Jewish Ritual Murder

von Hellmut Schramm, Ph. D.


a Historical Investigation

a translation by R. Belser of

Der jüdische Ritualmord
Eine historische Untersuchung

Appendix 7

(p. 434)

An Alliance for Solving the Konitz Murder

has formed in the city of Konitz. On 11 March 1900 the gymnasium student Ernst Winter, in the bloom of young manhood, was tortured to death by crazed murderers' hands in Konitz, and the horrible crime still awaits earthly punishment.

The public jury court proceedings held at Konitz in the days from 26 October until 10 November against the Masloff family on account of perjury has thrown a bright spotlight upon the dark affair, in that this trial went far beyond the parameters of a simple perjury trial and took on the shape of a sort of investigative procedure into the Winter murder case. It still seems possible that the mysterious murder will find solution and punishment.

This possibility is thanks to the selfless and tireless activity of some few men who, without sufficient financial means, but with the mustering of all their powers, have followed the tracks of the murder. But the enormous difficulties and obstacles which opposed every step toward the discovery of the murderer, could not be overcome by the zeal and energy of individuals.

(435) The whole of the German people, without distinction of party, has a pressing interest in seeing the strange darkness illuminated, which enshrouds this gruesome murder. The father of the murdered boy, the builder Winter in Prechlau, does not command the financial means to pursue on his own the existing tracks so far as to succeed in bringing about justice in capturing the murderer.

In the city of Konitz, within whose walls the murder was committed, an alliance has been formed from the ranks of respected citizens in the town and country, which has set itself the goal of contributing with all its powers to the solution of the murder and pursuing every lead regardless. This alliance addresses itself to all Germans of every party. Everyone should contribute according to his ability to the collection of a sufficient fund, which should be used, under the responsibility of the undersigned, for a proper pursuit of the leads of the murder.

We ask the newspapers of all political persuasions to promote our undertaking by repeated printing of this appeal, and we ask every German citizen to contribute his mite for this good cause.

Konitz, 24 November 1900.

Bönig, Catholic pastor
Hammer, Evangelical pastor
Gebauer, City Councilman and Member of the West Prussian Provincial Landtag
Heise, City Councilman
Klotz, City Councilman
Schultze, City Councilman
Schar, City Councilman
Stockebrand, City Councilman

Hilgendorff, Landstag Deputy and Reichstag Deputy
v. Parpatt, Member of the West Prussian Provincial Landtag
Osiander, Landtag Deputy
v. Gordon-Laskowitz, Member of the Prussian Herrenhaus [titled]
v. Nitykowski-Grellen, as above
Frh. v. Eckardstein, Rittergutsbesitzer [Baron]

Copyright 2001 by R. Belser. Reproduction in whole or in part without express written permission of the translator is not permitted. All rights reserved.