3. Did Simon Wiesenthal once state in writing that "there
were no extermination camps on German soil"?
Wiesenthal's 1975
letter to the editor
Because there were no extermination camps on German soil the
Neo-Nazis are using this as proof that these crimes did not happen
How ironic that he was not only correct, but that those very words
were later misused in the manner he described.
Both answers are correct in themselves: Wiesenthal did indeed
indicate in 1975 and in 1993 that there were no extermination camps
in what is now Germany. Innocuous as the change seems, it does lead
the reader to assume that the most recent statement is some kind of
admission that the Holocaust was much more limited than has been
maintained and that the truth is finally coming out. Statements like
Wiesenthal's are in fact the basis upon which deniers claim that their
pressure is forcing the truth out of reluctant historians.
The truth is that historians, and others like Wiesenthal, have
attempted repeatedly over the years to dispel several myths about the
Holocaust: the mass production of soap made from human fat is a good example.
Another misconception which they have tried to dispel is that the
bulk of the extermination of the Jews took place within Germany itself
-- or, more properly, within the "Altreich," the prewar
boundaries of Germany. While there were indeed gas chambers and
homicidal gassings in the Altreich, they were on a much smaller scale
than the gassings in the camps in Nazi-occupied Poland, such as
About three million people, almost exclusively Jews, were gassed to
death in those camps. Camp gassings in the Altreich probably claimed
the lives of only a few thousand people, almost certainly under ten
thousand. Aside from "small-scale" gassing in places like
and Brandenburg,
the site of the first gas chamber,
it was largely confined to the
"euthanasia" program,
which did claim the lives of over a hundred thousand people, mostly
The Nazis had at least two good reasons for building the death camps
outside of Germany. First, they were easier to conceal from the German
people. Given the chaotic wartime conditions in the territory
surrounding the Altreich, they were easier to conceal in general. As
Richard Brietman pointed out while writing about the so-called
"euthanasia" killings:
"It was one thing ... to kill hundreds of
thousands of East European Jews on site in the East -- in inaccessible
places, with police cordons preventing spectators from attending. It
was quite another thing to murder Jews in Germany or Western European
...The false causes of death reported raised some suspicions, the
residents in the vicinity of the gassing centers began to realize what
was going on nearby, and other leaks occurred as well. Adverse public
reaction and even signs of open protest induced Hitler to shut down
the gassing centers ... the euthanasia killings continued in a more
decentralized -- and even less noticeable -- fashion. Still, the
experience did not generate confidence about the secrecy of killing on
a large scale within Germany."
Breitman, Richard. Official Secrets: What the Nazis Planned, What the British and Americans Knew, New York: Hill & Wang, 1998. pp 69-70)
Second, the vast majority of murdered Jews came from conquered
territory to the east and south -- why go to extra trouble to ship them
back into Germany? (See the statistics at the end of
question 1.)
What is not given any recognition by the deniers is that the latest
"admission" by Wiesenthal is exactly what respectable
historians have been saying for the past 45 years, starting perhaps
with the Munich-based Institute for Contemporary History in 1950. This
selectivity amounts to nothing less than lying by omission and innuendo.