66. Where can I get more information about the "other side"
of the "Holocaust" story as well as facts concerning other
areas of WWII Historical Revisionism?
The Institute for Historical Review, P.O. Box 2739, Newport Beach, CA
92659, carries a wide variety of books, cassette and video tapes on
significant historical subjects. (updated 1/95)
If you think there are "two sides" to the issue, there is only
one web site where you will find both of them explored:
You have just finished reading a Nizkor feature: a large work of
antisemitic, untruthful propaganda, with our point-by-point comments.
We have included links back to
the IHR's web site
Ernst Zündel's web site,
in every case where they are appropriate. With those links, you may
examine the IHR's claims with complete context, and browse their
material instead of ours, if you wish.
We also link to the other major Holocaust-denial site on the web,
Bradley Smith's.
In fact, in this treatment of the "66 Q&A" alone,
Nizkor has provided 14 links to the IHR web site noted above:
five to its home page, and nine to other relevant pages within the site.
Elsewhere on the Nizkor web site, there are 26 links to that site (as of
December 11, 1995).
Greg Raven's entire web site provides exactly zero links back to
Nizkor, and
Greg Raven
that it would be "illogical" to expect that he would provide
such links.
In addition to links to every Holocaust-related Internet resource
that we can find, truthful or otherwise, we also archive Usenet postings
by every major revisionist. Would you like to see all of Greg Raven's
to Usenet in November 1994? How about his
views on Hitler?
Or maybe a discussion thread that he started by posting a
prepared piece
on what Holocaust-denial is?
Want to read information about the
Auschwitz cremation ovens
from "both sides"? It's in our archives. And we're working
hard to make all that material -- all of it -- more easily
We do this because we feel that, given access to all the information
on the subject, any reasonable person will come to a reasonable
The IHR, it appears, hopes otherwise.