What about the claim that those who question the
"Holocaust" are anti-Semitic or neo-Nazi?
62. What about the claim that those who question the
"Holocaust" are anti-Semitic or neo-Nazi?
The IHR says:
This is a smear designed to draw attention away from facts and honest
arguments. Scholars who refute "Holocaust" claims are of all
persuasions -- Democrats, Republicans, libertarians, socialists,
Christians, Jews, etc. There is no correlation between
"Holocaust" refutation and anti-Semitism or neo-Nazism. As a
matter of fact, there are increasing numbers of Jewish scholars who
openly admit that evidence for the "Holocaust" is severely
Nizkor replies:
There is a tremendous correlation between Holocaust-denial
and antisemitism/Naziism. To claim the opposite is such a colossal lie
that one hardly knows where to begin.
There are hundreds of examples that could be given, but we'll only
list a few:
or more strictly its parent corporation, was started by
Willis Carto,
who heads another group called "Liberty Lobby." No less of a
federal judge than Robert Bork
Liberty Lobby to be the "core, factual meaning" of
Here is what Willis Carto has had to say about Hitler, Jews, and
blacks (see National Review, September 10, 1971, p. 979):
Hitler's defeat was the defeat of Europe. And of America. How could
we have been so blind? The blame, it seems, must be laid at the door of
the international Jews. It was their propaganda, lies, and demands that
blinded the west to what Germany was doing....
The Jews came first and remain Public Enemy No. 1.
The revolutionists have seen to it that only a few Americans are
concerned about the inevitable niggerfication of America.
The IHR is currently headed by
Greg Raven,
who in 1992
publicly that
was "a great man...certainly greater than Churchill and FDR put
together...about the best thing that could have happened to
Germany." Mr. Raven has prepared additional explanation of his
views on Hitler at
One of the world's most prominent revisionists,
Ernst Zündel,
is an unabashed self-described National Socialist (Nazi). With
George Dietz,
he is the co-author of The Hitler We Loved and Why, under
the pseudonym of Friedrich Christhof. His full name is Ernst Christhof
Friedrich Zündel, according to his friend
Michael Hoffman's
book The Great Holocaust Trial, 1985, p. 8. (Other material
authored by Friedrich Christhof includes a
organizing a "search for Hitler's Antarctic U.F.O. bases.")
Regarding The Hitler We Loved And Why, Hoffman claims
that Zündel only "provided photos for the book...it was
largely Mr. Dietz's opus," p. 72.
Also according to Hoffman, p. 74, we learn that he:
...told the court that he is the first to freely admit that the
National Socialists committed some ruthless actions in World War II.
But what was to Zundel the undeniable, fundamental goodness of the
Hitler party, was something he would not deny.
The same
Michael Hoffman,
described as a media critic for
newspaper, wrote a
Michael Shermer,
publisher of Skeptic magazine, asking him:
Suppose I made a flick, "Finklestein's Piss," about
Israel and the Palestinians...
Mr. Hoffman went on to inform Dr. Shermer that he was "a
fucking idiot posing as an original intellectual," and included a
with his letter which depicted a Jew in crude caricature, and read:
REMEMBAH DE SIX MILLION! For the Next Six Million Years! ...
Prevent Thought Crime: Worship and Obey the Chosen Pimples
Famous Holocaust "revisionists"
at neo-Nazi meetings and rallies in Europe, where they spoke before
sieg-heiling thugs.
Holocaust-denial author
Friedrich Berg,
in between endorsements for
made the following
on Usenet:
Mr Kaufman is obviously Jewish and a living example of why the Nazis
tried to remove Jews from Europe and short of that, into concentration
camps for the duration of the war.
He made other, similar antisemitic and Nazi-apologetic comments as
well, which are not worth repeating here. According to the index
available at
the IHR's web site,
he has contributed at least three articles to the Journal of Historical
Review (and his wife worked for the IHR as a translator until recently).
At least
of the articles is online at the IHR web site.
Ditlieb Felderer's
pornographic antisemitism is among the most filthy, disgusting and
hateful ever penned (see
question 56).
He contributed five articles to the first four Journals that the
Institute for Historical Review ever published, including
in their premier issue.
Simon Wiesenthal Center
set up a phony far-right-wing "magazine" in 1993, as part of a
sting operation to track the spread of Naziism and neo-Naziism in
Germany. The phone number was given out only to a few secretive
hard-line Nazis, so that their contacts could be traced. A short while
later, the Editor of the
Mark Weber,
called that number and asked for a subscription. Thus, a close link
between hard-core German fascists and American Holocaust-deniers, the
IHR in particular, was established. More details on this story are
and in the book In Hitler's Shadow, Svoray et al., 1994, which
was co-written by the undercover agent who made the contacts.
Jack Wikoff
organizes marches for White Power in upstate New York. He refers to
Martin Luther King's birthday as "Marchin' Lootin' Coon
Holiday," and distributes posters with crude caricatures of blacks
and Jews that ask "Where's your Outrage, White America?" He
has written at least seven book reviews and one article for the IHR's
Journal, and according to the IHR's
Holocaust calendar, has lectured on Holocaust revisionism to college students.
One of the main themes of organizations such as the
Association for the Advancement of White People (NAAWP),
which advocates "relocation" of Blacks, Jews, Asians and other
minorities, is denial of the Holocaust.
A young racist skinhead by the name of
Reuben Logsdon
has set up a web site,
with pages such as the one where the Imperial Klaliff of the Ku Klux
Klan provides answers
to questions about the KKK. He also provides a number of web pages
which deny the Holocaust. Yet, he has
publicly admitted
that he does not, in fact, doubt the Holocaust -- he has only posted
Holocaust-denial material in order to attract racists. No
correlation between the two? Try telling that to Mr. Logsdon!
A young man by the name of
Marc Lemire
advertises his bulletin-board system by pointing out the audio files he
will have available on-line: speeches by "revisionists" like
Ernst Zündel,
David Irving,
Fred Leuchter;
speeches from
Adolf Hitler,
White Aryan Resistance
Tom Metzger,
George Lincoln Rockwell;
and "National Socialist music and speeches."
Another young man, this one named
Milton Kleim,
is not only a Holocaust-denier but a self-described National Socialist
(i.e. Nazi). He is the author of what he calls the "National Socialist
FAQ," and he claims that he would continue to admire Hitler even
if he had killed sixty million Jews.
How many more examples are necessary?
We will not claim that all Holocaust-deniers are antisemitic
and/or racist, but to claim that there isn't an obvious and significant
correlation is ludicrous.
More importantly -- and this cannot be stressed enough -- we do not
claim that because these people are racist and antisemitic,
therefore they are wrong. They are wrong about the Holocaust
regardless of their opinions on race and ethnicity.
"Increasing numbers of Jewish scholars" who supposedly
support Holocaust-denial is probably a reference to Professor
Noam Chomsky
of MIT. They tend to claim that Chomsky supports their absurd theories,
but that is a lie. Chomsky has defended the right of the French
to free speech, but he completely rejects Holocaust revisionism itself.
Here is what he wrote on the matter:
My views are quite explicitly stated: the Holocaust was the most
extreme atrocity in human history, and we lose our humanity if we are
even willing to enter the arena of debate with those who seek to deny or
underplay Nazi crimes.
And when asked his opinion on the writings of Faurisson and other
Holocaust "revisionists," he answered:
I have seen no reason to doubt the conclusions of authentic Holocaust
historians (Hilberg, Bauer, etc.) on the facts of the matter.
Hilberg and Bauer are well-known Holocaust historians. Each has
written numerous books and articles. Needless to say, neither of them
doubts the murder of millions in gas chambers.
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