By Rev. Ted Pike
In my last e-alert, I documented the Jewish origins of NBC’s
comedy “The Book of Daniel.” 1 This show was canceled due
to public outrage at its blasphemous portrayal of Jesus Christ and
mockery of a “Christian” family.
I wonder how tolerant Jews would be if a Christian TV network created
a similar travesty of a Jewish family. What if "Rabbi Daniel Webstein" starred
as a morally ambivalent, drug-dependent synagogue leader with an alcoholic
wife, homosexual son, and drug-dealing daughter? What if a morally
confused Moses appeared, mumbling irrelevant platitudes?
Cries of "anti-semitism!" and “hate crime!” would
arise from Jewry worldwide.
But the Jews of NBC Universal don’t hesitate to insult Christianity
in a way they would never allow their own religion to be treated. In “Book
of Daniel,” Jesus is even more maligned than the Christian family.
Far from the all-wise Savior and Creator worshipped by Christians,
NBC's "Jesus" is an airheaded fratboy.
Anti-Christianity in Judaism
Where does this animosity come from? Is there something in Judaism
itself that is anti-Christian?
The media moguls bashing Christianity today are widely viewed as "secular
Jews," devoid of any values except those of the almighty dollar.
Yet in the early eighties, the famous Lichter-Rothman poll (conducted
by Jews) revealed that 59 percent of top media executives were “raised
in the Jewish religion.” The arch Christianity-basher himself,
ADL head Abe Foxman, is a devout Jew. He was a member of an Orthodox
congregation in Teaneck, New Jersey, for a period roughly spanning
his first twenty-five years with ADL. Why did he leave? He was angry
with the congregation for not praying for the government of Israel!
Were Foxman and 59 percent of media executives infected with anti-Christianity
by Judaism itself? The answer is yes.
Talmud: Source of Anti-Christianity
The Babylonian Talmud, the codified teachings of the Pharisees who
had Christ crucified, is the greatest religious, ethical and legal
authority for religious Jews today. It far exceeds the authority of
the Old Testament. And what does the Talmud say about Jesus? It names
Him as one of the three great enemies of Judaism. (Balaam and Titus,
who destroyed Jerusalem, are the other two.) 3
The Pharisees who were Christ’s contemporaries said he was
possessed with a devil, a charlatan empowered by Beelzebub, a deceiver,
a blasphemer, and had an unclean spirit. 4 Such denigration only intensifies
in the Talmud.
The authoritative Jewish Encyclopedia says rabbinic Judaism considers
Christ a bastard: “For polemical purposes, it was necessary for
the Jews to insist on the illegitimacy of Jesus as against the Davidic
descent claimed by the Christian church.” 5 Of Mary, the Talmud
says, “She who was the descendant of princes and governors played
the harlot with carpenters.” 6 “His mother ... Mary ...
was known to be an adulteress.” 7 The Jewish Encyclopedia’s
article on Jesus references the Talmud and the rabbinic tale about
Jesus, the “Toledot Jesu” or “Life of Jesus,” as
accurate descriptions of how Judaism has regarded Christ through the
centuries. It says: “It is the tendency of all these sources
to belittle the person of Jesus by ascribing to him illegitimate birth,
magic, and a shameful death ... all of the Toledot editions contain
a story of a dispute which Jesus carried on with the scribes who, on
the grounds of that dispute, declared him to be a bastard.”
Pseudonyms Veil the Attacks on Christ
To evade Christian censorship in medieval times, the actual name
of Jesus was replaced in the Talmud by various pseudonyms. Modern Jewish
authorities hotly deny their existence. For example, they deny that “Yeshu” stands
for Jesus. Yet the Jewish Encyclopedia says that any attempts to deny
this pseudonym are “merely subterfuge.” 8
Of Yeshu, the Talmud says he was hung on the eve of the Passover “because
he has practiced sorcery and enticed Israel into apostasy ...” 9
The Jewish Encyclopedia also confirms that “Son of Stada” refers
to Jesus. 10 The uncensored editions of the Talmud include elders saying
the Son of Stada was a fool not worthy of any attention. 11
Another pseudonym for Jesus was “Balaam.” 12 The Talmud
says Balaam “met his death at the age of thirty-three ... and
it is stated that he had no portion in the world to come (Sanh. x.2:90a).” 13
The Talmud encourages the denigration (as did NBC in the “Book
of Daniel”) of anything having to do with the reputation of Christ. “...
in the case of the wicked Balaam, whatever you find [written] about
Him, lecture upon it [to His disadvantage].” 14
The Talmud portrays Jesus as a fool in the most humiliating circumstances.
The unedited editions say that Jesus was excommunicated for the thought
of seducing a woman and in his ensuing grief and confusion fell down
and started worshipping a brick. 15
According to the Talmud, such denigration was just the beginning
of his disgrace. The Jewish Encyclopedia continues: “Jesus is
accordingly in the following curious Talmudic legend thought to sojourn
in hell. A certain Onkelos b. Kalonikos, son of Titus’ sister,
desired to embrace Judaism and called up from hell by magic, first
Titus, then Balaam, and finally Jesus who are here taken as the worst
enemies of Judaism. He asked Jesus: ‘Who is esteemed in that
world?’ Jesus said, ‘Israel.’ ‘Shall one join
them?’ Jesus said to him, ‘Further their well-being; do
nothing to their detriment; whoever touches them touches the apple
of his eyes.’ Onkelos then asked the nature of his punishment
and was told it was the degrading fate of those who mocked the wise.” 16
Christ’s fate becomes horribly apparent in the actual text
of the Talmud. “He said: ‘What is your punishment?’ They
replied, ‘With boiling hot excrement, since the master has said, ‘Whoever
mocks at the word of the sages is punished with boiling hot excrement.’’” 17
According to the Talmud, then, Jesus is in hell for all eternity, wallowing
in boiling hot excrement!
How Relevant is the Talmud Today?
How relevant is the Talmud’s hatred of Jesus to Jews today?
It depends.
In Christian America, especially during the last century, Jews have
enjoyed favor and freedom from criticism, a freedom unknown in previous
centuries. As a result, they have largely assimilated into American
culture. Roughly 50 percent of Jewish young men now marry Gentile women,
in violation of Jewish tradition. So it’s not surprising that
interest in the Talmud is also at all-time low.
But in Israel, particularly among the orthodox and ultra-orthodox
inhabitants of occupied territories, the Talmud and its mystical/revolutionary
companion, the Zohar or Cabala, are believed and followed literally.
The results are increasing reports of discrimination and intolerance
against Christians, especially messianic Jews, in Israel. 18
And in contrast to the feelings of most assimilated American Jews,
there remains hostile anti-Christian bias among the Jewish media elite
in America. Does it stem directly from the Talmud? Consider: Laurence
Tisch, head of CBS during the nineties, made no secret of the weekly
Talmud studies he held in his executive suite. Top Jewish CBS execs
and producers gathered to discuss the Talmud with Tisch’s rabbi.
They then dispersed, many to help create the degenerate programming
that still plagues America.
Light at the End of the Tunnel
Will the Jews always be opposed to Jesus?
After rejecting their true Messiah 2,000 years ago and choosing the
leadership of his crucifiers, the Pharisees, Judaism fell into spiritual
darkness equal to the level of light they once enjoyed.
But someday, the Bible predicts, the whole Zionist experiment in
Palestine will collapse. Israel’s false messiah, the anti-Christ,
will lead a horde of vengeful Gentiles (including the whole Arab world)
against Israel. They will disperse the Jews throughout the nations.
Such will again fulfill God’s timeless law that Israel cannot
occupy a holy land without obedience and faith in Jesus Christ. In
this “great tribulation,” two-thirds of world Jewry will
be slaughtered. The Jewish people would be completely destroyed, except
for one thing: Jesus Christ suddenly will appear in the heavens in
spectacular glory. The Jewish remnant, seeing Him destroy their enemies,
will at last repent. They will look upon Him whom their fathers pierced
and, in great national mourning, trust in their long-rejected Messiah.
This is the glorious light at the end of the dark tunnel of Judaic
unbelief. This prophecy gives hope to the world and to all of us who
love the Jewish people. It also warns those who are tempted to demonize
or persecute them.
When the Jewish remnant repents, Christ will regather them and then,
in the only spiritually legitimate return to Palestine in the last
2,500 years, Christ will fulfill hundreds of Bible prophecies by leading
His remnant back to Palestine. There, they will live in peace and safety
under His global leadership for one thousand years of peace.
Present Reality
But that day of repentance has not yet come. The church, as Rabbi
Daniel Lapin commented last year, remains “under relentless attack” by
what he views as “secular Judaism.” Christians must realize
they have been massively deceived by those Christ called “the
synagogue of Satan.” 20 Instead of habitually blessing wolves
in sheep’s clothes, the church should rather heed the Scriptural
warning to “beware of the leaven (teaching) of the Pharisees
(Talmudists).” 21 Those who follow the Pharisees today are “enemies” of
the gospel. 22
NBC’s cancellation of the “Book of Daniel” was
an important victory. But more and yet more attacks will come from
ADL and the Jewish-controlled media unless Christians in America speak
out. We must boldly identify the racial and religious identities of
our attackers. Only by such specificity will false Jewish leadership
be deprived of their great advantage: the ability to deceive and corrupt
America from behind the scenes.
1 available
at www.truthtellers.org
2 Never Again? The Threat of the New Anti-Semitism,
by Abraham H. Foxman, Harper San Francisco
3 Gittin 56b-57a
4 John 8:48, Matthew 12:24, 27:63, John 10:36, Mark
5 “Jesus,” Jewish Encyclopedia, p. 170
6 Sanhedrin 106b, Babylonian Talmud, Soncino translation
7 “Jesus,” Jewish Encyclopedia, p. 170
8 ibid
9 Sanhedrin 43, Soncino translation
10 “It is certain. . . that the rabbinical sources also regard
Jesus as the “Son of Tandera” although it is noteworthy that he
is called also Ben-Stada.” From “Jesus,” Jewish Encyclopedia,
p. 170, citing Shabethai 104b and Sanhedrin 67a
11 Sanhedrin 67a
12 “The pseudonym Balaam [was] given to Jesus in Sanh. 106b
and Git. 57a.” From “Balaam,” Jewish Encyclopedia, p. 469
(see also “Jesus,” Jewish Encyclopedia, p. 172)
13 ibid
14 Sanhedrin 106b
15 This passage has been omitted from the Soncino Talmud in Sanhedrin
107b, but is confirmed by the Jewish Encyclopedia’s article on “Jesus,” p.
16 Git. 56b-57a, Soncino translation
17 Git. 56b
18 in an upcoming email, I will document many of these incidents
19 The Scriptural basis for this eschatology is contained in my
articles, “Bible Prophecy Made Simple,” “Who are God’s
Chosen People?” and “Power to Make Bible Symbolic is Power to Destroy
Bible” at www.truthtellers.org.
20 Revelation 2:9, 3:9
21 Mark 8:13
22 Romans 11:28
[Article adapted from Rev. Ted Pike’s book, Israel:
Our Duty, Our Dilemma]