47. If six million people had been incinerated by the Nazis, what
happened to the ashes?
Slight dishonesty. Nobody claims that six million bodies were
Behind the Eastern front,
people were simply shot and buried in mass graves.
Many millions of bodies, however, were incinerated (including some
that were buried in mass graves and had to be exhumed). It is quite
easy to get rid of ash. It was dumped in fields and in rivers. Ash is
not toxic; it can be dumped anywhere. In fact, it makes good
fertilizer, and it is well-documented that farmers around Auschwitz
used human ash in their fields.
Just compute how many shoeboxes fit into a large truck. Tens of
thousands. What's the problem with dumping truckload after truckload
into rivers or fields? Auschwitz is built at a junction of rivers,
with a large marsh nearby. In fact, one aerial photograph taken during
the war shows large quantities of what may be human ash in a marsh just
outside the extermination camp facility.
For comparison, consider that nobody denies that Stalin and Mao
killed tens of millions of people by various means. No
"revisionists" are asking where the piles of those
bodies are. They focus only on the Nazi Holocaust. Why is this?