On the eve of April 25, 1995, Reinhold Elstner, a retired 75-year-old chemist-engineer and Wehrmacht veteran, walked up the steps to the Feldherrnhalle - Germany's "Hall of Heroes" - doused himself with a flammable liquid and set himself on fire.
Attempts by bystanders to rescue him were futile. Twelve hours later Reinhold Elstner was dead.
On the eve of April 25, 1995, Reinhold Elstner, a retired 75-year-old
chemist-engineer and Wehrmacht veteran, walked up the steps to the
Feldherrnhalle - Germany's "Hall of Heroes" - doused himself with a flammable
liquid and set himself on fire.
Attempts by bystanders to rescue him
were futile. Twelve hours later Reinhold Elstner was dead.
Why did
Reinhold Elstner take his life in this dramatic way? Because he could no longer
bear his people's incessant victimization and the world's swinish hypocricy
about the 50-year "liberation celebrations" then going on in Germany and all
around the world.
Reinhold Elstner knew - as many people do today - that
Germany was not "liberated" in 1945. It was bombed into the stone age, conquered
at bayonet point, raped, tortured, mutilated and brutally subdued both mentally
and physically.
Germany is still an Occupation Government today -
controlled and terrorized by alien interests, suppression, treason and
Test it with one nine-letter word. Say that you " . . . doubt
the Holocaust."
In Germany and, for that matter, most of Europe, you are allowed to say you
". . . doubt the Holy Ghost" - but you will go to prison for ". . . questioning
the Holocaust."
Who benefits from government-imposed religion?
In a farewell letter he left to the world, Reinhold Elstner wrote the
"Fifty years of unrelenting smear campaigns and demonization of an entire people are enough.
Fifty years of incessant insults hurled at German war veterans are enough.
At the age of 75, not much is left for me to do, but perhaps through my act of self-immolation, I can give a clarion call and set one visible example of reflection.
If even one single German wakes up and finds his way back to the truth, my self-sacrifice will not have been in vain."
In German:
"50 Jahre unendlicher Verleumdung und Verteufelung eines ganzen Volkes sind genug.
"50 Jahre ungeheuerlicher Beleidigung deutscher Soldaten sind genug.
"Mit meinen 75 Jahren kann ich nicht mehr viel tun, aber doch soviel, dass ich mit meinem Flammentode als Fanal ein sichtbares Zeichen der Besinnung setzen will.
"Und wenn auch nur ein Deutscher zur Besinnung kommt und den Weg zur Wahrheit findet, dann war mein Opfer nicht vergebens".
Reinhold Elstner's death won't be in vain. Toward that
end, people everywhere who are of German background - many who have never lived
in Germany and were not even born there, but who still have some will and
freedom left to fight against injustice, lies and slander - will do their best
to let all fair and forthright people know to the farthest corner of the planet
why this man lived and loved, why he fought during World War II - and why he
chose to die.
As corny as it sounds today against that vast and vulgar
flood of lies in music, books, film, television and endless polemical speeches
portraying Germans everywhere as sadists, murderers and scum, it is simply not
historically correct to claim that this is how a whole generation of Germans
behaved in the most desperately fought war of all times.
Reinhold Elstner's generation was an honorable, dedicated people who
believed in simple but time-tested values: hard work, honesty, chivalry,
loyalty, truthfulness and sacrifice. There was a time when these were the
accepted values of most Americans, Englishmen, Frenchmen and Germans alike. That
was the clean, sane world that once belonged to us to bequeath to our future
As we look at our planet now, we know this is no longer
true. This once-shared heritage of all white people everywhere that built the
finest civilization in the history of man is under vicious, incessant assault.
This is not accidental. There are dark forces in this world whose powers
many people sense on a vicarious level but are afraid to call by name. Most
people fear a label more than they fear robbery or even murder.
are smear words in our world more monstrous and more sinister than guns have
ever been.
They do not kill - they paralyze. They stop not only deed but
thought. They're weapons of vast special interests. We are talking systematic
psychological warfare.
Unless we clearly recognize the true dimensions
of this warfare - aimed at our ethnic nature and our heritage - our children
will not have a world in which to practice hard work, honesty, chivalry,
loyalty, truthfulness and sacrifice.
We choose to fight against the
travesties imposed by special interest groups. We choose to live by words and
values we still hold absolute, expressed by patriotic thinkers of the
"If a man is fortunate, he will, before he dies, gather up as much as he can of his civilized heritage and transmit it to his children."
(Will Durant.)
"To be persuasive, we must be believable. To be believable, we must be credible. To be credible, we must be truthful."
(Edward R. Murrow)
"The best test of truth is the power of the thought to get itself accepted in the competition of the market."
(Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr.)
The Zundelsite has a clear mission. We will stand up and let ourselves be
counted. We will no longer cringe - "Wir machen nicht länger den Buckel
Our aim will be to honor men like Reinhold Elstner. We will give
meaning to his sacrifice. He will become immortal.
We will assure through
our brand of dedication to hard work, truth, freedom, fairness and justice that
the ideas and ideals - ideas and ideals for which yet one more German soldier
chose to die - of our forefathers will not be cheapend and eroded by the
abnormal lies, distortions, defamations and profanities - in short, the
grotesque "history" the military conquerors of Germany decided we must swallow.
The truth will set us free!
We ask our readers everywhere to be our eyes
and ears in their respective cities, towns and countries.
We are hoping
to enroll you as an active intellectual - one of the Zundel Internet Freedom