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(well of great wisdom)
10/30/05 01:23 AM
The Censored Article That Jewish Groups Had Pulled From A College Website [ Post 294095970 ]

  Category: News & Opinion (General)  Topic: Philosophy & Religion
  Synopsis: Jews to Greeks: "Take your God and shove it.”
  Source: Google Cache
  Published: October 18, 2005  Author: Caelan MacTavish
  For Education and Discussion Only.  Not for Commercial Use.

CAMERA (A Jewish Supremacist group) is crowing over the removal of a student's opinion from a college website. The column is below, CAMERA's rooster-on-a-turdpile reaction is in the comments section.

Spread the original around. It's not bad, even I disagree with his idea about the UN. That place just needs levelled and bulldozed.



A city divided
Religious disputes over Jerusalem require diplomacy
By Caelan MacTavish
October 18, 2005

Wars have been fought over Jerusalem since its inception. It is a city that is holy to three major world religions. The Jews want Jerusalem because it is the city that King David ruled ancient Judea from. The Muslims want Jerusalem because it was there the prophet Mohammed ascended into heaven. The Christians want Jerusalem because they have always wanted the Holy Land. Maybe nobody should have it.

Currently, Jerusalem is deep inside the West Bank, and may be the single biggest impediment to a two-state solution to the Arab-Israeli conflict. After the Diaspora, or scattering, Jews left their ancient seat of government and went all across Europe. Then the Holocaust came, the Great Burning, and Jews started to leave the Europe that hated them for centuries because of their exclusive religion. Nobody can really convert to Judaism — you are born Jewish, or you are not.

The Jews did not like to integrate with other peoples. When the Greeks met the Egyptians, they said, "Oh, your Ammon is our Zeus. We worship the same gods. Let's feast together and exchange presents.” When the Greeks met the Jews, the Jews told them, "No, our God is not your God. Our God belongs to us alone. Take your God and shove it."

People didn't like Jews because of this; they feared whatever secrets their exclusive god might be hiding. Scholars think this attributed to the hereditary prejudice against Jews, and in response, Zionism attracted the scattered Jews back to the land their ancient kingdom once rested upon. Israel was formed.

Instead of keeping the barriers put in place by the United Nations after the Six-Day War, in 1967, Israel proceeded to grab as much land as possible over the last century. Crazy religious zealots believe that the entire realm of Palestine is theirs, since an ancient book says an invisible being in the clouds gave it to them. This argument doesn't hold up too well in real estate law. Try it sometime.

But the crazy religious zealots, affectionately termed "settlers" by sympathetic press, go and squat on occupied Palestinian orchards, cut down all the trees, and built a little town. The Palestinians get upset, and the Jews take all the water and resources. Leaving Palestinians in little more than cages is not an appropriate act for a race released from concentration camps. But, monkey see, monkey do.

The new apartheid wall is not helping things either. This wall cuts off some Palestinian towns entirely from anything else — jobs, commercial centers, roads, everything. Left with no options (Palestinians are not citizens, cannot vote, and have no rights) some people are blowing themselves up.

Why can't they work it out? Both sides claim Jerusalem as their own city.

Dividing a city didn't work with Berlin. Some proposals to separate Jerusalem between Israeli and Palestinian sectors have been floated, but they have fallen apart due to the inability to agree on who gets what. Temple Mount is a site claimed to be holy by three different religions. Which one should get exclusive rights to it?

This issue was always settled with war before the present time. That hill has seen bloodshed because everybody wants it.

Let's take Jerusalem away from both Israel and Palestine, and give it to the United Nations. They can move their headquarters from New York, since the United States doesn't really like the U.N. anyway. John Bolton, the U.S. ambassador to the U.N., has a stated purpose to see the U.N. destroyed.

If Jerusalem were made an international city, free from all of the battles and wars that have consumed the Middle East for millennia, and turned into a diplomatic center, then there would be a viable chance for a peaceful resolution.

Everyone agrees that the U.N. is in need of reform. What better way to usher in reform than to move everything, offices, files, people, and all to a new city on the other side of the world?

And what better city to be the host of a diplomatic organization so committed to the best interests of the world? We could even build the new U.N. building squarely on the Temple Mount. Diplomacy, and peaceful negotiation, would become a holy act. Who could argue with that?

bluegrass writes: "From the CAMERA site:

October 30, 2005
by Gilead Ini

Student Editor Apologizes for Anti-Semitic Column

Editors at Portland State University’s student newspaper, the Daily Vanguard, have righted an egregious wrong.

On Oct. 18, the newspaper published a column by staff member Caelan MacTavish. The opinion piece, entitled “Religious disputes over Jerusalem require diplomacy,” blamed the Jews themselves for anti-Semitism, disparaged the Jewish people, and included a number of absurd factual errors about Judaism and Israel.

Along with an abundance of other inflammatory rhetoric, the column suggested that “the Jews” themselves are to blame for historic anti-Semitism and even the Holocaust, claimed that nobody can convert to Judaism, and claimed that Israelis are imitating the Nazis.

That same day, CAMERA contacted the Editor-in-Chief of the newspaper to point out the problems and errors in MacTavish’s column and to express grave concern with the piece. We also urged the newspaper to publish an apology for running the column. Portland State students, faculty and others also protested the newspaper's decision to publish the hateful column.

To his credit, the editor listened to our concerns, and readily agreed to consider our points and discuss the matter with his colleagues. This week, the crude and bigoted column was pulled from the Daily Vanguard Web site and replaced with the following editor’s note:

Editor's note, Oct. 27, 2005: This article has been removed from the web site by the editors because after review, we find it does not meet the editorial standards of the Vanguard. A statement on the article by the editorial board has been published and is linked below, along with other opinion pieces about this article.

A staff editorial in the Oct. 28 Daily Vanguard forcefully addressed the issue, noting that “The column was riddled with factual inaccuracies and overbroad generalizations of the Jewish faith, people and history,” and adding that “The Vanguard deeply regrets that the column was not given as much editorial attention as it deserved, and realizes in retrospect that the column simply should not have been published....The column neither contributes to educated debate on the subject matter nor provides any insight into the issue that it ostensibly addresses.”

The newspaper also published a guest column by CAMERA about free speech, civil discourse, and journalistic ethics. Other published op-eds, one by the Jewish Student Union and another by Portland State faculty, condemned the MacTavish piece and faulted its errors, and letters by the University President and others also tackled the issue.

While the newspaper’s original decision to publish the column was deplorable, it is a positive and hopeful sign that the staff – a group of students that likely includes future journalists – was willing to engage in difficult self-examination and admit their mistake."

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(well of great wisdom)
10/30/05 01:26 AM
Re: The Censored Article That Jewish Groups Had Pulled From A College Website new  [ To: bluegrass  |  Post 294095974, reply to 294095970 ] (Score: 2)

Flag to: RidinShotgun, Polak, Fletch, D_Joyce, BlackVeil, laconas, NOLAJBS, BlondGermanNight, JRadcliffe, plummz, ratcat, hoplophile, ExiledInTaiwan, askel5, E_T, oakie69, INRI, Tet, PatrickHenry, mugwort, clayman, cyte

Addendum: The CAMERA link.

Leaving Palestinians in little more than cages is not an appropriate act for a race released from concentration camps. But, monkey see, monkey do.

I like this guy MacTavish. Someone should give him control of the New York Times.

"...the chief priests and elders persuaded the multitude..."

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(well of great wisdom)
10/30/05 01:27 AM
Re: The Censored Article That Jewish Groups Had Pulled From A College Website new  [ To: bluegrass  |  Post 294095978, reply to 294095970 ] (Score: 2)

Flag to: FerricWebCaesar, ATR, rottenjohnh, KingKangaroo, angle, wadosy, thomaspain, BinkyClowner, Sovereign, wolfrim, Prevail, M_Theory, RebelX, RRBum, Zoroaster, babbitt, FREE_ZUNDEL_NOW, NewsWatcher

Crazy religious zealots believe that the entire realm of Palestine is theirs, since an ancient book says an invisible being in the clouds gave it to them. This argument doesn’t hold up too well in real estate law. Try it sometime.

College kid speaks. There's hope.

"...the chief priests and elders persuaded the multitude..."

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(well of great wisdom)
10/30/05 02:55 AM
Re: The Censored Article That Jewish Groups Had Pulled From A College Website new  [ To: bluegrass  |  Post 294096091, reply to 294095974 ] (Score: 2)

He has a slippery grasp of the situation, even if his history and peoples identification needs work. Too bad there is no way to contact him, directly.

   "No damn man kills me and lives." -- General Nathan Bedford Forrest, CSA
"Never be haughty to the humble or humble to the haughty." -- President Jefferson Davis, CSA

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10/30/05 03:36 AM
Re: The Censored Article That Jewish Groups Had Pulled From A College Website new  [ To: bluegrass  |  Post 294096152, reply to 294095970 ] (Score: 1)

I guess no one told the poor kid that the jews control the country.

In general i like this kid, he may speak a little too freely for his own good but honestly I think we need more people like him around.

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(well of great wisdom)
10/30/05 07:26 AM
Re: The Censored Article That Jewish Groups Had Pulled From A College Website new  [ To: bluegrass  |  Post 294096520, reply to 294095970 ] (Score: 1, Troll)

Jews are monkies bump!

They are too! A site for truthseekers.

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10/30/05 07:30 AM
Re: The Censored Article That Jewish Groups Had Pulled From A College Website new  [ To: elsa747  |  Post 294096530, reply to 294096152 ] (Score: 2)

Just one more goyim woken up to the life reality of Zionist controlled Western culture. Eventually it will tilt and they will have alienated everyone and be booted out just like throughout history. They will later claim it was because of "anti-semitism".

   Here's to swimmin with bow-legged women!

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10/30/05 07:40 AM
Re: The Censored Article That Jewish Groups Had Pulled From A College Website  [ To: D_Joyce  |  Post 294096555, reply to 294096091 ] (Score: 2)

Someone needs to tell this poor kid that when you speak of Jews, you do so in hushed, reverent tones, because as we have all been taught every Jew is a pearl. To criticize a Jew or Jews is to criticize God itself.

   Here's to swimmin with bow-legged women!

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(well of great wisdom)
10/30/05 09:46 AM
Re: The Censored Article That Jewish Groups Had Pulled From A College Website  [ To: D_Joyce  |  Post 294096824, reply to 294096091 ] (Score: 2)

Too bad there is no way to contact him, directly.

You could email his editor at the paper:

[email protected]

"...the chief priests and elders persuaded the multitude..."

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(well of great wisdom)
10/30/05 09:51 AM
Re: The Censored Article That Jewish Groups Had Pulled From A College Website  [ To: captainquint  |  Post 294096844, reply to 294096555 ] (Score: 2)

Flag to: captainquint, JRadcliffe, elsa747

Some things never change...

And after this Joseph of Arimathaea, being a disciple of Jesus, but secretly for fear of the Jews, besought Pilate that he might take away the body of Jesus: and Pilate gave him leave. He came therefore, and took the body of Jesus.

-John 19:38

At evening on that day, the first day of the week, when, for fear of the Jews, the doors were shut where the disciples were, Jesus came among them and said to them, May peace be with you!

-John 20:19

"...the chief priests and elders persuaded the multitude..."

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(freedom fighter)
10/30/05 10:00 AM
Re: The Censored Article That Jewish Groups Had Pulled From A College Website  [ To: bluegrass  |  Post 294096866, reply to 294095970 ] (Score: 2)

Jeruselum never became a pilgrimage site till they were blocked from Mecca and Mohammed only went there in a dream,no ascention.

The temple mount should be turned back into a threshing floor as it is only gods kingdom upon the return of Christ anyway.

If not the prophocies of Enoch are about to appear factual.

Edited by Hayseed on 10/30/05 10:00 AM.

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(well of great wisdom)
10/30/05 10:49 AM
Re: The Censored Article That Jewish Groups Had Pulled From A College Website  [ To: bluegrass  |  Post 294096969, reply to 294096824 ] (Score: 2)

After this flap and the act of the spineless editor, do you really think he would gat a message of support!

   "No damn man kills me and lives." -- General Nathan Bedford Forrest, CSA
"Never be haughty to the humble or humble to the haughty." -- President Jefferson Davis, CSA

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(well of great wisdom)
10/30/05 11:04 AM
Re: The Censored Article That Jewish Groups Had Pulled From A College Website  [ To: D_Joyce  |  Post 294096998, reply to 294096969 ] (Score: 2)

It's worth a shot. You never know.

BTW, DailyKos has a longass thread about this column:

My beloved left and my beloved am yisrael

...On October 18th a young person named Caelan MacTavish wrote an article that frightens me.

There are and have been far worse opinion articles written about Muslims, Christians, atheists and various political 'dissidents' than this article displays yet I don't see scairdy cat Jews like the above writer complain about them.

"...the chief priests and elders persuaded the multitude..."

Edited by bluegrass on 10/30/05 11:06 AM.

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(freedom fighter)
10/30/05 11:10 AM
Re: The Censored Article That Jewish Groups Had Pulled From A College Website  [ To: bluegrass  |  Post 294097010, reply to 294095970 ] (Score: 2)

Flag to: bluegrass, Tet

Hey, I have an idea. Nuke Jerusalem, make millions selling the fused green glass as holy relics/souveniers.

   Happy Halloween!

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(freedom fighter)
10/30/05 11:17 AM
Re: The Censored Article That Jewish Groups Had Pulled From A College Website  [ To: bluegrass  |  Post 294097027, reply to 294095970 ] (Score: 2)

Flag to: bluegrass, D_Joyce, captainquint, GovernmentMule, Laconas, rebelX, UnterHund, GrouchoTwo, Gilgamesh, aurelius, JRadcliffe, clayman

... The column was riddled with factual inaccuracies and overbroad generalizations of the Jewish faith, people and history ...

In short, it revealed too much hidden information about Jews and their murderous schemes against non-Jews.

    "Outside of the killings, Washington has one of the
lowest crime rates in the country,"

--Mayor Marion Barry, Washington, DC.

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(well of great wisdom)
10/30/05 11:26 AM
Re: The Censored Article That Jewish Groups Had Pulled From A College Website  [ To: Judson  |  Post 294097045, reply to 294097027 ] (Score: 2)

It was shot full of factual errors but that was because the Jews have convinced the world all Hebrews are Jews and Israel is Jew. That's the lie.

   "No damn man kills me and lives." -- General Nathan Bedford Forrest, CSA
"Never be haughty to the humble or humble to the haughty." -- President Jefferson Davis, CSA

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10/30/05 11:27 AM
Re: The Censored Article That Jewish Groups Had Pulled From A College Website  [ To: Judson  |  Post 294097047, reply to 294097027 ] (Score: 2)

... The column was riddled with factual inaccuracies and overbroad generalizations of the Jewish faith, people and history ...

This could be said about all the pro Zionist, pro Israel and pro Jewish press as well.
As seen on FOX TV March 4, 2001

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(well of great wisdom)
10/30/05 11:46 AM
Re: The Censored Article That Jewish Groups Had Pulled From A College Website  [ To: bluegrass  |  Post 294097091, reply to 294095970 ] (Score: 2)

Flag to: Rude_Dude, Graves

While Graves and his ilk divert us with with tales of faraway dangers, greater threats to Liberty are afoot in America by the same diverters.

"...the chief priests and elders persuaded the multitude..."

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10/30/05 12:17 PM
Re: The Censored Article That Jewish Groups Had Pulled From A College Website new  [ To: bluegrass  |  Post 294097163, reply to 294097091 ] (Score: 1)

"Graves and his ilk..."

Exactly what are I and my ilk supposed to have diverted you from, pray tell? And most especially, how am I being personally accused of threatening your liberty?

Remember the St. Elias skete and the Esphigmenou monastery on Mt. Athos, "Orthodoxy or death!"

Edited by Graves on 10/30/05 12:18 PM.

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(well of great wisdom)
10/30/05 12:22 PM
Re: The Censored Article That Jewish Groups Had Pulled From A College Website  [ To: Graves  |  Post 294097183, reply to 294097163 ] (Score: 2)

Exactly what are I and my ilk supposed to have diverted you from, pray tell?

Tell me again about the Muslim boogeyman.

And most especially, how am I being personally accused of threatening your liberty?

Your ilk, whether you like it or not, aids those groups like CAMERA that would stifle dissent in America.

"...the chief priests and elders persuaded the multitude..."

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10/30/05 12:29 PM
Re: The Censored Article That Jewish Groups Had Pulled From A College Website new  [ To: bluegrass  |  Post 294097211, reply to 294097183 ] (Score: 1)

"Tell me again about the Muslim boogeyman."
The boogeymen hate your guts and they are coming to get you. Unless you repent, they will succeed.
[I like to Keep It Short and Simple, so as not to tax your brain too much.]

Now as to my ilk, they don't take orders from me. How then am I responsible for what my ilk does or does not do?

   Remember the St. Elias skete and the Esphigmenou monastery on Mt. Athos, "Orthodoxy or death!"

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(well of great wisdom)
10/30/05 12:39 PM
Re: The Censored Article That Jewish Groups Had Pulled From A College Website  [ To: Graves  |  Post 294097265, reply to 294097211 ] (Score: 2)

The boogeymen hate your guts and they are coming to get you.

I can still smell the mothballs from the recycled Cold War rhetoric. The biggest boogeymen I have to worry about right now is the Jewish and Christian nutjobs in my own government. When they're swinging from lampposts by their own guts, I have a feeling the Muslim boogeymen will be much less of an issue.

Historically, Arab navies and air forces haven't been a threat to their transatlantic opponents. Unless you buy the Official Fed 9/11 Cock-and-Bull StoryTM, that is.

How then am I responsible for what my ilk does or does not do?

At least you admit to having an ilk.

"...the chief priests and elders persuaded the multitude..."

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10/30/05 12:41 PM
Re: The Censored Article That Jewish Groups Had Pulled From A College Website new  [ To: Graves  |  Post 294097275, reply to 294097211 ] (Score: 1)

"The boogeymen hate your guts and they are coming to get you."

When was the last time anyone in this country was blown up or shot by terrorists. 9/11 doesn't count since it was probably an inside job.

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(well of great wisdom)
10/30/05 12:43 PM
Re: The Censored Article That Jewish Groups Had Pulled From A College Website  [ To: RobertParsons  |  Post 294097281, reply to 294097275 ] (Score: 2)

When was the last time anyone in this country was blown up or shot by terrorists.

Waco, Ruby Ridge...

"...the chief priests and elders persuaded the multitude..."

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10/30/05 12:51 PM
Re: The Censored Article That Jewish Groups Had Pulled From A College Website new  [ To: bluegrass  |  Post 294097319, reply to 294097265 ] (Score: 1)

"Historically, Arab navies and air forces haven't been a threat to their transatlantic opponents."

Remember the Barbary Pirates?

   Remember the St. Elias skete and the Esphigmenou monastery on Mt. Athos, "Orthodoxy or death!"

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