By Paul Grubach copyright 2004
(slightly edited)
The Anti-Defamation League of B’nai B’rith (ADL) is
probably well known to most reasonably intelligent people. This
ADL preaches racial integration, racial equality and
multiculturalism, and one of their most popular slogans is: “Diversity is our
greatest strength.”2 This highly
influential pressure group sponsors activities that urge people “to reject
racial division,” and condemns discrimination against Jews in housing as an “an
insidious form of anti-Semitism."3
A major focus of their activity in the
Critics however have claimed that this ADL "moral
agenda" is, for the most part, an ideological facade, a method by which to
surreptitiously advance Jewish-Zionist interests under the guise of morality.5 According to this viewpoint, public
opposition to racial/ethnic discrimination is being used in the service of the
ADL's Jewish-Zionist ethnic/cultural nationalism. ADL preaches universalistic
equality and racial/ethnic mixing for non-Jews while maintaining an
exclusivist-separatist group identity for Jews. Judaism has been
characterized by genetic and cultural separation from others, and an explicit
double standard of morality—altruism and cooperation among Jews, but
competition with non-Jews.6
Thus, according to this viewpoint, the Jewish
Communities that reside outside of
So which is it? Is the ADL truly interested in
creating racially diverse, multicultural societies where all ethnic groups
coexist on an equal basis everywhere in the world? Or is this
universalistic/multicultural agenda in reality an ideological front under which
they promote a Jewish-Zionist agenda—Jewish dominance in
Fortunately, we are offered a situation where we can
test these two rival, competing hypotheses:
National Chair of the ADL Barbara B. Balser responded
to the article with her own “letter to the editor.” This missive
apparently expresses a formal, etched-in-stone policy of the ADL. They
reject the idea of a bi-national, ethnically integrated, secular state in
If the primary motive of the ADL was to
promote racial equality and multiculturalism and ending all forms of racial and
ethnic supremacy, then we should expect that they would promote this agenda in
Israel (where Jews are a majority) just as ardently as they promote it
everywhere else in the world (where Jews are a minority). But this is not the
case. For the most part, the ADL promotes racial integration and
multiculturalism everywhere outside of
It is hard to believe that they sincerely believe in
the ideals of racial equality and multiculturalism when they are the most
ardent supporters of
(Also see Grubach's letter to ADL-head
Foxman--"Is the ADL Hypocritical?"--and
Foxman's response.)
(Editor's note: Despite numerous illegal
activities in which the ADL has engaged over the years--including one more
recently that caused the ADL to lose a million-dollar lawsuit--the FBI has
treated such illegal activities with complete disregard, demonstrating that a
lawless behavior for some appears acceptable. See the recent
remarks of FBI head Robert Mueller at the ADL:
"The Anti-Defamation
League and the FBI share a strong bond of friendship...
"It is the same groups preaching hate and intolerance here in our country
that plant the seeds that grow into terrorism. We are focused on that. It is an
area where the ADL has always excelled in tracking, training, and gathering
"In partnership with the ADL, and with thanks to my predecessor Louis
Freeh, all new FBI special agents make a visit to the Holocaust Museum to see
for themselves what happens when law enforcement becomes a tool of
Such activities highlight the FBI's change-of-policy from a government-organization
that once represented law enforcement to what it has become today: an enforcement
branch working for plutocrats who can disobey the law with callous disregard
yet can still be expected to be praised.)
1. See the ADL’s website at http://www.adl.org/ Also, see Lee O’Brien,
American Jewish Organizations and
2. See the ADL’s
publication, ADL On the Frontline, Summer 1997, p.8.
3. ADL On the
Frontline, Sept./Oct. 1997, p.13; ADL On the Frontline, June 1998, p.7.
4. O’Brien, pp. 93-94.
5. For example, see
Paul Grubach’s “letters debate” with the ADL’s national director, Abraham
Foxman, in Washington Report on Middle East Affairs, April 2000,
pp.72-75. Online: http://www.washington-report.org/archives/April_2000/0004072.html
6. Kevin MacDonald, A
People that Shall Dwell Alone: Judaism as a Group Evolutionary Strategy (Westport,
Connecticut; Praeger, 1994); Kevin MacDonald, The Culture of Critique: An
Evolutionary Analysis of Jewish Involvement in Twentieth-Century Intellectual
and Political Movements (Westport, Connecticut, Praeger, 1998).
7. Edward Rothstein,
“Seeking an Alternative to a Jewish State,” New York Times (Late Edition
(East Coast)), Nov. 22, 2003, p. B.11.
8. Barbara B. Balser,
Letters to the Editor, The New York Times, November 25, 2003.
Online: http://www.adl.org/media_watch/newspapers/20031125-nytimes.htm
Uri Davis,
Israel: An Apartheid State (London, Zed Books Ltd., 1987); Ian Lustick, Arabs
in the Jewish State: Israel’s Control of a National Minority (Austin,
Texas, University of