Theater in the camps

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Music programs hand-drawn in 1943 by camp inmates, with paintings of a concert hall and an interior stage, together with advertising for the Strauss opera "Die Fledermaus" and "Mozart music". The list of instruments includes a piano.

Most large German camps had concert halls where inmates organized regular Saturday night theater productions, operas, and dances attended by thousands of fellow-inmates. These concerts were the envy of villagers outside camp who did not have the instruments or halls for such gatherings. At times villagers were invited and enjoyed the productions alongside camp inmates.

(Programs on display at Mauthausen camp)


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Inmates arranged weekly music, singing, and theatre productions which were attended on Saturdays and Sundays by inmates of all camps in the Auschwitz area. Inmates entered from the visible door while workers and families of other camps and also villagers entered from the main door on the other side of the building. Up to 8 repeat performances a day were necessary to accommodate everyone. The only larger hall was in the Catholic church at Oswiecim town 2 kms (1.2 mi) north. (photo: 1987)


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No photos are known to exist of Auschwitz theatre productions but there are photos of other camp groups. The translation of this is: "After the group disbanded in 1941, all of the Jewish Cultural Group artists worked at different camps in acting groups or choirs. This is a 1943 production in Westerbork Camp; here the actress Camilla Spira appeared in many shows.