.08
Special to The Miami Herald

Her mother gave her four diamonds to be used to buy bread should she ever find herself hungry during World War II, but those diamonds gave Irene Weisberg Zisblatt the fortitude to survive the Holocaust.

''I can not buy bread with your diamonds, mother, but as long as I am alive they will stay with me,'' she wrote in her memoir, The Fifth Diamond: The Story of Irene Weisberg Zisblatt.

A resident of Pembroke Pines since 1990, Zisblatt recently discussed her book and appearance in Steven Spielberg's documentary, The Last Days, at Nova Southeastern University.

Born Chana Seigelstein, Zisblatt lived in Hungary with her parents and five siblings. In 1942, when she was 11, her mother, Rachel, sewed the diamonds into the hem of her skirt before she was taken by the Nazis to the Auschwitz-Birkenau concentration camp in Poland.

Zisblatt's entire family was killed in the gas chambers, and those four diamonds were the last mementoes of them. The only way Irene could keep the diamonds hidden was to swallow and retrieve them over and over again. She did this for 15 months.

Zisblatt told the audience how, as a young prisoner in the camps, she was a favorite of Dr. Josef Mengele, who performed experiments and surgeries on her and other prisoners without anesthesia. A girl named Sabka was another of Mengele's regular victims. Though they weren't allowed to speak, they formed a friendship and Zisblatt drew strength from their bond.

''The diamonds survived because, to me, they were the strength, the hope, the courage, and my mother, so they had to survive,'' Zisblatt said. In having a valuable secret from the Nazis, she felt that she was defeating her torturers. ``For every time that I was hungry, beaten or was tortured with experiments, I was hitting back by keeping my mother's diamonds.''

Mengele injected chemicals into her eyes in an attempt to change their color and forced her to remain in a cold room for days. He injected viruses under Zisblatt's fingernail and surgically experimented on her to find a way to remove the numbers tattooed on her arm. Afterward, he ordered the nurse to administer a lethal injection to both girls, but the nurse worked for the underground and was able to free them, one of many miracles Zisblatt experienced.

''Mengele was the most good-looking man,'' she said. ``He could have been the one scientist in the world who could have developed extraordinary things for humanity, but he became a murderer. He would look at me and smile and at times I could not believe this man could ever hurt me, he could be so charming. But the next minute, he was cutting me up into little pieces.''

In 1945, Irene and Sabka were part of a group of 5,000 prisoners forced to march in the cold. Every day, weakened prisoners dropped dead around her. After two months, they escaped. Exhausted and covered in lice, they walked through the forest and managed to stay alive by digging up food.

The pair were finally liberated by Gen. George Patton's Third Army, but Sabka died the very next day. Once again, Zisblatt lost her only family. After her recovery, she was taken in by relatives in America and began a new life with a new name. She married in 1956, and although she had been given watery soup filled with chemicals to destroy her reproductive organs, she gave birth to a son and a daughter in the 1960s.

Not wanting to remember her past, Zisblatt kept her mother's diamonds in a vault. Years later, at her husband's suggestion, she had the diamonds set into a pendant in the shape of a tear drop. She does not wear them regularly -- only when she speaks to future generations.

Zisblatt had vowed that if she survived, she would be a voice for her fellow prisoners. But it was not until her son asked her about the Holocaust that she was ready to share her story.

''For 50 years, I didn't say a word. I didn't want my children to live with my pain,'' she said.

After taking part in the March of the Living, a walk through the camps culminating in Israel, she began to share her story to educate children in order to rid the world of prejudice and indifference, and to teach future generations about the past and what hatred can do.

''I am a survivor of man's hatred,'' Zisblatt said. 'We were dragged from our homes, robbed of our childhood, yanked from our mothers' arms. I was living in a factory of death.''

More of this jewess' ludicrous story:


Holocaust Survivor Irene Zisblatt's Tale

Alexis Irias, Staff Writer

On Nov. 18, the Circle of Friends of the Alvin Sherman Library, Research and Information Technology Center presented the 2008 Author Series "Moving Forward from Darkness to Light." The lecture featured Holocaust survivor Irene Zisblatt and her compelling memoir.

Irene Zisblatt is the author of "The Fifth Diamond: The Story of Irene Weisberg Zisblatt." She also appeared in Steven Spielberg's Survivors of the Shoah Visual History Foundation documentary, "The Last Days."

The evening began with a short introduction of Zisblatt and was followed by a showing of her documentary "The Last Days." The documentary was a reflection to the past of Renee Firestone, Alice Lok Cahana, Bill Basch and Irene Zisblatt, who each shared their powerful story of how they survived the Holocaust.

Throughout the documentary, Zisblatt shared her personal experiences with the audience. She spoke of her family, her life in Hungary and how she became the only survivor of her 40 family members. She said how oblivious most people were about what was soon to happen to them. As Jews in Hungary, they had non-Jewish friends who betrayed them in the end.

Zisblatt held the audience's attention with her life story. Throughout the room, the audience reacted with tears to her painful yet compelling memories. Zisblatt recounted the last time she saw her mother and siblings. She said that the Nazis snatched her little sister's hand from hers, leaving her with the last memory of them as she was taken away.

When she was taken to the concentration camps, she was forced to give all her personal belongings to the Nazis. She refused to let them take the only memory of her mother, so she put the diamonds in her mouth. "The diamonds were the only thing I had left to remember my mother; she sewed them into my skirt and told me to buy bread with them," said Zisblatt.

When the Nazis were taking out all of the gold teeth and cavities from the Jews, Zisblatt said that she had no other option but to swallow them. She would swallow and excrete and wash and swallow again every day in order to conserve her mother's diamonds.

Zisblatt had the audience in tears in her description on what she thought was her last few minutes alive walking to the gas chambers. "We stood naked waiting in line to get to the gas chambers. But as we stood naked, we didn't feel the nakedness, only our souls were naked," she said.

The passion that Zisblatt stirred amongst the students was remarkable. "I wish all my students could have been there," said Gary Gershman, Ph.D., associate professor of legal studies in the Farquhar College of Arts and Sciences' Division of Humanities. "Even though I read her book, I'm as moved as I've ever been. This reinforces in my mind that it should be mandatory for every student to hear a Holocaust survivor speak."

Zisblatt was lucky enough to be saved and alive. She hid the story for years in fear that no one would believe her. But now, she is determined to learn from yesterday and share with the present and future. She encourages the children of today to tell her story. "You are the last generation to meet a Holocaust survivor, so help me share the story when I am no longer here."

Commentary from James Edwards at

Irene Zisblatt - yet another Holocaust memoir hoax

December 30, 2008

La Shawn Barber, the popular black neocon blogger, is kicking herself. She’s upset that she didn’t blog about what an obvious Holocaust hoax Herman Rosenblat was trying to pull off with his Angel At The FenceGirl With The Apple baloney. I wrote about Rosenblat yesterday. So did La Shawn, but now she’s wishing she’d had the gumption to go with her instincts and point out what an obvious fraud it was before Rosenblat and his publisher admitted it:
Oh, how I wish I’d blogged about the latest literary hoax last week before the publisher canceled the contract! Feet-dragging is a bad habit, boys and girls.

Well, La Shawn, you’ve now got a shot at redemption. No, I’m not talking about Elie Wiesel and his obviously phony memoir, Night. Sure, it’s full of countless whoppers, and he somehow forgot to mention any gas chambers at Auschwitz, but instead claimed 10,000 Jews a day were killed there by being thrown alive into burning ditches, which all historians say never happened, let alone ten thousand times a day for months. But never mind Elie Wiesel. His book is about as trustworthy as Bernie Madoff’s accountants, but he won a Nobel Prize for that stuff, and TPTB wouldn’t look kindly on you pointing out that Emperor Elie is naked. You’d probably be called all kinds of rude names, like uppity schvarze. You need a safer target.

Well, you’re in luck, La Shawn! Meet Irene Zisblatt. Just like Herman Rosenblat, she too has a new book out talking about her experience in a concentration camp. She says she was in Auschwitz, just like Elie Wiesel, but unlike him, she was smart enough to write about Jews being killed in gas chambers, not thrown into burning ditches by the thousands. And just like Herman Rosenblat, her story is completely unbelievable. Not a little bit unbelievable. Not somewhat unbelievable. It’s completely, over the top unbelievable. Complete and utter nonsense. No one in their right mind could believe her story. It cannot possibly be true.

Her book is called The Fifth Diamond. The title refers to Irene Zisblatt herself - she’s the 5th diamond. What about the first four diamonds? Well, Zisblatt (who says she was born Chana Siegelstein) says that before her parents were killed and she was taken to Auschwitz, her mother sewed four diamonds into the hem of her skirt so she would be able to buy bread one day. Once she got to the concentration camp, there was no place to hide the diamonds for safekeeping, of course. So what did Zisblatt do?

She swallowed the diamonds. And then she dug them out of her poop and swallowed them again. And again the next day. And the next day. Every day for 15 months, nearly 500 days, she swallowed those diamonds, dug them out of her feces, and ate them again.

Uh-huh. Sure she did.

Now, the fawning newspaper article doesn’t go into all that gross detail. It simply says she “retrieved” the diamonds every day after swallowing them. But this article from 2000 makes it clear:
Irene Zisblatt, a grandmother now, recalls her own mother’s sewing diamonds in the hem of her skirt — diamonds the little girl would swallow and excrete and wash and swallow again every day in Auschwitz; diamonds she will pass down in pendant form to the first girl child in each new American generation.

That article is about her appearance in a “documentary” about the Holocaust by Steven Spielberg that was shown on HBO, The Last Days. And she and Spielberg and HBO expect people to believe this stuff. And they do. Anything goes when it comes to Holocaust survivor stories. It’s pretty much a hate crime to question any of these fabrications, no matter how outrageously impossible they are to square with reality.

Now, I’m no doctor, but I’m pretty sure that eating four diamonds every day would destroy your esophagus long before 15 months had elapsed. I’m aware that some smugglers have swallowed gemstones on rare occasions, but it boggles the mind to think a person could do this every day for 15 months and live to tell about it.

Then there’s all the fecal material she would have ingested. If she hadn’t sliced her esophagus to shreds, that would’ve killed her alone. From everything we hear about the concentration camps, they barely had enough water to drink every day, but she had enough to scrub four fecal encrusted diamonds clean enough to eat every day? The camps were filthy, but she had plenty of hot water and sanitizer? Come on. There was no way she could have gotten those diamonds clean enough to swallow every day. She would have eventually died from ingesting her own feces.

And how did she have the time and privacy to pull this off every day without getting caught? That part alone defies belief.

Oh, and if you still think that there’s a chance in hell that Zisblatt’s story could be true, here’s the kicker. She claims, just like Rosenblat, that she sat on this story for half a century and never told anyone. But in the late 1990s she suddenly felt compelled to share her “testimony” with the world.

Yeah, right.

So there you go, La Shawn. Have at it. Knock yourself out. Expose this latest in the long line of phony Holocaust memoirs before everyone else does, and avoid the rush!


More Holohoax Tales

Elie Wiesel: Prominent Liar and Anti-German Hatemonger; Claims jews "burned alive in flaming ditches" and "ground spurted geysers of jewish blood"

Romanian Jew Eliezer Wiesel, whom the Nobel Committee calls a "messenger to mankind"

"Every Jew, somewhere in his being, should set apart a zone of hate - healthy, virile hate - for what the German personifies and for what persists in the German." -Elie Wiesel 'Legends of Our Time' (1968), pp.177-178

A Prominent False Witness: Elie Wiesel

By Robert Faurisson

Elie Wiesel won the Nobel Peace Prize in 1986. He is generally accepted as a witness to the Jewish "Holocaust," and, more specifically, as a witness to the legendary Nazi extermination gas chambers. The Paris daily Le Monde emphasized at the time that Wiesel was awarded the Nobel Prize because: [1]
These last years have seen, in the name of so-called "historical revisionism," the elaboration of theses, especially in France, questioning the existence of the Nazi gas chambers and, perhaps beyond that, of the genocide of the Jews itself.

But in what respect is Elie Wiesel a witness to the alleged gas chambers? By what right does he ask us to believe in that means of extermination? In an autobiographical book that supposedly describes his experiences at Auschwitz and Buchenwald, he nowhere mentions the gas chambers. [2] He does indeed say that the Germans executed Jews, but ... by fire; by throwing them alive into flaming ditches, before the very eyes of the deportees! No less than that!

Here Wiesel the false witness had some bad luck. Forced to choose from among several Allied war propaganda lies, he chose to defend the fire lie instead of the boiling water, gassing, or electrocution lies. In 1956, when he published his testimony in Yiddish, the fire lie was still alive in certain circles. This lie is the origin of the term Holocaust. Today there is no longer a single historian who believes that Jews were burned alive. The myths of the boiling water and of electrocution have also disappeared. Only the gas remains.

The gassing lie was spread by the Americans. [3] The lie that Jews were killed by boiling water or steam (specifically at Treblinka) was spread by the Poles. [4] The electrocution lie was spread by the Soviets. [5]

The fire lie is of undetermined origin. It is in a sense as old as war propaganda or hate propaganda. In his memoir, Night, which is a version of his earlier Yiddish testimony, Wiesel reports that at Auschwitz there was one flaming ditch for the adults and another one for babies. He writes: [6]
Not far from us, flames were leaping from a ditch, gigantic flames. They were burning something. A lorry drew up at the pit and delivered its load -- little children. Babies! Yes, I saw it -- saw it with my own eyes ... Those children in the flames. (Is it surprising that I could not sleep after that? Sleep has fled from my eyes.)

A little farther on there was another ditch with gigantic flames where the victims suffered "slow agony in the flames." Wiesel's column was led by the Germans to within "three steps" of the ditch, then to "two steps." "Two steps from the pit we were ordered to turn to the left and made to go into a barracks."

An exceptional witness himself, Wiesel assures us of his having met other exceptional witnesses. Regarding Babi Yar, a place in Ukraine where the Germans executed Soviet citizens, among them Jews, Wiesel wrote: [7]
Later, I learn from a witness that, for month after month, the ground never stopped trembling; and that, from time to time, geysers of blood spurted from it.

These words did not slip from their author in a moment of frenzy: first, he wrote them, then some unspecified number of times (but at least once) he had to reread them in the proofs; finally, his words were translated into various languages, as is everything this author writes.

That Wiesel personally survived, was, of course, the result of a miracle. He says that: [8]
In Buchenwald they sent 10,000 persons to their deaths each day. I was always in the last hundred near the gate. They stopped. Why?

In 1954 French scholar Germaine Tillion analyzed the "gratuitous lie" with regard to the German concentration camps. She wrote: [9]
Those persons [who gratuitously lie] are, to tell the truth, much more numerous than people generally suppose, and a subject like that of the concentration camp world -- well designed, alas, to stimulate sado-masochistic imaginings -- offered them an exceptional field of action. We have known numerous mentally damaged persons, half swindlers and half fools, who exploited an imaginary deportation; we have known others of them -- authentic deportees -- whose sick minds strove to go even beyond the monstrosities that they had seen or that people said had happened to them. There have been publishers to print some of their imaginings, and more or less official compilations to use them, but publishers and compilers are absolutely inexcusable, since the most elementary inquiry would have been enough to reveal the imposture.

Tillion lacked the courage to give examples and names. But that is usually the case. People agree that there are false gas chambers that tourists and pilgrims are encouraged to visit, but they do not tell us where. They agree that there are false "eyewitnesses," but in general they name only Martin Gray, the well-known swindler, at whose request Max Gallo, with full knowledge of what he was doing, fabricated the bestseller For Those I Loved.

Jean-François Steiner is sometimes named as well. His bestselling novel Treblinka (1966) was presented as a work of which the accuracy of every detail was guaranteed by oral or written testimony. In reality it was a fabrication attributable, at least in part, to the novelist Gilles Perrault. [10] Marek Halter, for his part, published his La Mémoire d'Abraham in 1983; as he often does on radio, he talked there about his experiences in the Warsaw ghetto. However, if we are to believe an article by Nicolas Beau that is quite favorable to Halter, [11] little Marek, about three years old, and his mother left Warsaw not in 1941 but in October of 1939, before the establishment of the ghetto there by the Germans. Halter's book is supposed to have been actually written by a ghost writer, Jean-Noël Gurgan.

Filip Müller is the author of Eyewitness Auschwitz: Three Years in the Gas Chambers, [12] which won the 1980 prize of the International League against Racism and Anti-Semitism (LICRA). This nauseous best-seller is actually the work of a German ghost writer, Helmut Freitag, who did not hesitate to engage in plagiarism. [13] The source of the plagiarism is Auschwitz: A Doctor's Eyewitness Account, another best-seller made up out of whole cloth and attributed to Miklos Nyiszli. [14]

Thus a whole series of works presented as authentic documents turns out to be merely compilations attributable to various ghost writers: Max Gallo, Gilles Perrault, Jean-Noël Gurgan (?), and Helmut Freitag, among others.

We would like to know what Germaine Tillion thinks about Elie Wiesel today. With him the lie is certainly not gratuitous. Wiesel claims to be full of love for humanity. However, he does not refrain from an appeal to hatred. In his opinion: [15]

Every Jew, somewhere in his being, should set apart a zone of hate -- healthy, virile hate -- for what the German personifies and for what persists in the German. To do otherwise would be a betrayal of the dead.

At the beginning of 1986, 83 deputies of the German Bundestag took the initiative of proposing Wiesel for the Nobel Peace Prize. This would be, they said, "a great encouragement to all who are active in the process of reconciliation." [16] That is what might be called "going from National Socialism to national masochism."

Jimmy Carter needed a historian to preside over the President's Commission on the Holocaust. As Dr. Arthur Butz said so well, he chose not a historian but a "histrion": Elie Wiesel. Even the newspaper Le Monde, in the article mentioned above, was obliged to refer to the histrionic trait that certain persons deplore in Wiesel:

Naturally, even among those who approve of the struggle of this American Jewish writer, who was discovered by the Catholic François Mauriac, some reproach him for having too much of a tendency to change the Jewish sadness into "morbidity" or to become the high priest of a "planned management of the Holocaust."

As Jewish writer Leon A. Jick has written: "The devastating barb, 'There is no business like SHOAH-business' is, sad to say, a recognizable truth." [17]

Elie Wiesel issues alarmed and inflammatory appeals against Revisionist authors. He senses that things are getting out of hand. It is going to become more and more difficult for him to maintain the mad belief that the Jews were exterminated or were subjected to a policy of extermination, especially in so-called gas chambers. Serge Klarsfeld has admitted that real proofs of the existence of the gas chambers have still not yet been published. He promises proofs. [18]

On the scholarly plane, the gas chamber myth is finished. To tell the truth, that myth breathed its last breath several years ago at the Sorbonne colloquium in Paris (June 29-July 2, 1982), at which Raymond Aron and François Furet presided. What remains is to make this news known to the general public. However, for Elie Wiesel it is of the highest importance to conceal that news. Thus all the fuss in the media, which is going to increase: the more the journalists talk, the more the historians keep quiet.

But there are historians who dare to raise their voices against the lies and the hatred. That is the case with Michel de Boüard, wartime member of the Resistance, deportee to Mauthausen, member of the Committee for the History of the Second World War from 1945 to 1981, and a member of the Institut de France. In a poignant interview in 1986, he courageously acknowledged that in 1954 he had vouched for the existence of a gas chamber at Mauthausen where, it finally turns out, there never was one. [19]

The respect owed to the sufferings of all the victims of the Second World War, and, in particular, to the sufferings of the deportees, demands on the part of historians a return to the proven and time-honored methods of historical criticism.


Elie Wiesel passes for one of the most celebrated eyewitnesses to the alleged Holocaust. Yet in his supposedly autobiographical book Night, he makes no mention of gas chambers. He claims instead to have witnessed Jews being burned alive, a story now dismissed by all historians. Wiesel gives credence to the most absurd stories of other "eyewitnesses." He spreads fantastic tales of 10,000 persons sent to their deaths each day in Buchenwald.

When Elie Wiesel and his father, as Auschwitz prisoners, had the choice of either leaving with their retreating German "executioners," or remaining behind in the camp to await the Soviet "liberators," the two decided to leave with their German captors.

It is time, in the name of truth and out of respect for the genuine sufferings of the victims of the Second World War, that historians return to the proven methods of historical criticism, and that the testimony of the Holocaust "eyewitnesses" be subjected to rigorous scrutiny rather than unquestioning acceptance.


1. Le Monde, October 17, 1986. Front page.
2. There is one single allusion, extremely vague and fleeting, on pages 78-79: Wiesel, who very much likes to have conversations with God, says to Him: "But these men here, whom You have betrayed, whom You have allowed to be tortured, butchered, gassed, burned, what do they do? They pray before you!" (Night, New York, Discus/Avon Books, 1969, p. 79). In his preface to that same book, François Mauriac mentioned "the gas chamber and the crematory" (p. 8). The four crucial pages of "testimony" by Elie Wiesel are reproduced in facsimile in: Pierre Guillaume, Droit et Histoire (La Vieille Taupe, 1986), pp. 147-150. In the German-language edition of Night (Die Nacht zu begraben, Elischa [Ullstein, 1962]), on 14 occasions the word "crematory" or "crematories" has been falsely given as "Gaskammer" ("gas chamber[s]"). In January of 1945, in anticipation of a Russian takeover, the Germans were evacuating Auschwitz. Elie Wiesel, a young teenager at the time, was hospitalized in Birkenau (the "extermination camp") after surgery on an infected foot. His doctor had recommended two weeks of rest and good food but, before his foot healed, the Russian takeover became imminent. Hospital patients were considered unfit for the long trip to the camps in Germany and Elie thus could have remained at Birkenau to await the Russians. Although his father had permission to stay with him as a hospital patient or orderly, father and son talked it over and decided to move out with the Germans. (See Night, p. 93. See also D. Calder, The Sunday Sun [Toronto, Canada], May 31, 1987, p. C4.)
3. See the US War Refugee Board Report, German Extermination Camps: Auschwitz and Birkenau (Washington, DC), November 1944.
4. See Nuremberg document PS-3311 (USA-293). Published in the IMT "blue series," Vol. 32, pp. 153-158.
5. See the report in Pravda, Feb. 2, 1945, p. 4, and the UP report in the Washington (DC) Daily News, Feb. 2, 1945, p. 2.
6. Night (Avon/Discus). See esp. pp. 41, 42, 43, 44, 79, 93.
7. Paroles d'étranger (Editions du Seuil, 1982), p. 86.
8. "Author, Teacher, Witness," Time magazine, March 18, 1985, p. 79.
9. "Le Système concentrationnaire allemand [1940-1944]," Revue d'histoire de la Deuxième Guerre mondiale, July 1954, p. 18, n. 2.
10. Le Journal du Dimanche, March 30, 1985, p. 5.
11. Libération, Jan. 24, 1986, p. 19.
12. Published by Stein and Day (New York). Paperback edition of 1984. (xii + 180 pages.) With a foreword by Yehuda Bauer of the Institute of Contemporary Jewry, Hebrew University, Jerusalem.
13. Carlo Mattogno, Auschwitz: un caso di plagio, Parma (Italy): 1986. See also: C. Mattogno, "Auschwitz: A Case of Plagiarism," The Journal of Historical Review, Spring 1990, pp. 5-24.
14. Paperback edition, 1961, and later, published by Fawcett Crest (New York).
15. Legends of Our Time (chapter 12: "Appointment with Hate"), New York: Schocken Books, 1982, p. 142, or, New York: Avon, 1968, pp. 177-178.
16. The Week in Germany (published in New York by the German government in Bonn), Jan. 31, 1986, p. 2.
17. "The Holocaust: Its Use and Abuse Within the American Public," Yad Vashem Studies (Jerusalem), 1981, p. 316.
18. VSD, May 29, 1986, p. 37.
19. Ouest-France, August 2-3, 1986, p. 6.


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