11. Did the Jews of the world "declare war on Germany"?
"World media"? "Newspapers around the world"? One
British newspaper is cited, talking about a planned economic boycott.
of the article is available. The next paragraphs after the headline were:
A strange and unfortunate sequel has emerged from the stories of
German Jew-baiting.
The whole of Israel throughout the world is uniting to declare
an economic and financial war on Germany.
Hirtherto the cry has gone up: "Germany is persecuting the
Jews." If the present plans are carried out, the Hitlerite cry
will be: "The Jews are persecuting Germany."
The fact that this "Hitlerite cry" has been echoed four
decades later by Holocaust-deniers should surprise no one. (See
question 62
for information about various deniers' views on Hitler.)
In sum, this question and answer is a cheap trick to make it seem as
if "the Jews of the world" started the "war"
against Germany, instead of the other way around. The word
"war" means many things. In this case it meant planning to
apply economic pressure.
But the IHR and Zündel want you to think it was a real
declaration of war. How many divisions of troops did "Judea"
have? How many tanks? How many planes? How many artillery shells?
The fact is that Germany started the real war, World War II, and
started it by overrunning Poland with planes, bombs, tanks, and
millions of infantrymen. To compare this to a planned
economic boycott is ludicrous, but typical of "revisionist"
Besides, this is an internal contradiction. Their answer to
question 54
states that "the Germans maintained cordial relations with the
Zionist leadership." War is not a cordial relation. They
should get their story straight.