Clergy Abuse: Rabbis, Cantors & Other Trusted Officials

Thou shalt not go up and down as a talebearer among thy people; neither shalt thou stand idly by the blood of thy neighbor" (Leviticus 19:16).

Table of Contents

Please note : The Awareness Center looks at Clergy Abuse and Mass Molestation Cases as a Jewish Issue, not a denominational issue. We need to tackle these issues together as a people.

Opening up darkened spaces is a scary, saddening task, but it is a sacred one as well. For as we have been taught by our learned rabbis of the Sanhedrin, "anyone who saves one soul of Israel, it is said about him that he/she has saved a whole world" (Sanhedrin 37/a).  Let us be "or La-Goyim", a light to show the way for other nations, by mending our communities without fear or shame.

In order to escape accountability for his/her crimes, the perpetrator does everything in hispower to promote forgetting.  Secrecy and silence are the perpetrator's first line of defense.  If secrecy fails, the perpetrator attacks the credibility of his victim.  If he cannot silence him absolutely, he tries to make sure no one listens.

-- Judith Lewis Herman

Disclaimer: Inclusion in this website does not constitute a recommendation or endorsement. Individuals must decide for themselves if the resources meet their own personal needs.

Table of Contents:

  1. Jewish Resources

  2. Secular Resource

  3. Sex Offenders: Problems Our Parents Wouldn't Speak - Jewish Offenders Resources


Jewish Resources

Articles  back to table of contents
Critics: Jewish Court Stymies Reports


NEW YORK (AP) - The case of a rabbi accused of molesting more than 20 girls sparked a review of sex abuse policies in Orthodox Judaism's most prominent group, but critics say a rabbinical court unique to the Orthodox branch still hinders abuse claims from getting a full airing.
Court To Hear Sex Offender Registry Case

Case Could Affect Oklahoma Law


WASHINGTON -- The Supreme Court agreed Monday to consider a constitutional challenge to some registries of known sex offenders, the second case the court will hear involving lists meant to keep tabs on potentially dangerous sex criminals.
Orthodox Rabbi Issues Warning on Sexual Abuse - Says Community Needs To Learn From Catholic Church Scandal


Rabbi Ari Berman, the religious leader of the Jewish Center, a well-heeled Modern Orthodox congregation on the Upper West Side, issued the warning last weekend during a Saturday morning sermon. Berman said the Orthodox community needs to learn from the sex abuse scandal racking the Catholic Church. While asserting that sexual abuse cases are far more common in the Catholic community than in Orthodox circles, Berman criticized Orthodox institutions for dismissing many of the claims that do arise in their own backyard.
Haredi Group Balks At Clergy Law


New legislation adding clergy to those professionals who are legally required to report suspected child abuse is being welcomed by a wide range of rabbinic leaders and those who work with victims, but it is being opposed by an influential group in the fervently Orthodox community.
New cases refocus attention on misconduct in Jewish clergy


NEW YORK -- For those who look up to the American Jewish clergy, it has not been a good year.  Last week, one of the Reform movement's most prominent rabbis was suspended from the movement's rabbinical association for past sexual misconduct.
What People Need To Know (Sexual Abuse in the Orthodox Jewish Community)


Two incidents recently occurred in the Orthodox Jewish community with contrasting reactions on the part of our rabbinic leadership. The first involved two new "kosher" establishments with questionable certification. In response to the quandary of the kosher eating public, the rabbis embarked on a thorough investigation and advised the community via the pulpit of their negative findings. This type of forceful leadership and guidance won the respect of the community which felt cared for and grateful for being informed.

Would that this same type of leadership could have been demonstrated in the second incident involving a serious case of pedophilia. The rabbinic reaction was one of "don't ask and don't tell" in the face of mounting angry parents who worried about the safety of their children. Why is the safety of our children any less of a concern than matters of kashrut? Why wasn't the community alerted about this problem from the pulpits so that parents could take the necessary precautions as was done with kashrut?

Rabbi Sexual Misconduct: Crying Out for a Communal Response Rabbinic Sexual Abuse: The exercise by rabbis of their trusted position to exploit others by means of sexual activity or suggestion. That these unwelcomed sexual behaviors are used to degrade, humiliate, control, hurt, and otherwise misuse another. And, that coercion, secrecy, and betrayal often play into this abuse. (The Reconstructionist)

Confronting rabbinic sexual misconduct


Many Bulletin readers will find the current series on rabbinic sexual misconduct compelling if not disturbing. But you may think: "It could never happen in my congregation. My rabbi would never do that."
Sex Offenders: Problems Our Parents Wouldn't Speak - Abuse in The Jewish Community More information from the Awareness Center on Jewish Offenders.
Seminaries fail to offer full courses in sexual ethics


NEW YORK -- When it comes to training rabbis in sexual ethics, most American seminaries score an "incomplete."

None of the four major rabbinical seminaries -- the Reform movement's Hebrew Union College, the Reconstructionist Rabbinical College, the Conservative movement's Jewish Theological Seminary and the Orthodox Yeshiva University -- offers any full courses devoted specifically to issues of rabbinic sexual ethics and behavior.

Laws   back to table of contents
REPORTING LAWS: CLERGY AS MANDATED REPORTERS This Ready Reference is a product of the Child Abuse and Neglect State Statutes Series prepared by the National Clearinghouse on Child Abuse and Neglect Information. The Clearinghouse is a service of the Children's Bureau, Administration on Children, Youth and Families, Administration for Children and Families, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.

Clergy's Responsibility to Report -A mandatory reporter is a person who is required to report suspected cases of child abuse and neglect. Every State and the District of Columbia have statutes identifying mandatory reporters of child maltreatment and specifying under what circumstances they are to report.

Reporting Laws: Mandatory Reporters of Child Abuse and Neglect (USA) The Compendium of Laws presents citations and text of State laws on different topics related to child maltreatment reporting laws, central registries, permanency planning and domestic violence. While every attempt has been made to be as complete as possible, additional information on these topics may be in other sections of a State's code as well as in agency regulations, case law, and informal practices and procedures. Readers interested in interpretation of specific statutory provisions within an individual jurisdiction should consult with professionals within the State familiar with the statutes' implementation.

The Child Abuse and Neglect Prevention and Treatment Act, as amended, requires States to make provision for the reporting of known or suspected instances of child abuse and neglect (42 U.S.C. 5106a). The publications included in the Compendium of Laws: Reporting Laws focus on how States have made provision in their statutes for defining acts that are reportable as abuse, enumerating mandated reporters, and specifying procedures for the making and receiving of child maltreatment reports.



Approved May 3, 2002.

Chapter 107 of the Acts of 2002

Whereas , The deferred operation of this act would tend to defeat its purpose, which is forthwith to mandate the reporting of abuse by certain religious officials and to protect the victims of child abuse, therefore, it is hereby declared to be an emergency law, necessary for the immediate preservation of the public safety and convenience.

Reports required by this section shall be subject to the penalties provided in said section 51A.

Special Notice: The New Massachusetts Mandated Reporting Bill On May 3, Jane Swift, Acting Governor of Massachusetts, signed into law a bill that makes clergy, paid religious educators and other specified individuals mandated reporters of abuse and neglect of minors, which includes sexual abuse. This statute may impose very important reporting obligations on you, and a failure to report is a criminal offense for which a fine of up to one thousand dollars may be imposed. Hence, we are providing you with a brief summary of the law for your information, along with links to other more detailed resources. Consequently, we expect that you will want to review the law's provisions on an urgent basis and take any actions required of you promptly.
Child Punishment in Halacha


Is it permissible to hit children? Section 43 of the Criminal Code of Canada states, "Every school teacher, parent or person standing in the place of a parent is justified in using physical force by way of correction toward a pupil or child, as the case may be, who is under his care, if the force does not exceed what is reasonable under the circumstances." In, Campeau v. The King (1951) 103 C.C.C. 355, the Quebec Court of Appeal ruled that "the mere fact that the children disciplined suffered contusions and bruises is not in itself proof of exercise of undue force." This ruling presupposes that use of physical punishment is beneficial for the discipline. and education of children.

Secular Resources

Secular Organizations Dealing with Clergy Abuse  back to table of contents

Interfaith Sexual Trauma Institute. Index The Interfaith Sexual Trauma Institute is a joint creation of Saint John's Abbey and University with a national interdenominational leadership board of women and men, victims, offenders, practioners in the helping and legal professions, academics, writers, and church leaders.  email:  [email protected]
SNAP SNAP (Survivors Network of those Abused by Priests ) is a self-help organization of men and women who were sexually abused by spiritual elders (Catholic priests, brothers, nuns, ministers, teachers, etc). Members find healing and empowerment by joining with other survivors. SNAP was founded by Barbara Blaine of Chicago in 1989. We are an all-volunteer group with local chapters scattered throughout the United States and Canada. We also have a very active on-line e-mail support group with members from throughout the world. E-Mail: [email protected]
Survivor Connections Inc. We were formed because of publicity from Frank Fitzpatrick's involvement in ex-priest James R. Porter's case - and the many calls for assistance thereby received. But SC is for ALL survivors, not just those abused by clergy.  Contact: Frank Fitzpatrick
The Linkup's Homepage Victims' and survivors' advocacy group, is dedicated to the fight for justice, prevention and the healing of victims. We track cases around the world, publishing up to date summaries and special in-depth articles in our newsletter. Email Linkup: [email protected]


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--Margaret Mead
