Jews, SUGAR, & Black Slavery
Jews, SUGAR, & Black Slavery
The following excerpt is the first two paragraphs from an entry in the Encyclopedia Judaica, vol. 15, pp. 487-88 under the heading, SUGAR INDUSTRY AND TRADE:
In the Middle Ages sugar was a luxury article, and sugar for European consumption was produced in Syria, Palestine, Crete, Egypt, Sicily, and southern Spain. The Cairo Genizah records reveal that making and selling sugar from sugarcane was one of the most common occupations of Jews in the Middle Ages; Sukkari was a common family appellation from the beginning of the 11th until the end of the 13th centuries in Egypt and in North Africa. Sugar refineries were often in Jewish hands. Jews are mentioned as exporters of sugar from Crete in the 15th century. When sugar began to be used for everyday consumption (15th century), Marranos [secret Jews] played a leading role in introducing sugarcane cultivation to the Atlantic islands of Madeira, the Azores, the Cape Verde Islands, and Sao Tome and Principe in the Gulf of Guinea, and in the 16th century to the Caribbean Islands. They also brought the cultivation of sugarcane trom Madeira to America, and the first great proprietor of plantations and sugar mills, Duarte Coelho Pereira, allowed numerous Jewish experts on sugar processing to come to Brazil. Among them was one of the first important Jewish proprietors of sugar mills, Diogo Fernandes.
Jews also played a leading role in the development of the sugar-beet industry in Poland, Russia, the Ukraine, Hungary, and Bohemia. In Eastern Europe Jews were the traditional buyers of agricultural produce from the estates and often leased the local refinery and mill from the landowners. Requests by Polish Jews to erect sugar refineries were turned down by the authorities in 1816, 1827, 1834, and 1837. Finally, Hermann Epstein built his first refinery in 1838 and by 1852 his was the largest and most modern in Poland. He was joined by L. Kronenberg and other leading Polish Jewish industrialists and financiers. In the Ukraine Israel Brodsky first helped finance Count Bobrinski, pioneer of Russian sugar-beet, and later he and his sons established numerous refineries. Other Jews entered this field (such as M. Halperin and M. Sachs) until by 1872 one-quarter of the total sugar production in Russia was in Jewish hands. In 1914, 86 refineries in Russia (32% of the total) were owned by Jews; 42.7% of the administrators of the joint-stock sugar companies were Jewish, and two-thirds of the sugar trade was in Jewish hands. The percentage of Jewish workers, managers, technicians, and scientists employed in the field was correspondingly high. Between the two world wars, Jews in Poland were squeezed out of the sugar trade through the anti-Semitic economic policy. In Hungary a pioneering role in the development of the sugar-beet industry was played by Ignac Deutsch; his grandson Sandorde Hatvany Deutsch (1852- 1913; see Hatvany-Deutsch family) enlarged the firm and represented Hungary at international sugar conferences.
In Israel. In the early 1950s two sugar-beet refineries were established in Atula and Kiryat Gat, both for economic reasons and tor social considerations such as providing employment in development areas. Sugar-beet production grew from 21,000 tons in 1955 to a peak of 295,000 in 1965 (when 37,000 tons of sugar were produced). In 1969 only 22,500 tons of sugar were produced (18% of consumption) because low international prices led to decreased profits for growers and benefits for the economy. [emphasis ours]
Bibliography: S. D. Goitein, Mediterranean Society, I (1967), index; H. Landau, in: ShriJtenfar Ekonomik un Statistik, I (1928), 98-104 (Yid.), 16-17 (Ger.); E. o. von Lippmann, Geschichte des Zuckers (19292); D. D. Weinryb, Neueste Wirtschaftsgeschichte der Juden in Russland und Polen (1934), index s.v. Zucker; P. Friedman, in: Jewish Studies in Memory of G. A. Kohut (1935), 231-2, 241 (Ger.); H. J. Bloom, Economic Activities of the Jews of Amsterdam (1937), index; N. Deerr, History of Sugar, 2 vols. (1949-50); H. Kellenbenz, Sephardim an der unteren Elbe (1958); N. Shapira, in: Gesher, 4 (1958), no. 3, 101_12; Roth, Marranos,
Leinweber has made a useful point in this discussion on Jews and the slave trade. "AT [the slave trade's] HEART WAS SUGAR," he emphatically reminds us. The Encyclopedia Judaica supplements the Leinweber thesis by emphatically stating that AT THE HEART OF SUGAR, WERE JEWS.
[Note: There are no Black Muslims at the Encyclopedia Judaica]