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[DOC]Heddesheimer, Don - The First Holocaust - Jewish Holocaust Claims During & After WW1.doc112M
[PDF]Heddesheimer, Don - The First Holocaust - Jewish Holocaust Claims During & After WW1.pdf3.8M
[IMG]Jews Claim 6 million Holocaust in 1919 - Original newspaper article (A+++).png375K
[TXT]Heddesheimer, Don - The First Holocaust - Jewish Holocaust Claims During & After WW1.htm317K
[   ]national journal The 6-Million-Heresy that will dissolve Jewry (A+++).mht 86K
[   ]The 1919 Holocaust that Failed - The American Hebrew article of 31 Oct 1919 - Transcription.mht 22K
[TXT]'Holocaust' article from American Hebrew 31 Oct 1919.txt1.5K
[   ]Desktop.ini 78